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Someone Like You: A Novel
Someone Like You: A Novel
Someone Like You: A Novel
Ebook315 pages5 hours

Someone Like You: A Novel

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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Now a major motion picture starring Sarah Fisher!

Science raises questions only hope and faith can answer in this instant New York Times bestselling “tale of forgiveness and love” (Woman’s World) from Karen Kingsbury.

Andi Allen is shaken to the core when she finds out everything she believed about her life was a lie. Her parents had always planned to tell her the truth about her past: that she was adopted as an embryo. But somehow the right moment never happened.

Then a total stranger confronts Andi with the truth and tells her something else that rocks her world—Andi had a sister she never knew about. Betrayed, angry, and confused, Andi leaves her new job and fiancé, rejects her family’s requests for forgiveness, and moves to Birmingham to find out who she really is.

Dawson Gage’s life was destroyed when London Quinn, the only girl he ever loved, is killed. In the hospital waiting room, London’s mother reveals that London might have had a sibling. When Dawson finds Andi and brings her to Birmingham, the Quinns—her biological parents—welcome her into their lives and hearts. Andi is comforted by the Quinns’ love and intrigued by their memories of London, who was so much like her. Is this the family and the life she was really meant to have?

Now it will take the love of Dawson Gage to help Andi know who she is...and to help her find her way home in this “emotional, thoughtful tale” (Publishers Weekly).

Some of the original characters names and locations in this edition of Someone Like You have been changed to correspond with the film adaptation of the book.
PublisherAtria Books
Release dateMay 5, 2020
Someone Like You: A Novel

Karen Kingsbury

Karen Kingsbury, #1 New York Times bestselling novelist, is America’s favorite inspirational storyteller, with more than twenty-five million copies of her award-winning books in print. Her last dozen titles have topped bestseller lists and many of her novels are under development as major motion pictures. Her Baxter Family books have been developed into a TV series now available everywhere. Karen is also an adjunct professor of writing at Liberty University. In 2001 she and her husband, Don, adopted three boys from Haiti, doubling their family in a matter of months. Today the couple has joined the ranks of empty nesters, living in Tennessee near four of their adult children.

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Reviews for Someone Like You

Rating: 4.339080459770115 out of 5 stars

87 ratings5 reviews

What our readers think

Readers find this title to be a potentially sweet story that lacks some pep. It explores themes of faith and Christianity, which may appeal to some readers. However, it may push away those who are not interested in religious elements. Overall, the book is heartwarming and enjoyable, with positive reviews praising it as a beautiful and must-read story.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    The storyline is fascinating. Every Karen Kingsbury book brings real life situations. I love that her characters rely on prayer and faith in an almighty God to carry them through life struggles.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    It was a wonderful book and a a wonderful story. I would love to see the movie.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful story
    Thanks, Karen, for writing this. I enjoyed it.
  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Heart warming story. Loved it a must read, story with faith.
  • Rating: 2 out of 5 stars
    Considering I didn't finish it, I hate to be too opinionated. I just couldn't stick with it. The story thus far just didn't seem to flow well. It was too fragmented to keep my attention. The characters were already boring. It seems to be a bit of a religious/Christian sort of story which is fine. While I am a Christian, I really can't follow with things that preach too much. I felt like this is where that story was headed. I have nothing against people who appreciate that sort of thing. I do, however, think it pushes an audience away if it is overly done. I usually try to give it a chance, but I just couldn't keep going. What I had read so far was the makings of a potentially very sweet story. For me it lacked some pep.

    2 people found this helpful

Book preview

Someone Like You - Karen Kingsbury


Like a tumor in her chest, for twenty-four years Jenny Allen had carried the lie.

Every morning she woke to the reality of it. She lived and loved around it and tried not to think about the way it pressed against her heart and soul and how it sometimes took her breath. But the bombshell that was her very life had never felt more ominous, never consumed her the way it did today.

Here in Amon G. Carter Stadium at her daughter Andi’s graduation from Texas Christian University.

Jenny slid a little closer to her husband, Jim. He was on her side, at least that. She put her arm around their younger daughter, Amy. Jenny’s dad and stepmom were here, too—Henry and Evelyn Benson. Also Andi’s longtime boyfriend, Matt Bryan.

