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Transformation : God's Fix for Mankind's Mess
Transformation : God's Fix for Mankind's Mess
Transformation : God's Fix for Mankind's Mess
Ebook49 pages38 minutes

Transformation : God's Fix for Mankind's Mess

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God has a plan for mankind. His plan overcomes the mess which began in the Garden of Eden and continues through today. His plan overcomes mankind's inheritance from Adam. Mankind inherited two things from Adam so consequently God's plan has two phases. Born again is the first step and transformation is the second. This book deals with our role in God's transformation of our souls.
Release dateMay 1, 2017
Transformation : God's Fix for Mankind's Mess

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    Transformation - James Altmaier

    Transformation : God's Fix for Mankind's Mess



    By James M Altmaier

    Additional copies can be purchased at the following website:

    You can contact the author at:

    [email protected]

    ISBN 978-1-365-81764-9

    Copyright: 2017James M Altmaier

    All quoted Scriptures are from the New American Standard Bible by Thomas Nelson, Inc.

    Other Books by author (available through

    God's Table has Four Legs

    Christian Guidebook for TMers


    Man's Mess 6

    God's Purpose16


    Self Identity29





    The creation began as a perfect world. God declared it very good. Certainly no one can call the world we live in today as very good. Yes, there are times and places that give us hope. But one glance at the news and world events and the behaviors of people both near and far, and you will be quickly convinced that things are not very good.

    All communities and nations are rampant with jealousies, envies, hatreds, hard-hearted and mean-spirited people. Wars abound everywhere, brought on by world leaders' unrequited passions for dominance, superiority, greed, authority, and control of all things. Yet in every community everywhere there are many who are good people living their lives in harmony and desire peace. In these people we have hope but there are  multitudes of such people who never worship God, their Creator. So where is hope without God being first in all things? Then we have the Church. It seems to be reflections of the overall mess of the world more than a reflection of the living God. Arguments, political infighting, quests for dominance, gossip, game playing, and divorce abounds, to name but a few of its problems.

    So what went wrong? Why has it not been corrected and put to rights? We all know that Adam and Eve sinned and that was what changed the creation for the worse. All of mankind has continued in their sinful behavior resulting in a mess. If we look closely at what happened in the Garden, we will gain a glimpse of hope and see better what God is doing, or wants to do in each of our lives today.

    When Adam and Eve ate the fruit by their choice in response to the temptation of Satan (the serpent), several things happened. If we don’t clearly understand what took place at that moment, then much of the Bible’s teaching will be obscured. Two fundamental things took place in the structure and nature of mankind with their sin. First mankind gained the knowledge of good and evil.  In and of itself, that doesn’t sound like such a bad thing. After all, shouldn’t we know the difference between good and evil? Doesn’t God want us to do good and not evil? And so in order to comply to His desires wouldn’t that knowledge be helpful? It seems irrefutable.  Eve and then Adam also thought it sounded like a good thing. But God didn’t want mankind to have that knowledge. So there must be more to understand about our usage of that knowledge.

    Secondly, Adam and Eve and every person born since has lost their individual spirit and became

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