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THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?
THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?
THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?
Ebook44 pages58 minutes

THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?

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Why was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil placed in the Garden of Eden to begin with if God knew it was going to destroy the innocent pair he had created?

Was God just trying to trick or trap the unsuspecting humans by giving them a test he knew they would not pass? It really seems unfair, doesn't it?

But wait, is there another reason the tree could have been in The Garden? A reason that had nothing to do with testing, or tricking, or trapping the first couple?

We propose that there is.

Release dateFeb 10, 2020
THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?

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    Book preview

    THE TREE - Jocelyn Andersen

    THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?

    Jocelyn Andersen

    Published by Jocelyn Andersen, 2020.

    While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.


    First edition. February 10, 2020.

    Copyright © 2020 Jocelyn Andersen.

    ISBN: 978-1393035428

    Written by Jocelyn Andersen.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    THE TREE: TRICK TRAP...Or something else?

    This booklet is an excerpt from the book, REDEMPTION: Bible Prophecy Simplified, A study of HOPE –

    THE TREE a Trick, a Trap...Or was it something else?

    To understand the tree, it helps to understand the cross. Why was a cross chosen for Jesus to die on? Was it necessary for his sacrificial death to take place on a cross? Couldn’t he have been stoned to death, or beheaded, or executed in some other way, besides crucifixion?

    The answer to that is, No.

    Both the atonement and the way Messiah would atone had been planned that way for a reason. When the Bible speaks of the cross, it is usually referring to the atoning work done there—not to the symbol of the cross itself. But the cross was chosen for a very specific and relevant reason.

    The symbol of the cross, pre-dates Christianity. It is the most ancient symbol known to humanity and traces its origins back to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, that stood in the center of the Garden of Eden.

    That tree represented the conjunction (meeting or mingling) of opposites (good and evil).

    The conjunction of opposites relates directly to the knowledge of both good and evil, which is what Satan tempted the first couple with. And by means of which, successfully orchestrated the downfall of an entire race.

    The cross that Jesus died on, symbolized the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and the sin that brought death and destruction raining down upon God’s human creation. Remember, Satan told the first woman, that if she possessed the knowledge of both good and evil, if she would mingle the two opposites, she would then be as God.

    The symbol of the cross has enjoyed widespread use by many religions and the occult, as well as by Christians. Satanists wear crosses—and not always upside-down.

    The symbol of the cross, is the symbol of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil and represents the conjunction or co-mingling of opposites. This is in direct opposition to a holy God who never mingles opposites, such as good and evil. We see types of this throughout the Torah. But God gave the first couple only one Thou shalt not, which would have kept them completely ignorant of all evil, other than the fact that it existed. And that was all the protection they needed.

    Had they obeyed that one commandment, it would have kept them both completely safe, forever.

    So how did Satan get

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