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The Bible Is Right: About Dinosaurs and Evolution!
The Bible Is Right: About Dinosaurs and Evolution!
The Bible Is Right: About Dinosaurs and Evolution!
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The Bible Is Right: About Dinosaurs and Evolution!

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The Bible Is Right about Dinosaurs and Evolution shows unequivocally that the Bible is correct in its teaching that we once coexisted with dinosaurs and that evolution—the theory that contradicts this Biblical teaching—is patently false.

This book offers extraordinary evidence from a variety of sources, including science, that the Scriptures are accurate regarding our coexistence with dinosaurs. Proving coexistence automatically disproves evolutionary dating, but this book takes the extra step of disproving all of evolution!

The Bible Is Right about Dinosaurs and Evolution highlights evolution as a ruthless brainwashing machine that not only dupes us into denying that dinosaurs are in the Bible, but also fools us into falling for a host of other false ideas, including the theory that the universe and life itself began accidentally. As a matter of fact, this book will show that evolution is so wrong in so many ways, that it stands in constant conflict with both time-honored Biblical truths and proven scientific principles. Furthermore, demonstrating that the strongest pieces of evidence for evolution are actually hoaxes, this book will prove that evolution is not a real science at all!

This book not only proves that the Bible is right about the reality of our past coexistence with dinosaurs and the fallacy of evolution, but also shows how the suppression of these facts has polluted our laboratories, classrooms, and media. Finally, this book highlights the scientific and educational implications of its conclusions and offers an intelligent and divine alternative to evolution.
Release dateSep 23, 2019
The Bible Is Right: About Dinosaurs and Evolution!

James E. Gilmer

Mr. Gilmer is a well-traveled polyglot and dedicated Christian who has studied in various countries, including Germany, France, and Mexico, and who holds several degrees, including a Ph.D. in psychology. This book is the result of his ongoing interest in the universe that God created and the spirituality that we all ultimately share with God.

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Good book to read about evolution and dinosaur from scientist and biblical point of view.

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The Bible Is Right - James E. Gilmer

2019 James E. Gilmer. All rights reserved.

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Chapter 1. Biblical Evidence of Our Coexistence with Dinosaurs

Historical Facts in the Bible

Scientific Facts in the Bible

The Behemoth

What Behemoth Was Not

The Kickers

The Original Leviathan

Flying Reptiles

Chapter 2. Was it Physically Possible to Survive With Dinosaurs?

Chapter 3. Are The Dates Wrong? Was The Biblical Flood Real?

The Geologic Time Scale

Circular Reasoning



A World-Wide Flood?

Radiometric Dating Methods

Chapter 4. The Final Death Knell of Dating Prehistoric Life Forms? Polystrate Fossils and Human Artifacts

Joggins Fossil Cliffs

The Pot

The Bell

The Metallic Vase

The Metallic Spheres

The Meister Sandalprint

Chapter 5. Fossil Evidence of Coexistence: Human and Dinosaur Bones Together

The Scarcity of Land Animal Fossils

The Ashley Phosphate Rock Beds

Human and Dinosaur Fossils Together on Colorado-Utah Border

Dinosaur Graveyard in Turkmenistan

Chapter 6. Eyewitness Reports of Dinosaurs and Dragons; Evidence of Their Recent Extinction

What Have Scientists Said About Dragons?

Serpentine Land Dinosaurs

Marco Polo’s Serpentine Dinosaurs

Land Dragons With Wings

Fire-breathing Dragons

Dragons Immediately Identifiable As Dinosaurs

Flying Dragons–Pterosaurs

Land Dinosaurs/Dragons

Sea Dragons/Dinosaurs

Chapter 7. Artistic Evidence of Coexistence

Dinosaurs in the American West

The Ica Stones

The Acambaro Figures

A Bishop Buried With Dinosaurs?


Chapter 8. An Improbable Fiction

The Theory of the Absurd

Two Types of Evolution

Chapter 9. Nature and Science Also Say No to Evolution

The Law of Mass-Energy Conservation

A Big Bang?

A Biblical Big Bang?


Darwin’s Fears of Evolution’s Failure

Irreducibly Complex Systems

One Species Serving Another

Our Vital Vestiges

Nothing Evolutionary About Similarities

Punctuated Equilibrium is Also Invalid

Double Exposure by the Cambrian Explosion

Chapter 10. Evolution’s Flight into Molecular Biology

DNA Disproves Evolution

A Molecular Clock?

