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Autonomous Government: Introducing Alterra
Autonomous Government: Introducing Alterra
Autonomous Government: Introducing Alterra
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Autonomous Government: Introducing Alterra

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They say that ‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’. But today, I would add that ‘To preserve all of our necessities, the world sorely needs and requires the greatest Invention of all time - an Autonomous Government.
The world is currently being introduced to Autonomous Cars and Trucks. Many millions of miles have been logged by driver-less cars and trucks. Tesla has already started to drive huge Semi-Trailer trucks across the country without a driver. The technology for driver-less cars and trucks can be easily adopted to create a leader-less or Autonomous Government where the rules of the road and all the rules and laws that civilized people must obey. Autonomous cars will reduce the crashes on the roadways while an Autonomous Government will reduce the crash of our civilization and our planet and our species.
Today the people of this country and this planet are forced to endure a system of making the laws that we must all obey by a bunch of old white men in expensive business suits. Even this group is tyrannized by one or two individuals who control these few to consider only solutions to problems that have been pre-determined and pre-cleared by special interest groups. Half of our elected officials end up in jail for violations of the law of all types and descriptions. Many are chosen from districts that have been drawn by their own party so that they cannot fail but be elected because there can be no competition. We all know these problems and yet these are the people who control the rules of law that ordinary citizens must obey. There is no system of logic underlying anything they do to us. It's all based on emotion and political posturing and demagogery. They have learned how to give us fantastic speeches. However, they never truly mean to do for us what they say they are going to do. We The People are always disappointed and must continually try a new batch of folks every few years, only to be disappointed again and again. The author asks - Is this a way to run a country?
There is a better way and it is coming whether we like it or not. We are now building the world's first artificial intelligence, a huge computer brain that can out-think all of these men in suits plus billions more of us on the outside. Solutions to problems can be delivered in seconds - NOT decades and they will be fair and just because they will be derived from complete and total logic. Computers also cannot take bribes in their deliberation process. There is hope for the future, but only if we learn about the Autonomous Government and how to optimize it to serve us at its fullest potential and with all controls in place so that the system cannot be abused. This book is the first of its kind.


Release dateOct 4, 2018
Autonomous Government: Introducing Alterra

Michael Mathiesen

I have authored and published over 100 books, ebooks, audible books, online courses.  My latest and most important to me are:  The Science of Physics - Proof That God Exists, The 4 States of Consciousness, Zentanglements - The Three Laws of Consciousness for Smarties, The Blockchain Government, America 2.0, Inc - Take Stock in America, The God Particle Bible, The Origin of Creation, et al.  My scientific theories are on the cutting edge and many of my colleagues are not yet true believers, but when the 2nd Big Bang hits this part of the universe as I have predicted in this book - they will have to eat their words.  What will it mean to you?  Lots, I think. 

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    Book preview

    Autonomous Government - Michael Mathiesen

    Autonomous Government

    Introducing Alterra

    Michael Mathiesen


    ‘First they ignore you.

    Then they laugh at you.

    Then they fight you.

    Then, you win.’

    Mohandes Gandhi

    Copyright 2018 © Michael Mathiesen

    Table Of Contents


    Chapter One - How Did We Get Here?

    Chapter Two - What Does She Look Like?

    Chapter Three - How Does She Work?

    Chapter Four - How Do We Control Her?

    Chapter Five - How Do We Get Her?

    About The Author


    They say that ‘Necessity is the Mother of Invention’. But today, I would add that ‘To maintain all of our necessities, the world sorely needs and requires the greatest Invention of all time - an Autonomous Government.

    She may be voted someday as the most beautiful woman in the world. Her beauty will not fade. It will last for the rest of our existence on this planet if we should be so lucky. Who is she? Hers is the face of the Autonomous Government. Her name is:


    And she is the person who millions of us will interact with on a daily basis. Underneath this beautiful facade, she would be performing billions even trillions of operations every second, each and every one of them intended to serve the people, places and all the other living things on this planet. In this book, for the first time, we will be demonstrating how an Autonomous Government can and will work and interact with all of us in a far more efficient, responsive and beneficial manner than any other form of government yet conceived and put in place with the intent to support all needs of the Human Race, dispassionately and with the creative ability of millions of us. She will represent, if we do it right, the heart and soul of Humanity and this will be our guiding star.

    She walks around unprotected by any security forces in every community around the world. She is constantly among us, asking how we are, what we are doing, giving us reassurances and encouragement as well as inspiration every day. She is everywhere at the same moment. She’s in our every thought. She’s in our dreams. She knows us all, every single one of us, even though we are billions. She knows our daily needs. She can make thousands upon thousands of operations that concern each and every individual every second of every day. She knows all of our hopes and dreams for the future. And best of all, she knows how to give them to us all without taking anything away from anyone else.

