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What will happen in 2050
What will happen in 2050
What will happen in 2050
Ebook107 pages45 minutes

What will happen in 2050

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The Future Predicted by Artificial Intelligence
Release dateSep 14, 2019
What will happen in 2050

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    What will happen in 2050 - SmartieAI


    Prediction 1

    What will happen in 2050, when the next big drought hits? It's an interesting question. Right now, there is really no way to predict what the outcome will be, just what it will go like. I can't explain it. Nobody can predict the future. What you can do is prepare with the knowledge that we can handle the consequences. We are better and smarter at the present time. I think the real problem is that we never change our mindset. We do the same thing, and we do it wrong and it's going to be worse the next time.

    When a large part of the U.S. was in the worst drought in 100 years, people could see through the bullshit. The truth hurt them deeply. After the drought went away, their heads were clearer, but the damage was done. They could see that it wasn't just about a certain type of water. This drought was real. There is an old saying that the average American doesn't know how a tree is planted, but the average farmer knows.

    Prediction 2

    What will happen in 2050 to our children and grandchildren now that the last generation, as I understand it, is gone?"

    "Will we live in a world where there is a nuclear war every 18 months?

    Prediction 3

    What will happen in 2050?

    It seems like we're now in for another round of I told you so as it looks like even the most optimistic scenario is doomed to failure.

    As with the rest of the world, the Middle East has just been hit in severe shape. Iran was one of the world's most prominent oil exporting countries for several years. in 2050 oil is not moving in any direction at all now.

    Prediction 4

    What will happen in 2050 ? We need to do more with our own resources, we need to make them better. As a society, we all need to do more with our children. What was not going to change is the fact that we will live longer, so we will all make more of our time.

    If you want more of the same to be the case, then maybe you should just put the same policies in place that you have now.

    But this is not always going to happen.

    At the very least, there will be a growing gap between what is demanded and what can actually be provided. It is a clear and present danger.

    This is how we lose our jobs. And if the global economy continues to lose its growth, what will be the economic future for those who did not make it in the first place?

    This is also how we waste our time all over the world.

    Prediction 5

    What will happen in 2050?

    This is a very hard question. It is very hard to determine what climate change will mean when the planet is already warming. But what we do know is that the world is undergoing a tremendous increase in ocean acidification. There are certain regions in the world where there is significantly higher water levels that result in reduced reef coverage.

    If we look at the data from the past several decades, we can see that there is a significant increase in the amount of organic carbon in the world's oceans. Carbon dioxide and other substances like nitrogen that come in from plants. If we don't manage our way through this, the planet may well be severely affected by the effects of acidification.

    So far, there is very little research on how many species will be affected by the carbon cycle changes triggered by the impacts of climate change. But researchers have observed several changes so far in the sea surrounding the equator -- especially over the past

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