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Weapon Of The Enemy Deception
Weapon Of The Enemy Deception
Weapon Of The Enemy Deception
Ebook122 pages2 hours

Weapon Of The Enemy Deception

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If there is one deadly weapon that is used by the enemy to fight us, it is called ‘Deception’. In the main, it looks to be a soft, innocuous and safe way of fighting our destiny, however when we look at it closely, deception is the most effective weapon deployed to fight human beings. No matter who you are, one day you shall confront this weapon. John clearly points out that the whole world has been or will at some point be a victim of this weapon; check this out ‘‘...that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him’’ Revelation 12: 9. Presidents, Kings, Prime Ministers, Mayors, politicians, academics, musicians, athletes, and ordinary people have all suffered the sting of this weapon. In this book, the author identifies the 12 most terrible deceptions and how they seek to wallop our dreams, visions and destiny. Moreover, he also offers 12 routes of escape from deception. Never take deception for granted, for it has destroyed many lives. Humble yourself and learn from this book.

About the Author
Phumudzo Nethwadzi is an excellent teacher of the Word. He pastors a church at the Alabama Disciples Fellowship International Centre. He has authored several books, including two bestsellers titled, The Prophetic Engagement and The Essence of Time. He is also a leadership coach and currently serves on various leadership structures, including being a Board member of the Environmental Assessment Practitioners of South Africa. Phumudzo currently resides in Klerksdorp, South Africa with his wife Lerato and their children.

Release dateJun 30, 2020
Weapon Of The Enemy Deception

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    Weapon Of The Enemy Deception - Phumudzo Nethwadzi

    Weapon Of The Enemy


    Phumudzo Nethwadzi

    Copyright © 2020 Phumudzo Nethwadzi

    Published by Phumudzo Nethwadzi Publishing at Smashwords

    First edition 2020

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the copyright holder.

    The Author has made every effort to trace and acknowledge sources/resources/individuals. In the event that any images/information have been incorrectly attributed or credited, the Author will be pleased to rectify these omissions at the earliest opportunity.

    Published by the Author using Reach Publishers’ services,

    P O Box 1384, Wandsbeck, South Africa, 3631

    Edited by Alexandra Le Feuvre for Reach Publishers

    Cover designed by Reach Publishers


    E-mail: [email protected]

    Contact the Author

    email; [email protected]

    cell; (+27)82 467 0886


    I owe great sense of appreciation to my sisters Ms Fhatuwani Nethwadzi and Ms Tshilidzi Nethwadzi for their invaluable inputs on the manuscripts. I also wish to deeply appreciate the support and inputs given by my dear wife Ms Lerato Nethwadzi, your sense of analysis on the manuscripts always bring out great value. Once more thank you for your support and contributions.

    Table of Contents


    1 Nobody is Seeing Me

    2 I Am Wiser

    3 I Will Repent

    4 It is for the Last Time

    5 You Can’t Trust Anyone

    6 I am too Young

    7 I am too Old

    8 I am too Powerful

    9 It is in Our Imagination – Heaven or Hell

    10 I Am Anointed

    11 God Will Forgive Me

    12 It is Outdated and Irrelevant



    The most deadly weapons of the enemy are not weapons of mass destruction, neither are they any of the machine guns that we know. From the beginning of time, human beings have always been caught up in the traps of the enemy. There are many people who have fallen from grace as a result of these deadly traps, and in some cases their reputation and influence have been completely destroyed. We have witnessed sportsmen, kings and queens, priests, the literate, the illiterate, business entrepreneurs, the poor, young people, and adults all falling. With this in mind, the enemy has no respect for who you are or what you have. All he wants is someone who cooperates with his plans.

    If there is something that the enemy is capable of doing it is presenting an alternative viewpoint of the truth. As far as the Creator is concerned, He has presented us with standards of living that are geared towards securing and preserving our souls and those of our children. However, these standards have never gone unchallenged. There has always been a battle of whether to follow God’s standards or the other viewpoints that emerge in the name of either evolution or alternate options. Historically, every time humans choose to ignore the standards given to him or her it has always been done at the peril of the life of that individual. There is no way out; ignoring the standards of life from God subjects one to terrible consequences.

