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A Feast of Lanterns
A Feast of Lanterns
A Feast of Lanterns
Ebook76 pages51 minutes

A Feast of Lanterns

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About this ebook

First published in 1916, "A Feast of Lanterns" is a short anthology of translations of classic Chinese poetry, including such favorites as Tu Fu, Wang Po, Ch'Ang Ch'ien, Ou-Yang Hsiu, Su Tung-P'o, Yuan Mei, and Li Po

The introduction discusses some of the cultural background of the symbolism in these poems, including such symbols as the moon, flowers and dragons.
Release dateApr 28, 2023
A Feast of Lanterns

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    A Feast of Lanterns - L. Cranmer-Byng


    L. Cranmer-Byng


    Editorial Note

    The object of the Editors of this series is a very definite one. They desire above all things that, in their humble way, these books shall be the ambassadors of good-will and understanding between East and West—the old world of Thought and the new of Action. In this endeavour, and in their own sphere, they are but followers of the highest example in the land. They are confident that a deeper knowledge of the great ideals and lofty philosophy of Oriental thought may help to a revival of that true spirit of Charity which neither despises nor fears the nations of another creed and colour.


    S. A. KAPADIA.

    Northbrook Society,

    21 Cromwell Road,

    S. Kensington, S.W.

    I am indebted to the editors of The Nation, The English Review, and The Poetry Review, for their kind permission to reproduce several of the poems included in the book. My thanks are also due to Dr. Lionel Giles for the great help and assistance he has given me, notably in translations from Li Po and Po Chü-i, also to Mr. H. H. Harding for his valuable translations of many selections from the Sung poets. I owe the inclusion of Yuan Mei's last poem on the last page to the late Mr. Ken Hoshino, translator of Kaibara Ekkens Way of Contentment in this series.

    L. C.-B.


    In Spring, for sheer delight, sang Yuan Mei, I set the lanterns swinging through the trees. This was no formal Feast of Lanterns held in the first month of the year, but his own private affair, the lonely ritual of a spring-worshipper and garden anchorite.

    Perhaps those who loved him—and they were many—wandered his pleached alleys and maple groves and admired the lanterns with their red dragons that leaped and plunged in gold and silver seas; but I like to think that the guests were gone in long procession of gleaming boats when the old rose-master looked on his garden and found it whiter and fairer than the far-off moon. At once you guess the whole charm and weakness of Chinese poetry. Here is the narrow moon-garden of its range, its myriad dragons shoaling through unreal seas, its peonies with the souls of mandarins and chrysanthemums with the shadows of children. Yet this sense of limitation and unreality belongs only to the surface; within this little space lies a vast world opened to us through symbols.


    The moon hangs low over the old continent of Chinese poetry. Chang O, Moon-goddess, is the beautiful pale watcher of the human drama, and all that she has known of secret things, of passion and pleasure, swift ruin and slow decay, she records in music. Through her great palaces of cold drift the broken melodies of unrecorded lives. She is the Goddess alike of sorrow and love—of Po Chü-i who in exile hears only the lurking cuckoo's blood-stained note, the gibbon's mournful wail, and Chang Jo Hu who rides triumphant on a moonbeam into the darkened chamber of his lady's sleep. Her rays are more persistent than water; you may draw the curtains and think you have shut out night with all its whispering of leaves, but a tiny crevice will let her in.

    Best of all the poets loved her when she lingered above the broken courts and roofless halls of vanished kings.

    Time and nemesis wrote large upon their walls, but moonlight brought them a glamour unknown to history, and cast a silver mantle lightly upon their dust. They were what Tu Fu and Meng Hao Jan willed—bright shadows in the rose alleys of romance; Gods of War and builders of their dreams in stone. At least one singer prayed the Moon that his passionate heart might haunt the ruins of Chang-An, a nightingale. All sacred intimacies and desires that dare not clothe themselves in words have her confidence, and because she is goddess as well as woman she will never betray them. She links together the thoughts of lovers separated by a hundred hills and the lonely places of despair are steeped in her kindness. On the fifteenth of the eighth month she graciously descends from her domain, vast, cold, pure, unsubstantial, and grants the desires of all who await

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