All six of them sat in the stands together, thrilled that the day had finally come. Jenny glanced at Matt, at the anticipation in his expression and the way his eyes locked onto the place midfield where Andi sat with her class. The boy had loved Andi for years. He’d already talked to Jim. The engagement was coming. Probably as soon as they returned to Nashville. Maybe even at the party the extended family was throwing for Andi.

A party happening tomorrow night.

She drew a deep breath and leaned into Jim’s shoulder. Graduates were still streaming into the stadium, still filling the seats while a marching band played from the bleachers across the field. The ceremony wouldn’t begin for another ten minutes at least. Can you believe it? Jenny turned to her husband. When did she grow up? Jenny found their daughter amidst the sea of students on the field. Tan high heels and a white sundress beneath her navy gown.

One day at a time. Jim shaded his eyes and looked at the field. Every morning moved her closer to this day. Diapers and pigtails, homework and prom dates. All of it went way too fast. Jim took Jenny’s hand and sat a little straighter. His smile barely lifted the corners of his mouth. I’m proud of her. All she’s accomplished.

He was right. Better to think about Andi’s success than Jenny’s own weighty lie. Andi had started her college career as a dancer. Back then all she talked about was singing and being on stage. But midway through her sophomore year she found a different passion.

Working with animals.

On breaks from school, Andi had volunteered at the Humane Society and spent twenty hours a week at a local veterinarian’s office. Last summer she interned at the Nashville Zoo in the animal husbandry division and now she was waiting for a call from her supervisor about a more long-term position.

I like the stripes. Jenny’s dad grinned at her from two seats down. She’s easy to spot.

That she is. Jenny smiled down at their daughter, her cap decked in black-and-white zebra stripes. She should hear about the position by the end of the week.

Amy nodded. She’ll get the zoo job. I know she will.

Jenny patted Amy’s hand. You’re such a good sister.

She smiled. I try.

For a long moment Jenny studied her other daughter. Amy was much younger than Andi, a pretty blond who was a junior in high school, a cheerleader. Amy adored Andi, but neither of them knew the truth.

Jenny drew a quick breath. She and Jim should’ve said something by now. It was that simple. They had planned to tell Andi before she started kindergarten and again the day after her tenth birthday. But there never seemed to be a right moment. Time passed and the summer before high school became the perfect time to sit her down and tell her the news.

But again the talk never happened.

Now Andi was graduating from college and still she didn’t know the truth. Jenny pressed her free hand to her stomach. She and Jim were doctors. They ran a pediatric clinic near downtown Nashville. She better than most people knew the toll stress could take on a person.

Carrying a lie like this one could cause an actual tumor. Science had proven that.

The stadium was filling up. Jenny met Jim’s eyes again. He wasn’t thinking about the lie. Not today, in the midst of such a highlight. The falsehood wasn’t on his mind at all, at least it didn’t seem like it. Jim’s expression grew softer. I blink and I can see us again, holding her for the first time that day at the hospital.

Mmmm. Jenny nodded. Labor with Andi had taken twenty hours. But holding her that first time made her forget every minute of it. She angled her face, her eyes still locked on his. Forever in my heart.

Jenny stared off. No matter what came out of her mouth, times like this—milestones and major moments—she could barely think about anything but the lie. These moments were totally different for Jim. He seemed to focus on anything but the truth. And Jenny never wanted to ruin the mood. But how could she talk about the truth with Andi if she couldn’t first discuss it with Jim?

Every now and then they would both be on the same page. Brushing their teeth, getting ready for bed, and the topic would come up. When were they going to tell her? How were they going to break the news? Together they would agree on the following weekend or the next Christmas break.

But when those times came, the last thing they wanted was to ruin Andi’s happiness.

Jenny let the years roll back. It was on a day like this that the whole thing had started. Jenny’s brother Derek had been about to graduate from Tennessee University and Jenny was sitting with Jim and her family when Chad Daniels, a fellow doctor and friend, approached them.

Can we talk? Chad had been Jim’s friend since medical school. He and his father ran a fertility clinic in town. That day Chad had looked serious. So Jenny and Jim excused themselves from the group and moved with Chad a few rows back to an empty section in the stadium. When it was just the three of them, Chad pressed on. My father has a colleague who has gained ownership of a frozen embryo. He thought… you might be interested.

Back then, Jenny and Jim had been trying for years to have a baby. Their families would’ve been shocked to know they couldn’t get pregnant. With their busy careers everyone just assumed Jenny and Jim weren’t ready for babies yet. Their struggle with having a child was something they hadn’t told anyone except Chad and his father.

