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The Moving Universe
The Moving Universe
The Moving Universe
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The Moving Universe

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The Moving Universe is designed for the student of astrology, and is the only book on transits that deals with both the mundane and spiritual interpretations. It is as much a spiritual teaching as it is an astrology book. The mundane (worldly) interpretation shows what is likely happening in the outer life. The spiritual perspective gives the interior lessons and challenges that the transits are bringing. Understanding these issues gives the student a deeper perspective on what’s going on in the client’s (or their own) life. Many students of astrology are on a spiritual path, and understanding the spiritual perspective will help them.
Release dateDec 9, 2016
The Moving Universe

Joseph Polansky

Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for 20 years.

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    The Moving Universe - Joseph Polansky



    This book is designed for the student of astrology. The author presumes that the reader can cast a Natal Horoscope - either personally or by computer and can calculate transits. This work will help in interpreting the transits. Every possible transit is given here. The interpretations are valid as written but will also spark the intuition to show other nuances in interpretation.

    There are many fine books on the transits. Robert Hands’s work¹ immediately comes to mind. But here we are giving two levels of interpretation - the mundane and the spiritual perspective. This I have never seen in print. The mundane (worldly) interpretation shows what is likely happening in the outer life. The spiritual perspective gives the interior lessons and challenges that the transits are bringing. Understanding these issues gives the student a deeper perspective on what’s going on in the client’s (or personal) life.

    Many students of astrology are on a spiritual path, and understanding the spiritual perspective will help them on their path.

    Since the internal is always causative to the external, ignoring the spiritual dimension is a serious handicap which the author wishes to rectify in this work.

    These interpretations are valid as written. But transits tend to be complicated by the fact that we are often subjected to multiple transits at the same time. And sometimes, one transit is contradicting another. For example Jupiter might be making a beautiful transit to Venus - a positive for the love life. But at the same time, Uranus or Saturn might be afflicting Venus - a negative for the love life. Here is where the intuition of the student must come into play. Which transit is stronger? Which transit shows a trend, which shows only a bump on the road? Are there more transits supporting the love life than afflicting it? All these factors must be taken into account. And, by their nature are beyond the scope of this work. One must be looking at the actual Horoscope to deal with these issues.

    There are hosts of aspects that a transiting planet can make, but here we are dealing with the major aspects - the Conjunction (the planets more or less occupy the same space), Opposition (the planets are opposite each other), Square (the planets are 90 degrees apart), Trine (the planets are 120 degrees apart) and Sextile (the planets are 60 degrees apart). This is enough to keep us busy for a long time. These are the most powerful and important aspects. Eventually it is good for the student to study the minor aspects - the ²Sesquisquare (the square and a half - 135 degrees apart), the Quincunx (150 degrees apart), the Semisextile (30 degrees apart) and the Semisquare (45 degrees apart). These aspects are like condiments in a meal - they add flavor and nuance, but are not the meal itself. The meat and potatoes are the major aspects.

    The interpretation given here are valid for both the Natal chart and for the Solar Return of a given year. This gives the work more usefulness. Once you’ve learned the meaning of the transits in your birth chart (or client’s birth chart) you can still use them year after year - when you study your Solar Return. Our readers surely know that we get a new Solar Return every year.

    There is another dimension to transits which must be understood. Every planet has its universal rulership - its generic meaning - and these are being used in this book. But the serious student needs to keep in mind that every planet has subsidiary meanings depending on the Houses that it rules in the actual Horoscope. For example, Venus in her universal rulership rules love, partnerships and the social life in general. However, in a given Horoscope she can rule the 3rd House of communication. Thus she can behave like Mercury in that given Horoscope. Her transits would affect the mentality as well as the love life. If this is the case, read the Venus transit and also read the Mercury transit. This will give a deeper insight to the transit.

    I was contemplating including the consideration of each planet as a Lord of a House. It soon became apparent that the book would have tripled or quadrupled in length. It seemed more appropriate to do this in a companion volume. This will come out in the future.

    Joseph Polansky


    In observing life, I have found that it is the simple, the natural, things that are always the most powerful. Humans will celebrate a Michaelangelo or Picasso (and they rightly deserve celebration) yet, with all their artistry they cannot create anything as beautiful as the natural flower, or tree, or humdrum, everyday bird that camps out in our backyard. With all the awesome technological might of humans, they cannot create a living, breathing child - the ultimate in creativity. With all their technological prowess they cannot duplicate the nerve impulses of even the humble fly. They are getting better at their creations, but always it is a copy cat kind of process. The most gifted writer can write reams of poetic words about a tree, but never will his verbiage equal the actual tree.