Molecular Clock Disproven

Life From Non-Life?

Conclusive Evidence Against Spontaneous Generation

The Miller-Urey Experiment

Did the J.Craig Ventner Institute Create Artificial Life?

Evolution Agrees With the Bible on One Point

Chapter 11. Evolutionary Hoaxes: Horse Evolution? Recapitulation? Dinos to Birds?

Darwin’s Finches

Does Ontogeny Really Recapitulate Phylogeny?

Haeckel’s Theory

Haeckel’s Hoax

Haeckel’s Critics in the Scientific Community

The Hoax Continues in Our Classrooms and Textbooks

Did Our Horses Evolve From Earlier Species?

Are Birds Really Dinosaurs?

A Bogus Dinosaur-to-Bird Example: Archaeopteryx

Chapter 12. The Final Frontier of Hoaxes: Apes to Humans?

Evolution and God Are Mutually Exclusive

Haeckel’s Fossil Fraud

The Imaginary Stages of Human Evolution


Ardipithecus Ramidus

The Genus Homo

Homo Erectus—Modern Homo Sapiens

The Java Man Hoax

The Neanderthal Hoax

Ancient Cave Dwellers Were Not Sub-Human

Piltdown Man Hoax

Unevolvable Human Qualities

Kicker: Ota Benga

The End of Another Empty Evolutionary Claim

Evolutionists’ Dirty Little Secrets

If Evolution is Not a Real Science, Is It a Religion?

Chapter 13. The Only Alternative to Evolution

Evolutionists Unwittingly Witness to the Truth

The Underlying Laws of Nature

Darwin Acknowledged the Underlying Laws


Chapter 14. What Drove Dinosaurs to Extinction? The Theories

The Asteroid Theory

Disproven by Other Evolutionists

Did Volcanoes Do It?

Problems with the Volcanic Theory

The Global Flood Theory

Other Scientists Acknowledge Floods

Clearly a Global Flood

Did Volcanoes Have a Role in the Great Flood?

Did The Flood Wash Away The Dinosaurs?

Chapter 15. What Really Happened to The Dinosaurs? We Hunted Them to Extinction!

Why We Hunted Dinosaurs: The F-Motivators

Could We Really Have Hunted Down Dinosaurs?

Scientific Confirmation That Ancient Humans Hunted Large Animals

Biblical Confirmation That Humans Are Earth’s Ultimate Predators

Animals We Have Hunted to Extinction or Near-Extinction

How We Hunted Dinosaurs to Extinction

Examples of Humans Hunting Dinosaurs

Chapter 16. Coexistence with Dinosaurs, Removal of Evolution: Implications

How Will Removing Evolution And Adding Coexistence Affect Science and Education?

Can Science Coexist With Intentional Creation?

More Changes to Come




Special thanks to my wife Sueet Ching for the patience and astute editorial input that she provided throughout this book and to my daughter Evangeline for the energy and inspiration that kept me going.


Science, The Bible, and This Book

Knowledge Through Science: The term ‘science’ comes from the Latin word for knowledge—scientia–and is essentially the established system that we use to acquire knowledge and to make it available for use. Science is divided into individual branches of knowledge that we call sciences (physics, biology, geology, etc.), each of which is supposed to be a body of facts or truths about some aspect of the universe.

Fool’s Science? A word of caution, however: Not all that glitters is gold and not all fields of study called sciences are real sciences. Like fool’s gold, there are also fool’s sciences—fields of study based not on facts and truths, but on disproven premises, unscientific principles, and fraudulent evidence.

"Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called ‘knowledge,’" (1 Timothy 6: 21)

Liberating Science: If we expose a false ‘science’ as such, we would be helping, not opposing science, right? Well, that is one of the main tasks of this book. We want to liberate real science from a well-known and deeply rooted fool’s science that many of us intuitively and spiritually already know is false—evolution. This book will show conclusively that science and evolution are two completely different things!

Does the Bible Teach Against Science?

Absolutely not! As a matter of fact, the Bible teaches the opposite: it urges us to embrace what science is essentially all about—the acquisition and use of knowledge. Truthful and factual knowledge, of course. Here are a few of many Scriptural examples of this:

Advice to Seek Knowledge: The heart of the prudent acquires knowledge and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge (Proverbs 18:15).

