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Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression
Ebook133 pages1 hour

Anxiety and Depression

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Addressing areas of everyday life - from the anxiety of visiting the dentist to personal depression - this guide helps readers eliminate the prohibitive nature of fear and sadness. Incorporating such techniques as visual meditation and transcripts to read before sleeping, readers learn to gain control over their negative thoughts and feelings and conquer the paralyzing and unhealthy symptoms associated with anxiety and depression.
PublisherG&D Media
Release dateOct 9, 2018
Anxiety and Depression

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    Anxiety and Depression - Allan Eastman


    Effective, well-researched treatments exist for most mental disorders, yet the majority of people who have severe mental illness are not treated. Our goal and never ending quest is to improve understanding, diagnosis and treatment of mental illness throughout the world for all people, at little to no cost to the patient.

    When compared with all other diseases (such as cancer and heart disease), mental illness ranks first in terms of causing disability in the United States, Canada and Western Europe, according to a study by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2001). This groundbreaking study found that mental illness (including depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia) accounts for twenty-five percent of all disability across all major industrialized countries.

    President’s New Freedom Commission on Mental Health

    President George W. Bush, April 2002

    Everyday, millions of people wake up feeling fatigued, tired, anxious, depressed and even dreading getting out of bed to face the day. Those who suffer from anxiety and depression are often told to pull themselves together, get back to work, just think positive and are left without any actual solutions or skills to help themselves. Sometimes they’re called lazy, worthless and self-defeating. In fact, people with anxiety and depression harbor a debilitating secret, which can sneak up and diminish their lives if they aren’t careful or don’t seek proper help. Anxiety and depression are serious, even deadly, problems, requiring actual solutions, interventions, self-help and actualization.

    My name is Alan Eastman and I’m a mental health crisis therapist and certified clinical hypnotherapist, often working with people suffering from anxiety and depression. Through experience, I’ve learned to integrate sometimes necessary medical interventions, with counseling, self-help and clinical hypnotherapy. I teach people how to live their newfound lives full of power and passion. With some gentle guidance, sufferers of anxiety and depression can not only live normal lives, they can excel at life.

    We’re faced with even more crucial and devastating challenges in our personal lives. Anxiety can leap into our lives like a tiger striking prey; depression can creep and linger, not knowing when to take its leave. No one is immune. I’m certainly not and millions of others have also developed anxiety and depression. It can strike anyone at anytime. In my years of practice, I have worked with students overwhelmed by schoolwork, mothers worn down by the daily pressures of raising kids and running a home, even athletes stricken by an inability to perform. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, one in five Americans will be affected by a mental disorder during a given year.

    In the most extreme circumstances, survivors of both wars and natural disasters, as well as soldiers, peacekeepers, aid workers and their families, are dealing with these serious reasons to experience anxiety and depression. But even those of us watching these events unfold on television can be haunted and terrified by images of war and natural destruction. After a tragedy, we start to recover and this is when anxiety and depression can set in. Both are debilitating, often stopping us from enjoying normal emotions, even the normal ups and downs of life. People suffering from symptoms of anxiety and depression can have trouble sleeping, are easily startled, have flashbacks and may avoid other people or visiting certain places. Those who’ve faced tragedies may suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can linger for weeks, months or even years.

    This book incorporates the best of cognitive behavioral therapy (the most recommended therapy for anxiety and depression), hypnotherapy, complementary and alternative approaches, self-help exercises and tips on finding local resources, in a readily accessible package. I feel that the two most effective, but underutilized, methods of fighting depression and anxiety are hypno-therapy practiced by a certified hypnotherapist and self-help. Self-help includes reading books like this one, nutrition, exercise, self-hypnosis and meditation. Anxiety/Depression is a book for anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and make improvements in their life. If you feel stuck and are struggling with stress, tension, anxiety, worry, depression or confusion, this book is for you. It can also help people who’re doing okay, but want to do better. If you want to excel in life, becoming a full participant and living a life full of possibilities and rewards, read this book!