And so they had met a few times with Chad in the weeks leading up to Derek’s graduation. The plan was to take the least invasive steps at first, and if they still had no baby, to move toward in vitro fertilization. But there was a problem. Jim’s numbers made even that a remote possibility.

Jenny could still remember the way her heart had skipped a beat when Chad began the quiet conversation that day. A frozen embryo? Neither of them had considered such a thing. Jim spoke first. You mean, taking someone else’s frozen embryo and…

And implant it in Jenny. Chad had never seemed more serious. It’s only been done a handful of times, but with a relatively high success rate.

That day, in the most surreal conversation Jenny could remember before or since, Chad explained that a couple in Birmingham, Alabama, had successfully delivered a baby through IVF. But the birth was complicated, the woman’s kidneys were damaged. So the couple decided they were finished having children. But there was a problem.

One frozen embryo remained.

A tiny little soul on ice that the couple wouldn’t dream of having washed down a medical office sink. As you know, embryos are very small children. Chad had looked intently at them. That’s what I believe, anyway. He paused. My dad told me to see if you were interested. Before he found another couple.

Has the Birmingham couple signed a release form? Jim leaned over his knees and stared at Chad. Is there even paperwork for this kind of thing?

Chad nodded. It’s new, but yes. The Birmingham couple has officially terminated rights to the embryo and signed it over to a doctor in Alabama. That was more than four years ago. The baby has been in a deep freeze canister since then.

And it’s still viable? Jim had looked doubtful. An embryo on ice that long?

All research suggests it is. Chad had shrugged. A few weeks ago that doctor met my dad at a conference. He’d sort of forgotten about the embryo until he and my dad talked. He found out my father and I work with infertility. Chad took a breath. He signed over the embryo to our clinic so we could find a willing couple.

How would that work with us? Jim shook his head. The baby already belongs to your clinic.

It’s temporary. We would sign rights to you and Jenny… if you’re interested. Chad took a breath. It’s a transfer of property, technically. You would sign paperwork at implantation. His expression had darkened. There is one thing. The Birmingham couple wants complete secrecy surrounding this.

Understandably the pair had known how rare embryo adoption was and that the media might turn the situation into a circus. You two would have permission to tell your child or children, of course. And any close family members. But otherwise you’d have to keep the details to yourself. Any baby you might have from the embryo would not have permission to find his or her biological parents, and the biological parents have committed to never look for any children that might come from this.

Secrecy had seemed like a small concession at the time. Jim and Jenny promised to talk about the possibility and get back to Chad. But in the end there was nothing to talk about. If Jenny took the appropriate hormones, and if she allowed Chad’s father—Dr. Daniels—to surgically implant the embryo, she could be pregnant in a matter of months.

Which was exactly what happened.

Dr. Daniels implanted the frozen embryo into Jenny’s uterus and before Jenny and Jim had time to explain the situation to their families, she was expecting. The embryo took. One precious child.

After that, with everyone they knew congratulating Jenny and Jim on the pregnancy, it had seemed awkward to talk about how the baby got there. No one had ever heard of embryo adoption. Why worry their families? And in an attempt to honor the other couple’s wishes, Jenny and Jim made a decision. Better to keep the details to themselves. That way they wouldn’t be in danger of violating the contract.

Besides, it was easy to believe the baby really was Jenny’s. The child had grown inside her, after all. When the tiny infant kicked, Jenny felt her little feet, and week by week she watched her belly grow. What could be more real than that?

When they found out the baby was a girl, they chose the most obvious name.

Her name meant strong and brave. Which was the only way to describe how Jenny had gone from infertility to motherhood so quickly.

They were always going to tell Andi, really they were. But most days it was easier to go along with the lie, pretend Andi was their own flesh and blood. Andi looked like them, after all. And Jenny even had the stretch marks to prove it.

Seven years later, Amy was a surprise. A natural pregnancy. Dr. Daniels told them that sometimes after an embryo adoption, a woman’s body is able to get pregnant. For Jenny and Jim their second baby was simply a miracle. Another gift from heaven.

But somehow Jenny and Jim fell away from God. Too busy, too academic. They had the children they wanted so God fell by the wayside. Not until after Amy fell into a swimming pool at a birthday party and nearly drowned did Jenny and Jim run back to the faith they’d started with.