An Advantage of Knowledge: "And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches" (Proverbs 24:4).

Only Fools Hate Knowledge: "How long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity? And the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge" (Proverbs 1:22).

The Beginning of All Knowledge

In addition to teaching us to embrace the acquisition of knowledge, the Bible also stresses that we should begin our quest for knowledge by acknowledging and revering the most important thing anyone can know—God, the Creator:

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction" (Proverbs 1:7).

God Is the Foundation of All Knowledge

The acknowledgement of God is the foundation upon which all other knowledge (science) should be built. Later, we will see how acknowledging God actually advances science, and we will review the achievements of brilliant scientists, past and present, who include the reality of God in their work. Without the understanding of basic and intuitive mathematical concepts, such as 1+1=2, something will always be missing and flawed with any further math that we study. Likewise, without the basic acknowledgement that God is our creator, something will always be missing and flawed in the knowledge that we acquire about the origin and design of the universe.

Evolution is Flawed Knowledge: Evolution is clearly as flawed as a theory can possibly be, because, in addition to being a fool’s science, it openly denies the existence of God. During the course of this book, we will discuss in detail many reasons why evolution is a bogus science and why evolution is incorrect about such issues as our coexistence with dinosaurs and the origin of the universe. And these reasons will not be based on merely subjective views. They will be firmly grounded in sound logic and proven science!


Brainwashed into Blindness

I am sure the title of this book has already raised some eyebrows. After all, the Bible is generally thought of as a source of inspiration and spiritual guidance, not a book containing information about dinosaurs and evolution. It is both, however, and its information about dinosaurs and evolution is not vague or limited to one or two verses. The Bible describes different types of dinosaurs in very clear detail, in some cases, using nearly entire chapters to do so. The Bible also indicates that dinosaurs and people lived at the same time and that God designed and created the universe. This Biblical information, of course, contradicts the evolutionary claims that the universe designed and created itself and that dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years before humans appeared on earth.

Is It Really So Easy to See Dinosaurs in the Bible?

Well, yes and no. Yes, billions of Bible readers have seen picture-perfect descriptions of dinosaurs in the Scriptures. On the other hand, no. Athough the verses are as crystal clear and unambiguous as, let’s say, the story of David and Goliath, many Bible readers still cannot see what should be transparently evident to all—dinosaurs that lived at the same time as the Biblical authors who described them! But why does the Bible’s information about dinosaurs and our coexistence with them seem so visible yet so vague? So obvious yet so obscure? The main reason is the following:

Brainwashed Into Blindness: Many of us have been brainwashed into believing the century-old fallacy that dinosaurs became extinct before people appeared on earth, which has conditioned us to automatically ignore or explain away anything that suggests that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. Hence the blind spot that hides the dinosaurs in the Biblical stories that we read.

But who or what is it that has brainwashed us in this manner? And who or what is it that is perpetuating this knee-jerk reaction to the idea that we once coexisted with dinosaurs? Well, several guilty players are involved, including a large part of our educational system and media. But, as influential as they are, those players are merely convenient conduits to disseminating the brainwashing program generated by the main culprit—the theory of evolution—which we will deal with at length in this book.

Our Discussions—Coexistence and Evolution

My primary purpose for writing this book is twofold: 1) to prove that the Bible is literally correct in its indications that humans once coexisted with dinosaurs and 2) to prove that the Bible is absolutely right in its teaching that the theory of evolution, along with its underlying assumptions and claims, is totally false.

Proving Our Coexistence With Dinosaurs: I will show conclusively that the creatures described in various Bible verses are indeed dinosaurs, with evidence of their identities coming from both within the verses themselves and from several external sources. In addition, after concluding that the animals described in the verses are truly dinosaurs, we will then see, through more evidence, that the Biblical authors who described them did so by actually seeing them alive in their natural habitats. To bolster our Biblical proof that we coexisted with dinosaurs, we will view strong supporting evidence from such areas as archaeology, paleontology, biology, and others.

Disproving Evolution: As mentioned above, evolution is not only the brainwashing machine that obscures our ability to see dinosaurs in the Bible, but it is also the source of other false theories, other blind spots, designed to obscure other Biblical truths that are relevant to this book. As a matter of fact, evolution is so wrong in so many ways, that it not only conflicts with solid Biblical truths, but also contradicts proven scientific principles and indisputable laws of nature that only God can change. For these reasons, a large part of our discussions will be devoted to disproving evolution. We will do this by examining its underlying assumptions and claims about the nature of the universe and showing, logically and scientifically, that they are all false, thereby exposing evolution as the bogus theory that it is and, thus, removing it as a source of Biblical blind spots.




