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Guide to Home Buying
Guide to Home Buying
Guide to Home Buying
Ebook70 pages36 minutes

Guide to Home Buying

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About this ebook

This guide is a handbook to run you through the process of home buying.  It summarizes the key areas that most home buyers should adhere to.  Have you ever wonder why you miss the obvious when buying a home?  Well, it's because you don't have something to direct you and remind you of the do's and don'ts.  No need to study those hefty books as if you are back in your economic class.  A simple overview will do.

The seven step process touches upon types of financing, kinds of representations you may need, types of homes you should consider, the importance of making a strategic offer, and more.  Knowing before you make a purchase that is going to have a major impact on your life is quite important.  Pamphlets, won't do it.  Here is a chance to get a personal insight on home buying.

PublisherJennifer G
Release dateDec 1, 2018
Guide to Home Buying

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    Guide to Home Buying - Jennifer G


    ALTHOUGH THERE MAY be many versions of the buying process, this book is to simplify the important aspects that should not be dismissed.  It is a general overview of the steps taken that some may have not paid close attention to.  The thrill of home shopping and the idea that one day you will own a home, sometimes causes the buyers to be lax and heavily rely on others.  This is to bring you back to reality that you, too, must take an active role in all aspects.

    The warning buyers beware is no longer needed in shopping for a home.  Many of us have educated ourselves so that there won’t be any detrimental surprises.  With technology and vast information at our fingertips, there is no need to be unprepared for one of the major investments in your life.  The home shopping equation is simplified for anyone to understand.  It takes the buyer plus the accessible resources to get the home of your choice.  That is Buyers + Resources = Home.  The steps to the equation are not as simple, but it is streamlined for a smooth adventure, with possibly some minor hiccups on the way.  It is nothing to worry about, because the formula includes resources.  These resources will take care of any hiccups.  Information from the resources can be turned into valuable knowledge.

    What are these resources?  They are the real estate agents, the lawyers, the brokers, the inspectors, the mortgage lenders, the contractors, and your personal support team at your side.  They are all part of the process and will help you make an informed better decision, compared to if you didn’t have them at all.  They work for you and are your team.

    The entire buying process uses your resources productively, as you will eventually understand.  An overview of the seven-step process is as follows.

    Step 1 FINANCING:  Get prepared and pre-approved for a loan. (Lender)

    Step 2 REPRESENTATION:  Seek the assistance of a licensed real estate agent.  (Agent, Broker)

    Step 3 SHOPPING FOR YOUR HOME TYPE:  Start your home shopping within your desired location.  (Personal Support Team)

    Step 4 OFFERS:  Place and negotiate your offer.  (Inspector, Contractors, Agent)

    Step 5 RECOGNIZING CONTINGENCIES:  Understanding your agreement with or without contingencies.  (Agent. Lawyer)

    Step 6 CLOSING THE DEAL:  Do your walk-through prior to the closing date. Be financially ready and able at closing.  (Lawyer, Agent, Lender)

    Step 7 KEYS TO YOUR NEW HOME:  Walk away with the keys to your home.  (You)

    Your resources should be sought for, prior to the beginning of the process.  It is better to be prepared before you make quick decisions during the process that may hinder your judgment.  Looking for a lawyer and a lender while shopping may give way for you to pick the wrong one and have negative influences on your choices.  Use due diligence in selecting the right resources before you begin, so that you are on a solid ground during your home shopping experience.

    Step 1:  FINANCING

    SECURING THE MONEY to make a purchase is a

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