    I hope one day we’ll recognize that mental health issues are just as devastating as heart attacks and strokes, that they can also kill if not responded to in time. It’s also my hope that hypnotherapy will be seen as a first-line intervention, that the myths and misconceptions regarding hypnotherapy will be removed so we can move on to teaching the skills of problem solving, communication, self-help and self-hypnosis.

    In Anxiety / Depression, we’ll look at the origins of anxiety and depression to see that they’re entirely treatable conditions that can be tackled and conquered. I welcome you to read and explore further; the more we know about these conditions, the more we can help ourselves. Later, I’ll give you actual techniques and exercises that you can use to chart a course for your brighter future.

    I believe in living in the moment, in experiencing the now. In the present, we create our future. Our thoughts of what could be just might be; what we think of most often, we create. Most of the theories in this book are based on this simple principle. The past is forever the past. We can deal with its issues, but we must let it be. The present is our only reality. Really think about that, because it’s important. I’ll explain this in more depth as I explain how you can create a more abundant and happy future by focusing on the present moment.

    Section 1:

    Chapter 1:

    Anxiety and Depression, An Introduction

    Having studied anxiety and depression for over ten years, I want to start by giving you information to help you better understand anxiety and depression and the treatment options available, including hypnotherapy. Why do I speak of anxiety and depression together? Because eighty percent of people who suffer from anxiety also suffer from depression and vice-versa. Over time, anxiety can cause the body’s systems to become over-taxed and depression can set in; sometimes a person who suffers from depression can become anxious about his or her inability to make positive life changes.

    What are Anxiety and Depression?

    Anxiety: The symptoms of anxiety can affect the whole person, body, mind and soul. Common physical symptoms include generalized nervousness, shakiness, feeling off balance, nausea, pacing, rapid heartbeat and light-headedness. Mentally, one may suffer from racing thoughts and excessive worry.

    Depression: Depression is a medical and mental disorder characterized by a range of physical and mental symptoms. These symptoms are different from just being sad or blue. Everyone feels sad from time to time for any number of reasons, including weight, smoking, addictions, family or other relationships. Generally, situational sadness goes away after a time. Situational sadness tends to follow stages, much like grief, as it progresses. The main difference between clinical depression and situational sadness, is that in clinical depression that sad, low feeling does not dissipate over time without treatment. A person with a low, depressed mood lasting over two weeks, may have clinical depression.

    Anxiety and depression can be devastating emotional disorders, but proper and timely treatment can relieve over eighty percent of those who seek treatment.


    22% of the population, more than forty million Americans, experience some kind of depression each year

    12% of all women will be affected by depression in their lifetime

    6.6% of all men will be affected by depression in their lifetime

    80% to 90% of all depressed people who seek treatment improve significantly

    National Institute of Mental Health

    What the statistics don’t say is that a large percentage of people who experience depression and anxiety remain untreated. Many don’t recognize the symptoms, others self-medicate with drugs or alcohol, some don’t seek treatment and some are treated for their symptoms only, rather than their underlying problem. Recent studies show that anxiety and depression are on the rise, especially among single adults, women in poverty and adolescents. Natural disasters and tragedies understandably generate huge increases in people experiencing depression and anxiety, as well as an acute form of anxiety called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Sadly, many people blame themselves or are blamed by others for their condition, leading to alienation and even suicide. More importantly, the numbers numb us to the fact that depression and anxiety cause real suffering in very real people.

    There Are Many Kinds of Depression

    Major Depression: Major depression lasts weeks to months, with an ongoing low feeling and the mental pain of being trapped in one’s own mind. A sense of desperation and inability to make one’s life work, often lead to suicide attempts. Other symptoms include reduced energy, reduced concentration and an inability to complete projects or even basic tasks. Hypnosis can work on the

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