Biblical Evidence of Our Coexistence with Dinosaurs

To facilitate our discussions on dinosaurs in the Bible, I would first like to clear away another blind spot generated by evolutionists, this time regarding the Bible’s literal accuracy. Evolutionists dismiss Biblical stories about dinosaurs not only by using the bogus claim that dinosaurs became extinct before humans appeared on earth, but also by arguing that any dinosaurs we think we see in the Bible are simply metaphors. They say further that the entire Bible is nothing more than fictional literature composed of metaphors and allegories that teach spiritual and moral lessons. But, as usual, evolutionists are dead wrong.

Yes, the Bible does use parables and other allegorical stories to teach spiritual and moral lessons. But, as we will discuss in more detail a little later, those allegories are constructed within a framework of concrete reality. And I assure you that the verses on dinosaurs are not fictitious or metaphorical, but completely concrete and fully factual. But to properly set the stage for our discussions on the factual and concrete reality of dinosaurs in the Bible, let’s first examine a few verifiable examples of the Bible’s factual and concrete reality. Part of that reality can be seen in the Bible’s historical and scientific accuracy:

Historical Facts in the Bible

The Hittites Were Real


Figure 1.1

Most historians dismissed Biblical references to a people called Hittites as fiction until relatively recently. This is because verses such as Genesis 15:20, Exodus 3:8, Deuteronomy 20:17, the 11th and 12th chapters of 2nd Samuel and many others that described Hittites as real had no corroboration from any records outside the Bible and were, therefore, considered untrue.

In 1884, however, tablets were discovered in the ancient Assyrian colony of Karum Kanesh which revealed trade between Assyrians and Hittites. In 1906, the capital of the Hittite empire, Boghazhoy, was excavated in Turkey. Figure 1.1 shows the Lion Gate at Hittite capital, Boghazhoy.

Ancient Egyptians Grew Grapes


Figure 1.2

Genesis 40:9 indicates that ancient Egyptians grew grapes while ancient historians insisted that they did not. Recently discovered art work on the walls of Egyptian tombs showing the growth and harvesting of grapes, however, verified the Biblical account. Figure 1.2, for example, is a relief in the tomb of Userhet showing grapes being cultivated.

Making Clay Bricks

Exodus 1:14 says that Israelites were forced to make bricks for the cities of Raamses and Pithom using clay after the straw was taken away. This story was met with extreme criticism for most of the last two millennia. Around the beginning of the 20th century, however, archaeologists discovered the city of Pihom and clay bricks made with no straw, thus confirming the Biblical story.

The Bible Was Right About Jericho


Figure 1.3

Joshua 6:20 tells us that the wall of Jericho fell after Israelites had marched around it for the seventh time on the seventh day of their siege. Excavations since 1929 have revealed that the wall really did fall with no signs of outside physical pressure such as battering rams. Verse 24 indicates that Joshua’s men burned the city. Excavated ruins show clear signs of having been burned.

Joshua 2:15 describes the prostitute Rahab’s house as resting on the city wall. This sounded far-fetched and highly infeasible until excavations in the 1930s showed that the city had a huge double wall, each section 12 feet thick, and that houses like Rahab’s were indeed built across them. Figure 1.3 shows ruins of ancient Jericho.

King Sargon Lived


Figure 1.4

Isaiah 20:1 referred to an ancient king of Assyria called Sargon (now called Sargon II, because Sargon of Akkad had lived much earlier). Until the 19th century, he was considered fictitious, because no other record or document even mentioned him. In the mid-19th century, however, excavations at the ruins of his palace in Khorsabad confirmed his existence. In addition, tablets at the excavation site confirmed the Biblical account that Sargon (figure 1.4 on right) had sent his general, Tartan, to conquer the Philistine city of Ashdod.

Babylon Did Capture Judah

Second Kings 25 tells us that King Nebuchadnezzar’s (actually Nebuchadnezzar II) forces conquered Judah and forced them into servitude in Babylon. Until the early 20th century, critics dismissed this account as false due to lack of corroboration elsewhere. In the 1930s. excavations outside Jerusalem revealed the ruins of the ancient city of Lachish, which is mentioned in the Bible as one of the cities besieged by the Babylonians. According to Wayne Jackson (2003) pottery inscriptions at the site depicted Lachish’s futile struggle against its conquerors.

