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Inspire 2B Inspired
Inspire 2B Inspired
Inspire 2B Inspired
Ebook109 pages1 hour

Inspire 2B Inspired

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About this ebook

Motivating one another could be hard, and inspiring someone else could be a resistance. Inspire 2B Inspired, is a motivational novel that allows you to understand yourself while teaching you how to never place the blame upon someone else for something in your past; or for something that you could have prevented yourself.

Think positive, with Motivational thoughts, while filling yourself with Knowledge, and Acceptance. Once you've become aware of Knowing what's best for you, you'll become Grateful that you've Inspired yourself.

Think outside of the way that you regularly think, think openly; while never seeming weak. Think for yourself, and love what you've learned from your past, embarrass what you've become, and understand why things are as they may be.

Make it your personal goal to think with positivity, understand that life is a gift, and understand that each day is a present with optimistic things in acceptance. Remove yourself from all negativity, and understand that negativity is a disease, for people that pray for positive thinking.

Understand that life is precious, and understand that you only get one chance to live. Think for yourself, while becoming open-minded, and understanding of others acceptance.

Release dateNov 30, 2018
Inspire 2B Inspired

Black Barbie

Author Black Barbie's, legal name is Ebony S. Edgerson. Author Black Barbie is an Independent Self-Published Author, Author Black Barbie's first book was Published with Raquel William's Presents. Author Black Barbie Resides In Oakland, Ca.

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    Inspire 2B Inspired - Black Barbie


    I Acknowledge the struggle that we each individually deal with from day to day.

    I Acknowledge the chances that we take, and the chances that we have taken to assure that our lives remain sane.

    I Acknowledge the dreams that we all hold are different.

    I Acknowledge the blessing that we where each individually given.

    I Acknowledge the sacrifices that have been made by my mother and father.

    Harry -Terry Edwards, Thank you for the Blessing of life's Existence.

    Author Black Barbie

    Inspire 2B Inspired

    (Chapters of Self-Understanding)








    WHEN THEY ASK YOU WHAT's your motivation, make sure that you tell them life, tell them that the gift of living and the joy of giving is motivation to inspire within itself.

    When they ask you why do you motivate, explain to them that it is a blessing to watch another

    person prosper with good wishes from someone else persistence.

    When they ask you, why are you proud to promote and produce motivation, gladly explain to them that it's just one of the many joys that come along with living.

    How dare you motivate someone else and wish them with many well wishes, statements such as that, no one would care to mention.

    Motivating the world is something that we should do daily, by motivating one another, our minds will become creative. Motivation is something that we all should become used to pursuing, while also becoming something that we're accustomed to doing.

    How dare you motivate me, is a statement of negativity and a statement of broken hardship and financial defeat.

    How could you say that you don't want to be motivated when motivation is help for someone that wants more for themselves.

    Motivation mean's that you want to get out, and it means that you want to believe, believing in yourself can become a very hard thing.

    Motivate yourself daily with just the simplest thing, motivate yourself to smile more often, while also motivating yourself to become friendly.

    Don't just think motivation, but speak it into existence. Motivation won't come overnight, however, if you try motivation along with being persistent and precise. Motivation will show you that there is an existence of living life.

    Motivate your friends and also practice in motivating others, motivate your mother your father and your sister and brother.

    Motivate a sinner, motivate a stranger, motivate the world, that way we can all be content without hate and anger.

    What motivation means to you, can have a different meaning for someone else.

    Some are motivated with the joyful blessing of living life and with the opportunity of giving.

    Motivation is something that we should look forward to, no matter how hard life becomes, and no matter how hard life makes you struggle while living.

    Motivation always has a positive outcome if you choose to think outside of the bubble and think differently from what's given.

    If someone is close to you and you see them going through life to pursue their dreams, motivate them while cheering them on, as they concur a new world full of strange and elaborate things.

    Motivate yourself to understand that someone in this world was down and out, have you heard that someone in this world is going without.

    Motivate them by inspiring them, and by assuring them that our struggles are temporarily seen.

    Motivate yourself to understand that a lot of people in this world are depressed and stressed with life and that they are struggling to survive with this crazy world that we live in.

    Motivate others by assuring them that if we all do something positive, it would turn out with a  positive ending.

    Motivate them the same way that you've told them that they'd become nothing.

    Motivate them the same way that you've laughed at them while taunting and teases them.

    Motivate them to become inspiring, motivate him by telling him that he is King and that she is Queen.

    Motivate them by telling them that they will later inspire others into becoming something.

    Motivate them by encouraging them to live life, while telling them to take out the time to breath and enjoy what's right.

    Motivate them to become employed, motivate them into becoming independent while being inspired.

    Motivate them into a better lifestyle, while showing them a different way of living.

    Motivate them instead of talking about them and belittling them.

    Motivate them by helping them and by consoling them.

    Motivate them by expressing your well wishes and forgiveness towards them.

    Motivate them by growing with them, motivate them by always inspiring them to be better then what they've originally been.

    Motivate them by assisting them instead of laughing at them, motivate them by pointing out what it is that you see in them.

    Motivate those without instead of laughing at them and turning up your nose, motivate them instead of judging them and misleading them.

    Motivate them by not using them, and try to help console them.

    Motivate them by asking them instead of assuming for them.

    Motivate them by understanding that their associates don't always know the truth about them.

    Motivate them by leading them, and by showing them the right things.

    Motivate them by telling them that you love them and that you care for them.

    Motivate them by teaching them something that is uplifting and worth telling someone else to share.

    Motivate them be sharing with them your sudden change of interest.

    Motivate them by sharing your blessings with them, and by telling them that you care for and about them, with a host of other well wishes.

    Motivate yourself to pray each and every day, regardless of what religion you praise.

    Motivate yourself to thank the religion of our King, inspire yourself to understand that you were not placed in this world for nothing.

    Motivate yourself to get a better understanding of the blessing that comes along with life, as we continue to expand while living.

    Motivate yourself to understand, that we will never finish learning.

    Motivate yourself to know that it is never too late to increase your learning. 

    Motivate your finances, along with your other sources of income in order to have the things throughout life that you desire, want, and need.

    Motivate yourself to know that you hold the power and that you are the reason for your life's source of income.

    Motivate yourself to be better than what you are today, motivate yourself to understand that you hold your own destiny.

    Motivate yourself to be all that you can be, it was quoted best, by The United States US Army.

    Motivate yourself to get out and mingle, meet new people; open up another chapter of your life with a host of experiences with an endless sequel of other things.

    Motivate yourself to understand that you only have one opportunity at living life and that you'll never have another chance at living it twice.

    Motivate yourself to go out and do something positive, but yet it's unthinkable and precise, make people become aware of you while making them tense and enticed.

    Motivate yourself to live this one life full of travel, and with exceptional things.

    Motivate yourself to understand that anything is possible once you've begun to properly think.

    Motivate yourself to understand that we all have had

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