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Paradise Pending
Paradise Pending
Paradise Pending
Ebook447 pages2 hours

Paradise Pending

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About this Book
A lifetime of poetry fills the pages of Paradise Pending .There are poems here to make you laugh, to move you, and to make you think. There are science fiction poems, fantasies, and parodies; poems on religion and spirituality, on love, politics, the environment, and the human condition. Pam Crane's greatest skill is witty and versatile rhymed verse, whether in classic or experimental form; but she is also a writer of expressive free verse with its internal rhymes and rhythms. The last section of the book is devoted to her collection of Haiku and Senryu which, in seventeen syllables over three lines, take tiny snapshots of two decades' vivid observations. 
If you love poetry, you will enjoy this book.

PublisherRev Pam Crane
Release dateMar 18, 2019
Paradise Pending

Rev Pam Crane

Rev Pam Crane has been a poet since she was seven years old, and an astrologer for most of her adult life. The latter has involved a lot of writing for astrological journals and the publication of three books to date: Draconic Astrology in 1987, The Draconic Chart in 2000 and 2013, and The Holy Twelve in 2019. It wasn’t until 2011 that she realised she also had a talent for the short story, and over the past seven years her collection has grown to fill this book. Ordained as a Deacon in the Liberal Catholic Church in 1993, a non-dogmatic, esoteric Christianity runs through much of what she writes - in her stories, her poetry and her astrological work. She now runs the website of Llandudno & District Writers Club, also producing its bi-monthly in-house magazine.

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    Book preview

    Paradise Pending - Rev Pam Crane


    PAM CRANE HAS BEEN writing poetry since she was seven years old; this collection spans the best part of seven decades’ work.

    Wearing her other hat, she has been a Christian astrologer for most of her life, is well known in that community, and has had three books on astrology published, plus many articles and a regular column in the bi-monthly Astrological Association Journal (for which she also compiles the Cryptic Crossword.)

    You can find her website at:



    Aquarian Press 1987

    The Draconic Chart (Astrology)

    Flare Publications, LSA London, 2013

    The Holy Twelve—Hidden Treasures of Astrology,

    Rev Pam Crane, Shoestring, 2019

    Dicing With Life—Collected Short Stories

    Rev Pam Crane, Shoestring, 2019


    To my wonderful husband, who has encouraged my

    writing so generously over the past forty-two years!




    In the rocks and the dust of Mars,

    In the core of a whirling planet,

    In the breath of a billion stars

    THE METAL OF MAN WAS waiting

    For a brain and a thumb and fire.

    An age of history-making

    Began with naked desire;

    FIRING, HAMMERING, honing,

    Ready for food and foe,

    Blade and spear in the forest

    To swing, to thrust, to throw.


    Harnessed its weight for war,

    Hard in the mouths of horses,

    Strong on the fortress door;


    Cauldron, helmet and chain,

    Armour against the weapon,

    Shield to carry the slain.


    Rim for the carter‘s wheel -

    And then the gun. And the girder.

    Man has discovered steel.

    WITH STEEL HE PLUNDERS the planet.

    With steel he murders the trees.

    With steel he conquers his neighbour ...

    But loses to Heart disease.


    Is left with the rust of war,

    Waiting for souls to ripen

    Just as it was before.


    WE ARE THE MEN WHO bring the trains ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling ...

    We are the blokes who clear the drains

    Tunnelling, tunnelling ...

    We are the docs who mend your brains ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling, tunnelling.

    BLASTING A WAY THROUGH ancient rock

    Blitzing a stinking garbage block

    Boring through bone against the clock ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling.

    WE ARE THE GUYS WHO drill for oil ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling ...

    We are the brains who search the soil ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling ...

    We are the chaps who heap the spoil

    Tunnelling, tunnelling, tunnelling.

    DRILLING THE EARTH until she screams

    Probing the past for secret dreams

    Ripping the heart from golden seams ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling.

    WE ARE THE CREATURES put to flight ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling ...

    We are the ghosts that haunt your night ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling ...

    We are the bugs you fail to fight ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling, tunnelling.

    RIDDLED WITH GRAVES a world will die

    Riddled with guilt, the mind awry

    Riddled with death, we all know why ...

    Tunnelling, tunnelling.


    THE LINES AND CONTOURS of a walker’s map

    To armchair travellers are a mystery.

    What do these colours and those symbols mean?

    Here at the paper’s edge we find the Key.

    THIS BLUE IS NOT THE sky, but ocean swell

    That washes golden arcs of treasured sand,

    Meets green swathes of mediaeval fields,

    Woods, and butterfly-rich down-land.

    BEYOND THE GREEN ARE rings of gentle brown -

    Here we are told the ground begins to rise.

    The browns get darker and the way is steep

    As contours cluster and reduce in size

    AND SEPIA GIVES WAY to pewter-grey,

    Then silver that is almost violet;

    We are amid the rocks, beyond the trees,

    On high fells, or a mountain parapet.

    THE LAST SMALL CIRCLE at four thousand feet

    And further still is white as the old snow

    That lies all year in every gully there,

    High as the sky where hikers long to go.

    AND SHOULD WE LOSE our way, a double line

    Printing a track by lakes and thready streams

    Will take us safely back to yellow roads,

    Red highways, dotted houses and ice-creams.