The Pool of Siloam Was There


Figure 1.5

The first few verses of the 9th chapter of the New Testament book of John relates the story of Jesus healing a man who had been blind from birth. He did so by spitting on soil, putting the clay on the man’s eyes and then telling him to wash it off in the Pool of Siloam.

Until recently, critics had said that there was no Pool of Siloam and that John was just making an allegorical point with the story. In the Fall of 2004, however, while doing sewage digs, workers uncovered what was quickly recognized by local archaeologists as the Pool of Siloam, as seen in figure 1.5. Subsequent excavations confirmed this.

Lucius Sergius Paulus Was Proconsul

Act 13:6-13 tells us that Sergius Paulus was Proconsul of Cyprus (under Claudius, 1st century A.D.). It was generally believed that the Bible was wrong and that Paulus was a proprietor instead of proconsul.

According to Jim Sasser, the recent discovery of coins in Cyprus bearing the inscription, Paulus the Proconsul, apparently confirms the Bible’s account.

We could continue such examples of the Bible’s historical accuracy, but I am sure I have provided enough to make my point. Just to doubly ensure that we are more receptive to the idea that the verses on dinosaurs are factual, however, let’s briefly look at one final area of factual information in the Bible—its scientific accuracy.

Scientific Facts in the Bible

I would wager that most people consider it oxymoronic to use the terms Bible and science together, because the two words are normally used in contexts that would seem to make them mutually exclusive. But just as we have seen that the Bible is historically accurate without being a history document per se, we will also shortly see that, although the Bible was not written with science in mind, its references to the world around us are very often consistent with scientific facts that were not known during Biblical times:

Innumerable Stars


Figure 1.6

In Genesis 15: 5, God tells Abram that the stars in heaven are innumerable. In Genesis 22:17 and Hebrews 11:12, the Bible points out that the number of stars in heaven and the number of grains of sand on earth are both innumerably large.

We know that now, but we did not always know it. As recently as the 16th century, many scientists believed we could number the stars and actually estimated them to be in the hundreds! It was well after Galileo invented the telescope that we began to realize how enormous the number of stars really is.

Now we know that there are over 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone and at least that many in each of over 100 billion other galaxies!

A Planet Floating in Space


Figure 1.7

Job 26:7 says that God hangs the world upon nothing. While we now know that gravity affects the movement of the earth, we also know, unlike most of our ancestors that the earth is not held in place by Atlas (ancient Greek Titan) or any other physical restraints, but, in a very real sense, is, indeed hanging on nothing.

The Earth is Round

Isaiah 40:22 tells us that the earth is round: It is he who sits above the circle of the earth… This is the first mention anywhere in human history that the world is round. We did not scientifically know the earth was spherical, however, until just a few hundred years ago.

The Sea Has Springs

Only since 1977 has our technology allowed us to probe the ocean floor to verify that springs (also known as hydrothermal vents) exit there. And yet, in Job 38:16 God asks Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep? Figure 1.8 shows a black smoker.


Figure 1.8

The Water Cycle

The Bible indicates in various verses that water rises by evaporation, forms clouds and falls again as rain in a continuous hydrologic (water) cycle. For example, in Job 36:27-29 it says: He turns the waters into small droplets and draws them up into clouds and forms rain with it. Psalm 135:7 and Jeremiah 10:13 say virtually the same thing. Again, the process was certainly not known in those days.


Figure 1.9

How the Winds Blow

Ecclesiastes 1:6 points out that the wind blows to the south and goes round to the north; round and round goes the wind, and on its circuits with wind returns. Science verified these facts at a much later date.

The Need for Sterilization

The Bible has many references to the need for proper sterilization and quarantine to prevent diseases. For example, Leviticus 15:13 says: And when he that has an issue is cleansed of his issue he shall number to himself seven days after his cleansing, and wash his clothes, and bathe his flesh in running water, and shall be clean.

Although we now know that running water sanitizes better than basin water, doctors as recently as the American Civil War, rarely washed their hands or instruments after surgery. When they did it was in water basins. Louis Pasteur’s late 19th century experiments proved the Germ Theory

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