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ADB Through the Decades: ADB’s First Decade (1966-1976)
ADB Through the Decades: ADB’s First Decade (1966-1976)
ADB Through the Decades: ADB’s First Decade (1966-1976)
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ADB Through the Decades: ADB’s First Decade (1966-1976)

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When the Asian Development Bank (ADB) was established in 1966, the Asia and Pacific region was undergoing a process of deep change. Several countries gained independence and a sense of regional identity was emerging. A more organized drive toward modernization started in several countries but the region was still defined by poverty. Feeding people remained a primary concern even while the Green Revolution was under way. The first oil crisis in 1973 led to a worldwide recession and tested many Asian economies. This volume explains how the idea of a regional development bank for Asia emerged and gained support. During its formative years, ADB dealt with a myriad of administrative, organizational, and funding issues in order to establish itself as a sound and credible institution. ADB’s first President, Takeshi Watanabe, envisioned ADB's role as Asia's "family doctor." ADB took a pragmatic approach and conducted studies and surveys to acquire a fuller understanding of the region before lending gained momentum in the second half of the decade, focused on energy, transport, agriculture, and finance.
Release dateSep 1, 2017
ADB Through the Decades: ADB’s First Decade (1966-1976)

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    ADB Through the Decades - Asian Development Bank


    ADB’S FIRST DECADE (1966–1976)

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2016, 2017 Asian Development Bank

    6 ADB Avenue, Mandaluyong City, 1550 Metro Manila, Philippines

    Tel +63 2 632 4444; Fax +63 2 636 2444;

    Some rights reserved. First edition 2016.

    Updated edition 2017.

    ISBN 978-92-9257-913-5 (Print), 978-92-9257-914-2 (e-ISBN)

    Publication Stock No. TCS178965-2


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    In this publication, $ refers to US dollars. ADB recognizes Ceylon as Sri Lanka and West Germany as Germany. Corrigenda to ADB publications may be found at


    The year 2016 marks the 50th anniversary of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). To commemorate this event, ADB has produced ADB Through the Decades, a series of volumes to provide a corporate chronicle over the past 5 decades of how ADB has evolved to engage its shareholders and other development partners in delivering financial and advisory services to its developing member countries in the Asia and Pacific region. Organized around key themes and topics for each decade, the series documents ADB’s past work in such areas as strategic, operational, financial, and institutional developments.

    The series synthesizes materials from many different sources, building from ADB’s annual reports. The five volumes serve as decadal background notes for ADB’s corporate history book, Banking on the Future of Asia and the Pacific: 50 Years of the Asian Development Bank, to be launched in 2017. Together, the history book and these volumes provide the first comprehensive corporate narrative on ADB’s history since the previous ADB history book, A Bank for Half the World, was published in 1987.

    Looking over the past 50 years, ADB has demonstrated a strong corporate continuity of being a multilateral development bank with an Asian character and global outreach. More significantly, the leadership of ADB has undertaken profound changes for the institution to stay relevant and responsive in serving the changing needs and expectations of its developing member countries. This spirit of change and innovation shall continue to drive ADB in the years ahead.

    Reflecting on our history will give us a better insight for our work in the future. I hope that this ADB Through the Decades series becomes a key reference for ADB staff as well as other stakeholders from member countries, academic institutions, development partners, and civil society organizations.


    December 2016


    This series, ADB Through the Decades, began as background research for the history book project chronicling the first 50 years of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). In the last 50 years, ADB has continuously evolved in response to dynamic changes across the Asia and Pacific region. The story of ADB’s transformation became evident as the team tasked to support the ADB corporate history book project sifted through ADB’s annual reports, past and present President’s speeches, official and personal correspondences, loan documents, policy and strategy papers, evaluation reports, transcripts of interviews, historical records, and other archival materials. Drawing from the rich but fragmented sources of information, the team prepared background notes for each decade as an effort to capture and synthesize the significant developments and key turning points in ADB’s history.

    President Takehiko Nakao encouraged the team to publish the series as a stand-alone reference to a wider audience, including ADB staff. This work was done in parallel with the drafting of the ADB history book and took more than 2 years to complete. What were intended as internal supporting documents for the history book project in the end became five volumes that comprise the ADB Through the Decades series. This series provides the first comprehensive institutional record of the different facets of ADB’s work—strategic, operational, financial, and organizational—spanning 50 years of ADB’s history.

    The first four volumes of the series were led by Valerie Hill, Director of the Strategy, Policy and Business Process Division (SPBP), Strategy, Policy and Review Department (SPD) with Edeena Pike, Strategy and Policy Specialist, Office of the Director General, SPD. The fifth volume was led by Ananya Basu, Principal Economist at the Pacific Department (PARD). Jade Tolentino, Research Consultant, provided substantive analytical support on all the volumes. Xianbin Yao, Director General, PARD, provided overall guidance and shared his insights on ADB’s history to further enrich the notes.

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