    We have all seen the most beautiful photographs and paintings of sunsets. Yet great though they are, they never equal the power and majesty of an actual sunset.

    Science is a wonderful thing. It has improved life for millions. Yet, the most unlearned person - who never studied chemistry - will initiate in himself and his partner complex, advanced chemical transformations that will result in a fetus and then a living child.

    Yes, science is wonderful, but we need to get back to basics. We need to look at the miracle of the everyday in another way - at the basic natural things - day and night, winter and summer, the changes of the seasons, the new and the full moon. Traditionally this has been the province of the poet and the mystic. But it is also indispensable for the Astrologer. The good Astrologer needs to be little bit of a poet.

    We live in a moving universe. This is indisputable. Never does it stop for even a second. Every 4 minutes the Earth turns 1 degree on its axis. Not only is the Earth spinning on its axis - which is the cause of the daily cycle of sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight - but it is also moving around the Sun, one degree per day (approx). The Sun in turn is orbiting around a galactic center. And the galaxy is orbiting around a Universal Center. We are on a cruise through space as many have pointed out. We are spiraling through space. Yet, because we don’t feel these movements on a sensual basis, we tend to ignore them.

    But there are even more movements going on. As we are spiraling through space (we are never in the same segment of space from one moment to the next) the planets of our Solar System are also moving. The Moon will orbit the Earth every 28 days or so. All the other planets are constantly changing their relationship to the Earth as they make their orbit around the Sun. We are traveling through space, but we are not alone, we have an entourage of planetary companions.

    All of this is actually happening, whether you are a believer or non-believer. It is happening while you are at your computer, or driving your car, or cooking dinner or at the nightclub. Ceaseless and eternal.

    And these movements - this moving universe - is the basis of the science of Astrology.

    Astronomers also study the movements of the universe. An astronomer can also tell you when the New and Full Moons will occur and in what signs they will occur. They can tell you the position of any planet at any given time. They can tell you the physical compositions of the planets and many interesting outer details - their size, shape and volume. All of this is good, but this is not Astrology and is of almost little concern to an Astrologer.

    For the Astrologer, the important thing is meaning - this is basically what separates us from astronomers. The Astronomer can tell you the planet’s position, but the Astrologer wants to know what does this mean to me - to my client - to the world - that Mars is at 15 degrees of Sagittarius, or that the Moon is in Pisces today.

    Both the Astronomer and the Astrologer will tell you when an eclipse will occur - and where. But the Astronomer leaves it at that. It will occur on such and such a date and such and such a time, and that’s the end. The good Astrologer will not leave it at that. He or she will look for the meaning behind this given eclipse - for its impact on both the personal and collective level. Eclipses are powerful events for the world - especially when seen through an Astrologer’s eyes.

    A good definition of Astrology would be - the study of the movements of the universe and their impact on the earth.


    The word transits is just an astrological term to describe what we have been talking about - the moving universe. A planet in motion is called a transit.

    A Natal chart (Natal means birth) is like a photograph of a moving universe at a given time and place. It is as if we photographed runners during a marathon. We catch them at a certain time - but they keep moving. So it is with the universe and the planets in our solar system.

    The birth chart (and here is where the analogy with runners breaks down) is more than just photographing runners at random. It has a special significance. For anything born on the Earth partakes of - is an actual incarnation of - the total cosmic atmosphere of that time. Something is born, it will grow and develop according to its nature. It will have a certain destiny, mission and purpose.

    The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament shows forth the work that his hands are doing. Psalm 19

    In the heavens we read what the Divine is about to create on the Earth - and those who are born are part and parcel of this new creation and this new declaration of glory.

    So, a person has his own birth chart - uniquely his own. Like his fingerprints. So far (I’m practicing over 30 years) I haven’t seen two identical charts. I’ve seen charts that were very similar (cases of identical twins born only minutes apart) - but never identical. Who knows perhaps I will come across it. This chart shows the person’s internal nature - the character, talents, abilities, urges and desires. But the transits (the planetary movements that have never stopped moving) are showing how the universe is impacting on him or her at a given time. Sometimes these movements are helpful, sometimes obstructive, most of the time, it is a mixture - some planets are helping, some are obstructing. Some are helping in a given area of life, but are obstructing in another area of life. Thus a person may be having a banner career year, but a stressful love life (or vice versa). Sometimes love and career are good, but health issues are stressful. Many, many scenarios are always occurring

    Understanding the different impacts that the transits (the ever moving universe) has on our lives, is at the heart of the study of transits.


