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That Which Gets in the Way
That Which Gets in the Way
That Which Gets in the Way
Ebook128 pages39 minutes

That Which Gets in the Way

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About this ebook

That Which Gets in the Way is the second poetry collection from American writer A.M. Langston and his third literary release. These poems were born out of a period in which the author faced deep depression. It is a dark, no holds barred confessional that takes the reader along on a ride to rock bottom and back. There are four parts to this collection, each one a milestone in the emotional journey. Part one reflects a struggle between depression, motivation, and inspiration. Part two showcases the beginning of progress up out of the pits of Langston's soul. Parts three and four are full steam poetry and haikus.

Release dateOct 3, 2017
That Which Gets in the Way

A. M. Langston

A. M. Langston is a restless millennial searching for meaning inside the wires and waves that make up the technology surrounding us during our every waking minute. Born in Illinois in 1988 and raised across the United States, he has called New Mexico home since 2004. "Couch to Couch, Never Leaving the House", Langston's first poetry collection, was published on June 21st, 2017.

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    Book preview

    That Which Gets in the Way - A. M. Langston

    Part One


    who all walks with thee on foreign land,

    oh, holy one?

    none of us.

    our hands and heads ache

    we dare not leave our lives behind

    because we fear mortal men, unlike you.

    i trample not on road nor grass in europe.

    not with thee.


    words play no part in aiding

    but they, the tallest ones, bind them

    and mount them on tower walls

    under the rifle i used.


    once you get to a certain point down the tunnel

    there's a physical manifestation of your emotion

    the spirits knotted a rope around the back

    of my eyes

    and pull them through my spine

    the rope constantly gives and takes down

    the back of my neck

    for me

    the pain is missing expected landmarks

    how i'll never get to say goodbye

    as they do in fiction.

    there will be no madrid

    i think most of us don't get to say goodbye, though.


    there is no getting it out

    it does not come out

    you can open small windows

    across the globe

    but nothing gets to leave

    the room.


    i should have proposed

    deep in a glowing sea foam forest.

    someplace where sunlight shines

    through leaves

    but doesn't breach completely.

    there should have been running water nearby

    and flowers

    but i proposed in our loft near downtown


    a course was plotted and i deviated.

    it makes me weak to think of all

    the special things i've taken away from her

    because of my weak will.

    this is my doing

    but some part of her also yanks on the

    thick rope out the back of my skull.

    my tears are stolen by that rope

    trickle down it

    wet her hands

    they slip

    my soul drops off a cliff to its death

    in a vast brown garbage dump


    what would be empty spaces between

    rotting trash

    icebergs in the gray slush

    I am being pulled deeper into

    ice bergs I smack and gash

    the crown of my head on

    between those horrific chunks

    in what should be empty space

    where i could draw breath 

    is instead a greasy, drying tar

    so thick it fills my mouth

    the pull of my lungs

    gasping for air in death

    can't pull that tar deeper down my throat.

    i chew it

    because what else is there to do

    as the goo

    in which i float

    expands my cheeks

    pins my tongue

    of course I vomit

    of course I bleed

    of course I don't escape


    i know you dont mean to lie

    but you lie

    i lie too, though i mean not to

    as well

    it is difficult to think your thoughts

    as well as speak them clearly

    difficult to not lie

    yes, it hurts

    the both of us

    when only one of us fails to express our Truth.

    but we're just young cats

    biting each one another until someone yelps.

    we'll never see reality

    and never learn how to speak Truth.


    drenched in tears, i choose to shoot myself

    but i must respect life

    not be hasty

    i want one more pipe

    one more coffee

    more poems

    to hug my wife

    (its been a while since i've had a good hug from her)

    so i'll

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