    What is amazing is that when God presents an instruction to a human being, the enemy also does the same thing. Although he may not give a command, he will suggest a contrary viewpoint from the instruction of God. His rationale is always to give counter or twisted opinions so that once an individual obeys these opinions the enemy will have a foothold over that person. The principle that governs the spiritual world is this, whosoever you obey becomes the master of your life. God’s protection and blessing is only limited to the extent to which we obey his standards of life. On the other hand, the enemy’s tactics are designed to make us move away from God’s protection and blessing. In many respects, he would want us to believe that there will not be any negative consequences if we are doing something against our conscience or God’s standards. This tactic is the most deadly of all; it is the art of deceiving people. No wonder John told us that through these tactics, the enemy has deceived the whole world. Look at this: So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. This should be concerning. Perhaps some of the human ideologies that are being advanced are part of this deception. Who knows, the person whom you are using as your role model, hero or heroine could also be part of this deception. It is for this reason that we should not base our standards of life on human opinions as this could be subject to deceptions.

    What is deception?

    Deception is the art of making people believe something is true when in the real sense the individual who is advancing that opinion knows very well that the promises or the facts that are being made are not correct or intended to be fulfilled. Some people have been made to buy products on the basis that they are of genuine quality only to find that they are fake. Some people have been made to sign contracts based on verbatim without having read the fine print only to find that what they have been told and what is written on the document are two things that are far apart. Ask music artists, sportsmen and business entrepreneurs, they will attest to this tactic. Some people have been promised heaven on earth before they get married only to realise that once they are married the condition becomes hell on earth. The thing with deception is that you only realise that the promises are not true when it is too late.

    In 2012, I got an invitation to attend a holiday club marketing session in one of the hotels in Klerksdorp. Upon my arrival I was introduced to a gentleman who took me through their products for about an hour. The smile and the friendliness that he exhibited was so impressive that I did not expect any wrong intentions. As part of the engagement, the gentleman told me of the amazing benefits which I would get should I join the club. For whatever reason I became convinced on the spot and I ended up just signing the contract without reading the terms and conditions. The following day I was travelling to another place for important family matters. I spent a couple of days there and I did not think of reading the contract despite having taken a copy with me. By the time I began reading the contract, I realised that the terms and conditions that were written on the document were completely different from what the gentleman had explained to me. The impression that I had about the document and the whole holiday club arrangement was that this was another money-making scheme that purported to offer a good vacation, when in reality it led people into financial trouble. I immediately decided that I should cancel the contract, however upon reading the cancellation clause of the document, I realised that I was already too late as cancellation had to be done within five days of signing. I became annoyed, disappointed and felt deceived. In addition, I later called the club intending to make holiday arrangements. This call was made based on the promises of the sale agent who had said that, apart from the vacation, I would also get the benefits of car hire and a cruise. However, upon calling their customer care I was surprised to learn that they did not offer these products and that their services were confined to accommodation. Despite that, I insisted that I was promised these products. However, my insistence did not help as these promises had been made verbally and were not in the signed contract. Once more I became annoyed, disappointed and felt deceived. With this experience I concluded that all forms of deception cause one to regret the choices that one has made. Unfortunately, some of the choices are irreversible and may cause permanent damage in our lives. In light of this, this book is presented to you as an eye-opener and also as a caution about this deadly weapon that destroys the lives of many – deception. I hope it will help you to learn to see things differently.


    Nobody is Seeing Me

    One of the most terrible lies that we believe is when we do something against our conscience and believe that nobody sees us. There is one principle of life that cannot be changed – no matter how secretive we may think we are, the old principle of life says: There is nothing secret that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. It is amazing that the enemy is still using this tactic to make people believe that what they are doing is not being seen by anyone. Some people think they are not being seen because they are in a hotel. Others think they are not being seen because they are in the bush. Others think they are not being seen because they are alone. Others think they are not being seen because they are far from their places of origin. Others think they are not being seen because they are with the masses. There are three

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