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Love, Pain, Deceit, and Other Life's Mysteries: Poems and Songs
Love, Pain, Deceit, and Other Life's Mysteries: Poems and Songs
Love, Pain, Deceit, and Other Life's Mysteries: Poems and Songs
Ebook80 pages31 minutes

Love, Pain, Deceit, and Other Life's Mysteries: Poems and Songs

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This book is about taking a trip into a human condition of love, pain, and deceit. It also looks into other mysteries and unexplained phenomenon. Love can be fascinating and intriguing and it also can be painful at the same time. In addition, we as humans are capable to manipulate others by deceptive motives and disguising intentions. Daily we wear a mask of social expectations, yet our shadow always lurks in the background. But in dealing with our daily entrapments, we dissociate and are able to look into our soul, as well as endless bounds of our universe. As we strive for the higher enlightenment, we reach into the unknown.
This collection of poems and songs, is a bit unusual. Author chose this structure because most songs are be read as poetry and many poems can be sung as songs. Some of these poems and songs are mildly metaphorical, yet others are surrealistic and a reader may apply extreme imagination. The intention of the author is to evoke emotions and fascinate thought.
Release dateNov 5, 2020
Love, Pain, Deceit, and Other Life's Mysteries: Poems and Songs

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    Love, Pain, Deceit, and Other Life's Mysteries - Dr. Eric Y. Reznik



    Words, such powerful entities.

    We as humans, possess such dangerous weapons.

    When words are composed in unique design, nothing in this world could withstand their immortal supremacy.

    They can initiate wars, convey peace, build cathedrals, destroy worlds.

    Words convey emotions and fascinate the most intellectual discussions.

    Sometimes words are simple, but they mean so much. A single word can make you do anything; no wonder we call them magic.

    But sometimes a single word can kill you with the most brutal antagonism.

    In hands of those who are pure of heart, they can mend ailing hearts, cure disease.

    In hands of those with ulterior motives, they can destroy something that is so dear.

    It often fascinates me how some people are masters at generating and employing them at will, manipulating reality of those who fall victims to their intellectual wit.

    Different people interpret words in diverse perceptions. To one humble soul, the same word can infuriate latent ferocity; to another, it can calm the beast within.

    Given the right circumstances and sequences, they can penetrate minds and hearts, and mesmerize passion.

    Words create and words destroy, and we are revolving around them.


    Many Sides of You

    The many sides that I can see

    Inside of you that are right for me

    Sometimes you’re angry

    Sometimes you’re sad

    Sometimes you’re happy,

    But then you’re mad

    Sometimes demanding without a reason

    But then you’re calm when you are pleased

    Sometimes you’re stubborn

    But then you’re charming

    Sometimes you’re pushy

    Most times you’re loving

    Your laughter joyfully fills the air

    When you’re in thought, you just stare

    Sometimes you’re playful

    But secretly you’re wild

    Wanting to break free

    Your inner child

    When you dress up you look like a

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