And even then they didn’t tell Andi the truth.

The memories faded as the familiar refrains of Pomp and Circumstance filled the stadium. Jenny stared at Andi again. She would tell Matt yes if he asked her tomorrow. So Andi was about to get married. Which meant she would likely have babies of her own one day. And then she would have to know the truth.

Please don’t hate me, baby girl. God, please help her not to hate me.

Now these twenty-four years later, Jenny had no idea how she and Jim would break the news to Andi. How could she tell her daughter, the one she gave birth to, that she had biological parents in Alabama? That she wasn’t a part of the Allen family, like she’d always thought.

And that everything she’d ever believed about her life was not the truth, but a lie.

A terrible, cancerous, all-consuming lie.


Wind and water sprayed Dawson Gage’s face as he leaned into his Jet Ski and tore across Alabama’s frigid Smith Lake that sunny May afternoon. Dawson locked in on the back of the female rider a few yards in front of him, focused on the way she flew over the water. He couldn’t catch her no matter how hard he tried. Not here on the lake. Not in life. Not since high school. Whatever he did, he could never quite catch her.

London Quinn.

The machine was louder than her laughter, but Dawson could hear it all the same, the music and harmony of it. Her long blond hair whipped across her pretty face and every half minute she glanced back at him. Those amber eyes all lit up with the ride and the cold water, with her love for life and whatever this was the two of them shared.

Whatever it had always been.

She made a sweeping arc, and as she headed toward the other shore Dawson caught a glimpse of her smile. In the time it took him to wipe the spray from his face, he could see the younger London again. Second day of their senior class trip the week after high school graduation. They had flown from Birmingham to Los Angeles to spend a day at Disneyland. The park’s annual Grad Night.

And there, sometime before midnight in an hour-long line for Space Mountain, as they weaved their way through the dimly lit futuristic tunnels toward the ride, Dawson had done something he hadn’t planned on doing. He had taken her hand. Without saying a word, he eased his fingers between hers, and she did the same. They stood there that night, side by side, inching along, so no one saw their hands, not even their friends in line with them.

Then, before they climbed into the roller coaster, she leaned close and whispered, Don’t fall in love with me, Dawson Gage. Her sparkling eyes held his for a long moment. Promise.

Dawson chuckled, but he could still feel the way his heart had pounded in his chest. Don’t worry, London. He had grinned. He’d been an eighteen-year-old kid and saving face took precedent over honesty. I’m not looking to fall in love with you.

That was ten years ago. It was the only time he ever lied to her.

The memory lifted with the next spray of lake water. Dawson waited till she looked back at him again, and he made a circle motion over his head. He didn’t have to yell. She knew what that meant. Back to the pier. He had an investor dinner that night with his father and a few executives from the firm. Time to bring it in.

Dawson’s house sat on Smith Lake. In the last five years, Gage Development had singlehandedly transformed the waterfront on both sides of the lake. Properties had been remodeled and replaced, high-end tenants clamored for space, and prices were at an all-time high.

And Dawson had been a major part of all of that.

They docked the Jet Skis and peeled off their wet suits. She slid her bare arm free and cast him a look. How long have you lived here?

She was playing with him, after all she’d been here when he bought the place. He rolled his eyes and stifled a laugh. I know… I know.

Three years, you say? Her arm brushed against his as she stepped free of the wet suit. She adjusted her bikini, her attention still on him.

Dawson shifted his gaze to the house. Three years. Yeah, yeah. And in all that time I only beat you across that lake twice. He shook his head and turned his back to her. London danced for a living and she was easily the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen. Long ago he’d learned not to stare. A chill ran over his body. Bare chest and flimsy shorts were no match for this rare, cold Alabama afternoon.

Even when the sky was clear.

It’s freezing. His clothes were a few yards up the dock. But before he could make a move toward them, he felt her hand on his shoulder.

Dawson. Her fingers were silk on his skin.

A quick glance over his shoulder. Don’t worry… I’ll beat you next time.

No, not that. She came around to the front of him. Look at you. She raised her eyebrows. CrossFit should make you their poster boy. Your six-pack’s an eight-pack.

Funny. His quiet laugh filled the space. He could feel her eyes on him as he pointed to her sweats folded nearby. Get dressed, crazy girl. Cold’s getting to your head.