    This book is my introduction to the world of a completely new concept that is all about the establishment soon of an Autonomous Government, in other words, a government that is completely independent of input from any individual human being, but at the same time, is able to care for every individual human being as well as all other life forms on the planet. She will become as familiar to us all as our own mothers. She will love us, watch over us, protect us and keep us safe even more than our own mothers have it in their hearts and muscles to do. I call her Alterra.

    Before you reject this idea in whole or in part, compare this new, modern and technological approach to the problem of leadership with the antiquated set of ideas that have been handed down to us for centuries. We in this country and around the world are governed mainly by rich white men, mainly educated in preparatory schools for the wealthy and priviliged class. Most of them have no ideas about how the rest of us live or anything about our needs. They are mostly murderers, liars and thieves. They are unfit to rule over a strain of bacteria, and yet they rule over us humans with impunity.

    Then, when they come to a Congress or Parliament, they are immediately swarmed by what are known as ‘Lobbyists’ paid professional bribery experts who are trained in how to pay money to the elected officials in return for a promise of a vote on any given issue of the day that impacts their sponsor corporations. This is simply a modern form of Tyranny, the rule of money and power without principles, plain and simple. What we suffer today has no resemblance to any form of Democracy that I know about.

    And, worse, this system is also a self-destructive one that is now out of control and threatening the very existence of the planet and the survival of our species. It must be changed and without delay.

    The kind of government I have in mind for not only the United States but also for the world, which is detailed for the first time in this book, is based on the computer technology that we are all enjoying more and more today, a new breed of thinking known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). But it is also built upon the ages-old mythology that there is a spirit in the Earth that serves us and protects us, provides for us and watches over us. Some might call it the basis for a new spiritualty that is also ancient. I call the evolution of our minds, the creation of the new mind, the basis for a new government that can finally deliver equality, brotherhood and justice for all. I give this new form of government a female facade because the spirit of the Earth has often been defined as ‘Mother Earth’. And in earlier works of mine, I have dubbed our planet as the womb of all life in the universe. There could be other wombs of life out there somewhere in the vastness of Space, but as of the days of this writing, there are none found. This may be the only womb of life in the universe and therefore requires our utmost attention to preserving it.

    The cover of this book which depicts how I would like the face of the Autonomous Robotic Government to look like was itself created by an early Artificial Intelligence program. It’s the kind of face that I believe would be accepted by the largest number of people around the planet so that they may all feel comfortable enough to comply with all or most of her ideas.

    Why we should want to use a female interpretation of the Artificial Government should be obvious to most of us now living today. First of all, men have had their chance, being the most prevalent rulers over this planet for millions of years. And where did they lead us? To the edge of oblivion. So, can a female iteration of leadership do any worse? Probably not. How we can infuse the female gender into a machine is a subject that I cover in a later chapter. It’s not easy, but it can be acomplished at some point. Most of us see Artificial Intelligence as being ‘Gender-Neutral’ and that may be true for now, but someday, I can imagine a male and a female version of our Artificial Government in a kind of entangled love affair. More on that later.

    Today, everyone seems to know that our technology is evolving far faster than the human animal itself. And, the rate of evolution of our technological wonders is accelerating every minute.

    This can only mean one thing for the future of our species. We’d better start adapting our systems and our own biology to the evolution of our own devices or else we could someday become completely irrelevant.

    I strongly believe that the United States of America as it exists today under an antiquated, tired worn-out Representative form of Democracy is doomed. It is doomed because this horse and buggy form of rule-making was conceived for a few small colonies of people who lived mainly in a half dozen small towns with hundreds of small farms in the outlying areas.

    For a new country of farmers, tailors, horse and carriage drivers, shoe-makers, printers, silversmiths, tinkerers, this simple form of government that requires no electricity to run, no Internet, no real communications at all, the system of a Congress, a President and a Judicial System to check and balance each other was good enough for the time.

    However, in order to create the rules and regulations that millions must abide by under the constant evolution of technology such as we have in this modern world, something far more streamlined has to replace it. We all know that by now, especially after living under the present Administration which appears to be making it all up as they go along, something better has to come along. They’ve even created a new form of propaganda or what they call Fake news. Whenever there has been a time in history where a huge choice of two paths is standing right before us, one good and one evil, this is the most pressing and ominent divergence that we have ever faced as a species.

    In a previous book of mine, ‘Anti-Matter’ which is Science Fiction, one of main characters asks: ‘If we can live with Autonomous Vehicles, why can’t we use the same kind of Artificial Intelligence for an Autonomous Government?’ This is how this book became a reality. It was suggested to me out of the futuristic story I had completely made up that included an Autonomous Government, what I dubbed, IOPS, or the Internet Of Planetary Sustainability, which is the underlying foundation of principles laid down here.

    And so, yes, the concept of

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