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Milk and Milk Products
Milk and Milk Products
Milk and Milk Products
Ebook54 pages31 minutes

Milk and Milk Products

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MILK is the normal mammary secretion derived from complete milking of healthy milch animal. It is also defined as the whole, clean, fresh, lacteal secretion obtained by complete milking of one or more healthy milch animals. Milk has been evolved as an ideal source of nourishment to the young ones of a particular species producing it. In many parts of the world, cow is the major source of milk for human consumption. However, some other sources of milk like buffalo, goat, sheep, camel etc have also been employed for milk consumption. In India, the principal sources of milk are cow and buffalo. Moreover, in few parts of the country some amount of goat milk is also being consumed.India ranks high in milk production with a largest livestock population in the world.The term ‘market milk’ refers to the fluid whole milk that is sold to individuals usually for direct consumption. In India, generally the term ‘milk’ refers to cow or buffalo milk, or a combination of the two.

Release dateMar 5, 2019
Milk and Milk Products

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    Milk and Milk Products - Aparna Bhatt


    Milk: An Introduction

    MILK is the normal mammary secretion derived from complete milking of healthy milch animal. It is also defined as the whole, clean, fresh, lacteal secretion obtained by complete milking of one or more healthy milch animals. Milk has been evolved as an ideal source of nourishment to the young ones of a particular species producing it. In many parts of the world, cow is the major source of milk for human consumption. However, some other sources of milk like buffalo, goat, sheep, camel etc have also been employed for milk consumption. In India, the principal sources of milk are cow and buffalo. Moreover, in few parts of the country some amount of goat milk is also being consumed.

    India ranks high in milk production with a largest livestock population in the world. The average production and per capita availability of milk in India is given below:



    Per Capita Availability (gm/day)-266



    Per Capita Availability (gm/day)-273



    Per Capita Availability (gm/day)-281



    Per Capita Availability (gm/day)-290

    The term ‘market milk’ refers to the fluid whole milk that is sold to individuals usually for direct consumption. In India, generally the term ‘milk’ refers to cow or buffalo milk, or a combination of the two. The proportion of cow, buffalo and goat milk to the total milk production in India is given in the table below:




    Nutritive Value of Milk

    The story of milk goes back to the beginning of civilization itself. Even in prehistoric times cattle were domesticated for milk, ploughing and other such purposes but at the same time were considered sacred and even worshipped in India. Milk is an ideal food having a very high nutritive value and is also one of the most essential of all foods. It is one of the most complete single foods available in nature for health and promotion of growth. Milk is often regarded as being nature's most complete food. It is one of the most crucial parts of our diet as it provides many of the nutrients which are essential for the growth of the human body. Being an excellent source of body building proteins, vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium milk has gained special importance in our diet at different stages of life.

    Fermented-milk products such as yoghurt and soured milk contain bacteria from the Lactobacilli group. This bacterium is present naturally in the digestive tract and has a cleansing and healing effect. Hence, the introduction of fermented products to our diet can help prevent certain yeasts and bacteria which may cause illness. Many people suffer from a condition known as 'lactose intolerance' which means that they are unable to digest the milk

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