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Josephine: A Pathway to Freedom
Josephine: A Pathway to Freedom
Josephine: A Pathway to Freedom
Ebook70 pages25 minutes

Josephine: A Pathway to Freedom

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Last night, I dreamt of a soup tureen – one of those beautiful ones from Mason’s: English, ceramic, white with a dark-pink image printed on it.

It was suspended in the air, alone with all its beauty, with nothing to distract it from my gaze. Magnetic, it drew my full attention on itself.

Then my eye, now I recall, focused on the image on the tureen: a little girl who was holding her parents’ hands and throwing some crumbs to a huge white swan. Joséphine

Here is my story that I’m writing on the spot.
Release dateJul 29, 2019
Josephine: A Pathway to Freedom

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    Book preview

    Josephine - Virginia Elena Patrone


    Preface to the book

    The energies of the universe and the need to be free

    In the universe exist many types of energies, some of which take shape on the Earth and form what we call the world. Two of these energies are the female and male: the reason we are biologically born – human, plants and animals – either as female or male or as both. This does not mean that any one female is the exemplification of the female energy of the universe, nor that one male can represent all males, because these energies can form differently within each person; therefore, a female can feel more male and vice versa. The energies have no sex. They are called male and female energies, but this is just a name. It is true that women are more likely to have a greater amount of female energy, and men a greater amount of male energy. But this is not mathematical.

    For the same reason, our brain is divided into two parts: the right and left hemispheres. Each side works accordingly to one of two energies: the left hemisphere is associated with logic, rationality, subdivision and organisation of things, and hierarchy and perpetuation of the status quo. The right hemisphere is intuitive, imaginative and unconventional, but does not perceive edges¹ – boundaries of the past. Rather, it perceives the colour of things, which is the pure essence of life. It is innovative, non-competitive, and it communicates without words – language that belongs to the left brain, where there are limits². The right brain has the ability to have a unified view of the whole, and can easily accept diversity, because everything is the expression of the same being. For this reason, the right side of our brain also represents our connection to the divine.

    Everything that happens in the world, and in our lives, can be seen as a metaphor. There is a bigger reason, a higher and mythological cause for facts and events to happen.

    In our current patriarchal society, the part of the brain that works most is the left side: technology, logic, and rationality are often considered superior to intuition, artistic spirit and imagination. People who are guided by the female energy – the right hemisphere – about choices, work, schooling, or any

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