    WHEN YOU LAST LET IN the morning frost

    To scatter crumbs upon your window-sill,

    Shook the bread-board clear over the garden

    And watched the wild wings beating down for breakfast,

    did you think then? - birds have died for you

    So you can have red feathers on your hat.

    A cock bled all his gallantry for you -

    His love flown to your head.

    Put out more bread.


    ROLL UP! ROLL UP! AND vote for me,

    This rare day of democracy!

    Your Independent candidate

    Is up for vigorous debate

    On any issue - you may pick it;

    I shall add it to my ticket.

    Join me! Wear my fine rosette!

    I found these on the internet,

    The symbolism quite apparent -

    Frills and ribbons all transparent.

    My platform? I am anti-greed.

    ‘To each according to his need.’

    SO - NURSES’ WAGES? They must rise;

    That should come as no surprise.

    I am also on the ball

    With soccer - salaries must fall

    To where they were back in the day

    When games were televised in grey;

    The pricey foreigners must go

    So local lads can run the show.

    Then we can all afford to cheer

    Our teams three dozen times a year!

    THE BEATING HEART OF my campaign

    Is second homes. Let me explain,

    That only for a licence fee

    In this corrupt economy

    Should anyone at all be given

    More than a single house to live in.

    After somewhere nice to stay

    With kids or friends on holiday?

    You’ll have to rough it like the rest

    Of us, and be a hotel guest.

    Open the villages again

    To local folk and working men!

    My logo is a garden gnome:

    Make every house a proper home.

    STILL ON THE THEME of rural life,

    One phrase that cuts me like a knife

    Is National Park. A park’s for play.

    We’re throwing peace and space away,

    Granting the ignorant permission

    To tramp the wild into submission.

    I’LL CURB THE GREEDY National Trust,

    Stop all the farms from going bust,

    Punish the waste of food, and pull

    Strings to revive the trade in wool.

    (... Remember the verses on the bus

    And tube that once delighted us?)

    WE MUST CONTROL OUR lust for oil,

    Return the plough-horse to the soil.

    Spread the forests, marsh and heath,

    Meadow and moor, till we can breathe.

    I can see progress here and there,

    But people need another scare -

    We’re seeing fewer plastic-trees

    Yet micro-beads are in the seas

    And particles lodged in the brain

    May drive us secretly insane.

    Is our poisoned air why we

    Deny the world’s divinity?...

    I’LL FIGHT THE RISING tide of noise

    From shrieking girls and fighting boys;

    The clubs and bars will close at ten,

    And we can get some sleep again...

    Under a blazing Milky Way

    Once light is limited to day.

    No fireworks may be lit before

    November 5th; I’m waging war

    On every huge exploding shell

    That turns an evening into hell

    For those with post-traumatic stress,

    And trembling pets. The friendliness

    Of toffee-apples round the fire,

    Sooty potatoes, rockets higher

    Than stars, and flowers of coloured light

    Are joys enough on Fireworks Night.

    AND THOSE WHO WIND their windows down

    To blast their ‘music’ through the town

    And all who leave their engines running

    For ages at the kerb, I’m gunning

    For you! You shake the old, the ill,

    The tired - I’ll force you to keep still

    Many end up on a ward,

    Sick or broken, stressed and bored.

    ON MY WATCH, TO HELP us heal

    We shall feast at every meal.

    Morale will soar - and if we get a

    Smile as well, we’ll soon be better!

    Prevention always trumps a cure;

    In Whitehall thrift has great allure:

    I’ll save the NHS a packet,

    Ruining Big Pharma’s racket.

    Garlic scrips at fifty pee,

    Will keep the country virus-free.

    (You take it raw, with lots of food.

    It does your blood and body good.)

    And when you go to see the Doc

    He won’t be looking at the clock

    And neither will your daily carer -

    Pay and practice must be fairer.

    Nobody should lie all day

    Unloved until they waste away.

    ROLL UP! ROLL UP AND vote for me!

    I’ll do my best as your MP

    To purge pollution, waste and lies;

    Let’s save the world before it dies. 





    Bending in black

    Rows climbing people

    Ever closer to cloud

    Lost in rapture and hard rain

    Last bruised steps dedicated to

    A lifetimes’ weight of mistakes and pain

    See, the shrine. Under parasols eyes shine



    Secure your hard hat.

    Danger lurks in the flat

    Field and fresh air!


    Don’t go near the water.

    A man and his daughter

    Are drowning there!


    Everything you eat

    Can kill you. Horsemeat


    BEWARE -

    Only the thin look great.

    Say you are size eight

    Whatever you wear.


    Losing your self-esteem

    When Following your Dream.

    Worst nightmare.


    Kids must cope alone

    While you are on your phone

    With stuff to share.


    Trends that are so last year.

    Insist on the latest gear -

    It’s only fair.

    BEWARE -

    For anything really nice

    Don’t pay the asking price



    Those beggars on your street;

    They drink. They never eat

    Or wash their hair.


    That man with the ready smile

    May be a paedophile.

    Get out of there.


    A touch is an assault.

    Nothing is your fault -

    You were In Care.


    Beware of love.

    Beware of the velvet hand

    in the iron glove.

    Beware of black and posh

    and daft and queer -

    Beware of everything

    you ought to fear.

    Estranged from mercy, trust,


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