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Thoughts + Action = Change
Thoughts + Action = Change
Thoughts + Action = Change
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Thoughts + Action = Change

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Thoughts + Action = Change

Over the years some of us say “if I had known” because we ignored other ways of thinking or doing things. By seeing the situations from a different perspective and making some changes we can live with more satisfaction. The practice of new concepts is what allows us to change helping us to feel better and experience life with less anguish and more pleasure.

Some sections of the book:
• The Power of Words
• 'Listen' to Your Intuition
• Even with Fear, Dare Yourself
• Why We Should Say No
• To Forgive is to Progress
• Thank Those Who Left
• The Wisdom of Silence

Life is a work in progress, through awareness and practice we learn how to enjoy it better.

Release dateMar 3, 2019
Thoughts + Action = Change

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    Thoughts + Action = Change - Martha Vallejo


    Life is a series of lessons. While we experience it, let’s try to do everything possible to live as well as we can. Over the years some of us say if I had known because we ignored other ways of thinking or doing things. I would like to avoid those difficult moments for all of us, but it is not possible. However, I believe that when our ideas focus on the positive aspects of life, we can experience it in a better way. Here I share teachings from my years of experience, what I have learned from other people, and through numerous readings.

    I propose ideas and practices that can help you feel better and experience life with less anguish and more pleasure. The objective is to support you in seeing the situations from a positive point of view, making small changes thus you live every day with more satisfaction. Several studies have shown that negative states harm our health. And in contrast, factors such as optimism benefit it. In addition, positive emotions strengthen our personality by helping us when we experience difficulties. Also, I share practical ideas to keep your appearance, your home and your economy in order. In this way the different aspects of your life are in harmony and contribute to your prosperity.

    To live enjoying every day depends on us. Changes happen when we sincerely wish them. They stimulate us to enjoy benefits such as feeling energized and experiencing physical, mental and spiritual health. The practice or continuous reminder of new concepts is what allows us to change, I suggest you read and reread each of these pages as many times as you need. I share them with you with the best intention that you will live with well-being and harmony.

    From my heart,

    Martha Vallejo

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    Science and Positivism

    With a positive attitude we experience pleasant and happy feelings. We transmit goodwill, happiness and success. We walk more upright, our voice is more secure and our body language shows how we feel. Even our health benefits. However, to direct the mind towards the positive requires an internal work, since the attitude and thoughts do not change overnight. Did you know that being positive improves your health? During the last decades there have been numerous studies showing that negative states such as depression, anger, anxiety and hostility are harmful to health. And factors such as optimism, satisfaction with life and happiness are associated with better health. Regardless of factors such as a person’s age, socioeconomic status or body weight, the researchers found that positive psychological well-being seems to reduce the risk of some cardiovascular diseases. They also observed that individuals who felt good, in addition, followed healthy behaviors such as exercising, eating a balanced diet, and sleeping properly.

    They also noted that positive emotions consume negative emotions. When the latter persist, they produce irritability and an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that the evocation of positive emotions, in these circumstances, is the most effective way to undo the after-effects of negative emotions. Cultivating positive emotions accelerates the return to cardiovascular normalcy. In addition, positive emotions broaden thinking and elevate psychological strength in a lasting way, any positive emotion you experience today not only makes you feel good in the moment, it also increases the likelihood that you will feel good in the future.

    These reasons are enough inspiration for us to make a conscious effort, to be alert to the thoughts that visit us and notice if they make us feel good or if we need to change them. It is not about denying reality, it is about changing the focus of what happens to us. In life happen and will continue to happen pleasing events and, inevitably, also some unpleasant ones. When the latter occur, it is our choice to collapse before them or continue forward thinking that the situation will improve. It is choosing how to see the glass: half empty or half full.

    Being positive benefits your health

    Positive emotions undo negative emotions

    Being positive makes you feel good in the moment and in the future

    Choose how to see the glass: half empty or half full

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    Our health covers three aspects: physical, mental and spiritual. Our well-being includes the good state of each one of them. To feel good, it is necessary to take care of ourselves in every way. Our physical health depends on what we eat and how much we exercise. Therefore, the importance of following a balanced diet that includes fruits, vegetables, legumes, proteins and water, abstaining from drugs and regulating alcoholic beverages. Jointly, it is essential to practice a physical activity appropriate to our personality, trying to exercise an average of 25 minutes a day.

    Positive thinking does not mean burying your head in the sand and ignoring unpleasant situations in life. Positive thinking means addressing the unpleasant in a more positive and productive way. Believe that the best will happen, not the worst. Our thoughts form our beliefs, values and goals. Our emotional health comes from what we think, however we focus our thoughts is how we feel. In other words, thinking positively or negatively affects our well-being. By being optimistic and making plans for the future, we feel motivated and enthusiastic. These feelings contribute to our mental well-being.

    Our energy comes from our spiritual essence. We need to develop our intuition and spirituality. Our spiritual health is related to our beliefs, to have faith in something more powerful than ourselves. Faith changes our hearts: we feel love and compassion towards ourselves and towards others. I recommend a daily or frequent practice that keeps this spiritual connection open. Everyone has their own way of connecting with their inner self, practice what works best for you. For some it may be religion, for others meditation, prayer, the study of some philosophy, a walk in silence.

    Health is the harmony of these aspects: physical, mental and spiritual. When these linked hoops march in congruence they provoke sensations of happiness and comfort. The imbalance occurs when one or more aspects stumble. Our well-being is a conscious and self-directed process that helps us achieve our best potential. For this it is essential that we seek constant care of these three aspects. By seeking the balance of the three, we can live a more satisfying life. Therefore, it is important to remember and dedicate the necessary attention to each one.

    Our health includes the physical, mental and spiritual aspects

    Physical health depends on a balanced diet and exercise

    Mental health requires thinking positively

    Spiritual health needs faith

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    The Subconscious

    According to the psychologist Sigmund Freud, the subconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, impulses and memories that are beyond our consciousness. The subconscious contains

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