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How I Become A Growth Hacker: Digital Marketing, #1
How I Become A Growth Hacker: Digital Marketing, #1
How I Become A Growth Hacker: Digital Marketing, #1
Ebook28 pages54 minutes

How I Become A Growth Hacker: Digital Marketing, #1

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

If you're a digital person who is in the IT field then this book is for you, firstly the Growth Hacker is not much different then a Digital Marketer but he/she is the person who is the pro in this.


This book will be helpful for a normal to become a digital marketer and the growth hacker, In this book, I covered many topics which is related to digital marketing and every person should know these. All the topics and tips covered in this book are 100% verified by me.


I wrote this book because I thought I've enough experience to share with you, this book is written by me with a year of experience in the digital marketing field.

PublisherLucky Gupta
Release dateFeb 5, 2020
How I Become A Growth Hacker: Digital Marketing, #1

Lucky Gupta

Lucky Gupta is an Indian Writer, He is 21 years old, he born on 28 Dec. Basically, he is working as a Growth Hacker, He has knowledge of digital marketing, social media, Also he is one of the Jodhpur’s top influencers.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    This is my first book in the digital marketing series.

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How I Become A Growth Hacker - Lucky Gupta


Writing the first book is harder than I thought and more rewarding than I could have ever imagined. The reason behind writing this book, I just want to share some important tips and tricks everyone is looking for on the internet.

All tips and ideas written in the book are verified by me. Using these ideas you can grow and create your presence on the internet.

I want to thank my family and friends who always stand with me, and my IT team for supporting me on every problem.

A Unique Username

A unique username is your identity on internet which help you to rank yourself on google, for choosing your username, first you need to make your username is available on all sites and social media platform, there are many sites which can help you with this, because this will help you to create a unique identity.

For example my username is ‘theluckygupta’ , and i used same username on social media like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, also i used same username on email like theluckygupta@*.com, by creating the same username on the internet, google creates a search page for you. when you claim the same username on all platforms it’s become your social

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