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Odd-Man Rush
Odd-Man Rush
Odd-Man Rush
Ebook54 pages43 minutes

Odd-Man Rush

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Like reading about hot guys falling in love? You're in the right place.

Hockey prodigy Danny Holden's entire world is falling apart. He loses his mother, his boyfriend, his home, and now he may lose his last chance at a normal life—his scholarship to the University of Minnesota.

Broken and with nowhere left to turn, Danny finds himself at his ex-boyfriend's home.

Corey Bethel isn't as cool as Danny Holden, and falling in love had been a fantasy come true. Until Danny's mother died, and he became a different person. Corey hasn't forgiven Danny, but with these two exes living under the same roof, old feelings resurface in a big way.

Release dateMar 27, 2017
Odd-Man Rush

Sadie West

Sadie West lived in a haunted house for three years and grew up talking to imaginary friends. She married a tall, dark, and handsome United States Marine—her real-life romance hero. Currently, she writes edge-of-your-seat romances from her desert hideaway in sunny southern California. Writing as Anna Abner, her series include the Red Plague, Dark Casters, and Beasts of Vegas. Anna also writes fan fiction for Receive a free prequel (with bonuses) when you sign up for Sadie's newsletter and every month enjoy new releases, updates, and a chance to be a VIP reader. Join at

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    Odd-Man Rush - Sadie West

    Sadie West Writing as Anna Abner


    Spell of Summoning (Dark Caster Series #1)

    Spell of Binding (Dark Caster Series #2)

    Spell of Vanishing (Dark Caster Series #3)

    Spell of Shattering (Dark Caster Series #4)

    The Dark Caster Boxed Set

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    Shopgirl’s Prophecy (Beasts of Vegas #1)

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    Shapeshifter’s Prophecy (Beasts of Vegas #4)—Coming Soon!

    Novellas and Short Fiction

    Won’t Get Fooled Again

    The Night Trevor’s Soul Came Loose

    Shadow Cells

    Driving the Lane

    Odd-Man Out

    Extreme Whiteout

    Fan fiction available at

    Your free prequel (with bonuses) is waiting... See how the Beasts of Vegas series begins by reading Hunter’s Prophecy. Join my monthly newsletter and receive an email with download instructions.

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    Danny Holden took a nervous step off the curb, his Vans sliding through gutter sludge, his eyes on Ian Sanchez’s .38 revolver and nowhere else.

    Dude. Danny tried for a calming smile, but his mouth twitched and then refused to play along. You don’t have to kill me. I get it. I was really, really wrong.

    You disgusting piece of shit. Ian spit at him, and the hand holding the revolver quivered. You were never my friend.

    Except Danny had believed the opposite. Ian was a shade younger than Danny’s eighteen, but still, they’d been friends. Almost more than friends.

    Danny inched two more steps backwards into the street, thinking if he ran for it, maybe Ian would shoot, but maybe he’d miss.

    I’m sorry, Danny said in complete sincerity, shuffling another step. I mean it, Ian. I thought you felt the same way.

    Ian pulled the trigger, pain lit up Danny’s right side, and he stumbled back into the path of what looked and sounded like a speeding locomotive. Logic told him in the few heartbeats he was airborne that it was more likely an SUV, but it felt like a train as his body was thrown up onto the windshield and then out onto the unforgiving asphalt. He bounced, rolled, and smacked face first into the rough material—paralyzed.

    Voices mixed in the air above his head, but he only wanted to know where Ian and his revolver were. Would he finish Danny off? Or assume the SUV had done the job for him?

    A woman’s face appeared near his. I’m so sorry, she babbled hysterically. I didn’t see you. Are you okay? I’m calling 911.

    Though the words rattled on, Danny eventually ceased comprehending the sounds bombarding him. His vision clouded over, turning the world and the woman’s anxious face shades of gray.

    His chest constricted painfully, and his brain swirled in his skull so fast, Danny thought he’d sink right through the road and disappear. He retched, the pain an agony up and down his esophagus.

    A siren screamed, knocking him off the edge of consciousness.

    DANNY WOKE WITH A START, pain spiking up from his hips and landing with a crash under his skull. What the hell, he complained in a raspy, unfamiliar voice.

    No one answered.

    Cracking open stinging eyes, he discovered himself stretched on a gurney in a hospital, naked but for a white sheet flung over his hips. Swatting an oxygen mask off his face, he propped himself into a semi-reclining position and surveyed his new environment. The other gurneys in the room were occupied with people in varying stages of injury and illness. Hospital staff in blue and green scrubs hurried in and out, but no one paid any

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