Okay. She did a low whistle. Remind me again why we’re just friends?

Only you can answer that one, he thought. But he kept that to himself as he pulled his sweatshirt on and stepped into his jeans. Better to pretend he hadn’t heard her, because she wasn’t serious. She was currently dating another guy. Dawson couldn’t remember his name. There was a different one every month or so.

London was dressed now, and the two of them walked up the dock, onto Dawson’s back deck. The place had been a fixer-upper, something thrown in on one of his father’s deals. His dad gave it to him as soon as they signed papers on the deal. It’ll take a year of work and half your salary, his father had told him. But it has a ton of potential.

Now London hesitated before they stepped inside. I still can’t believe what you did with the place. She smiled. It’s the house everyone wants. You know that.

Thanks. He walked her out front to her Honda and they hugged a little longer than necessary. The way they always did. See you tonight?

Yeah. Her eyes softened. I wouldn’t miss it. Grad Night Anniversary.

Every May fifteenth. A breeze whispered through the trees that lined Lakeshore Drive. See you, London.

When she was gone he turned and stared at the house, at the expansive porch and rich white columns, and for a moment he remembered what it looked like the first time he had brought London here. The roof had been caved in on one side and deep cracks cut across the old tiled entry. The kitchen cabinets were black with mold, the walls had gaping holes, and every bit of the green shag carpet smelled like wet dog.

London had stepped over a rip in the vinyl and peered around a dark corner. I wonder what happened to the dog? She looked at him. Assuming there was a dog.

He’s not here. It’s been empty six months. Of course London would ask about a dog. As long as he’d known her she had loved animals. That day he and London had headed toward the back of the house. The door fell off with a single touch.

Oh, but the view on the other side of that busted-down door.

Are you kidding? London had gasped. This is gorgeous.

I’ll transform the place. He had picked up the back door and leaned it against the house. And get a couple Jet Skis.

One for you and one for me! She had taken hold of his arm, eyes wide. I can’t wait!

Dawson rebuilt the place from the foundation up.

Never mind that they were only friends, Dawson couldn’t picture anyone else riding beside him down Smith Lake. Back then he still assumed she’d wake up one morning, dump the guy of the month and give her heart to Dawson. It was just a matter of time, he had told himself. One day she’d see what his dad and her parents and everyone else who knew them had always seen.

Dawson and London belonged together.

Every year since that senior trip to Disneyland, they had celebrated their Grad Night Anniversary. And tonight, like every year on this date, Dawson would ask God to change her mind. Because if she was ever going to see him as more than a friend, it would be on a night like this. When they would celebrate everything about their relationship.

And maybe—just maybe—she might agree it was time to celebrate something more.

Dinner ran till eight o’clock. Gage Development was acquiring a hundred yards of lakefront in an area previously home to drug dealers. The spot wasn’t quite cleaned up, but it was about to be. Over rib eye at Ruth’s Chris Steak House, Dawson and his dad nailed down details for the purchase of the land and the plans to renovate it.

On the way back to their cars, his dad took a deep breath. That was all you tonight. He stopped and faced Dawson. I want to expand in the next few years. You’re ready, Son. You could run a division by yourself.

The challenge shot adrenaline through Dawson’s veins. What about you?

Depends. His dad started walking again and Dawson kept up. A thousand stars blanketed the crisp, cool sky overhead. His father smiled. I want to be near my grandkids.

Dawson crossed his arms. I need a wife before I can give you grandbabies, Dad.

Exactly. His father laughed. I’m just saying when you do find that girl, and when the little ones come along, I’ll sell everything to be where you are.

His words touched Dawson to the core. I’m glad. He gave his father a long look. You’re all I’ve got.

Same. His dad winked at him. Have fun with London tonight.

For a long moment, Dawson stopped and faced his father once more. She’s not interested. You know that.

His dad shrugged. I see the way she looks at you. He didn’t break eye contact. I mean, come on, Dawson. What’s not to like? Of course she’s interested. A few more steps and they reached their cars. She needs time. That’s all.

If only it were that easy. Okay. Dawson knew better than to push the subject. Good meeting tonight.

Like I said, all you. His dad didn’t leave a meeting or workday without hugging Dawson, and tonight was no exception. I love you, Son.

Love you, too. Dawson climbed into his Chevy truck and called London before leaving his spot. On my way.

I’m already here. Her voice

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