    Transits are read on many levels. The first level of interpretation (and this is what we read in most of the literature on transits) involves the universal or generic rulerships of the planets. Every planet has its natural rulership. The Sun rules children, creativity, life force, love affairs, and the joy of life. The Moon, generically, rules our moods, emotional life, home and family situation. Mercury rules the mind, communication and intellectual faculties and interests. Venus rules the love life and is a factor in finances too. Mars rules sex (along with Pluto), independence, physical strength, the use of force (which is sometimes necessary) to either solve disputes or gain ones ends. Jupiter rules expansion and abundance - also philosophy, religion and metaphysics. Saturn rules limits, discipline and order. Uranus rules changes, the breaking of barriers, the new, a person’s originality and innovativeness. Neptune rules a person’s highest spiritual ideals, the urge to transcend, to unite with the Divine. Pluto rules a person’s urge to transform him or herself and others, also sex, birth and death and occult interests.

    Reading on this level is very useful and accurate. But in a given chart, it might leave out many nuances. For example, Venus, which generically rules love and marriage - the urge to beauty and harmony - might be the Ruler of the 8th House of sex. Thus a transit of Venus (or to that particular person’s Venus) will impact on the sex life, sexual expression as well as love.

    This level of reading is beyond our scope in this work. But it is important to understand it when reading your own or another person’s horoscope.

    In a given chart, the planets never lose their generic nature, but take on many different roles. The depths of a Horoscope have never been completely plumbed - nor will they ever be. Since every person is in essence infinite, so is the Horoscope.

    Planets can not only take on different roles in life - in a given Horoscope - but can also represent specific people in the life - a mother, mother in law, spouse, sibling, grandchild etc. Every person who is in your life is in your Horoscope, and is represented by a certain planet. Thus if we know which planet represents who - it will give us still another level of transit interpretation. This too is beyond our scope here, but is important for understanding.


    In our compartmentalized society it is common to create boundaries where none really exist. Thus in the astrological world, we talk of mundane astrology (how astrology affects our worldly life and affairs), medical astrology, esoteric or spiritual astrology, electional astrology ad infinitum.

    But these definitions are arbitrary. They have some practical use of course, but the truth is that all astrology is essentially spiritual astrology - esoteric astrology.

    Since the planets exert a metaphysical³ influence in the world and are really spiritual forces interacting with each other and with the world - all of astrology is basically the study of these spiritual forces. Even if we are reading the most mundane materialistic area - such as a person’s finances or sex life - we are only looking at how spiritual forces are impacting in these mundane areas. Whatever happens in these mundane areas - all the physical phenomena - are only side effects of these spiritual forces.

    Since the Divine is always bringing about good - though it is difficult for humans to see this sometimes - when we view the transits from a spiritual perspective, they are never negative. Some are more pleasant than others, but each is bringing some spiritual lesson for the native. This is why it is good to read the spiritual perspective on the transits as well as the mundane perspective.

    Astrology is under attack from two basic fronts. One is the secular scientific community, the other is the religious (and parts of the spiritual community). The one, the scientific community, cannot grasp how the planetary energies work. For, basically they are dealing with a strictly mechanical, material universe. They have the same problems with spirituality, religion and metaphysics that they have with Astrology. An atheistic scientist with a secular world view will never grasp astrology - and many other things as well. Energies that are not registered by the 5 senses (and the extension of the 5 senses that one gets from mechanical instruments) simply don’t exist for them. But, as science develops better instrumentation - and it is happening - these issues will be settled in a scientific way. The truths of astrology, or religion and spirituality, will become clearly demonstrable - and we are getting closer to this every day.

    The attacks from the religious community also stem from basic misconceptions. There is one form of attack, usually from the fundamentalist sector (of any religion) that rejects astrology outright as the work of the devil. But if astrology is simply natural law - the way the universe was created by the Great Creator - this attack falls under deeper analysis. Astrology could no more be the work of the Devil, than electricity, chemistry, or physics. It is part of the creation. In essence Divine.

    Now it is true that if these things are abused, they can become the work of the Devil - no question about it - but in essence they are pure. It is pretty commonplace to see the Holy Laws of Mathematics used to cheat, defraud and cause harm to people - all we need to do is look at the recent spate of corporate scandals that occurred from 2001 to 2005. The Holy Laws of Electricity are often abused - used by thieves and murderers to achieve some dastardly aim. Cell Phones are used by terrorists to make bombs. Religion, which in essence is something very beautiful has also been abused. And when this happens there is great harm done. But is it the mathematics, the electricity, the cell phone, the religion that is at fault - or man’s misuse of these things?

    There is a more serious attack that comes from the spiritual community. This needs to be taken more seriously as there is something to what they say. Some of these people are spiritual giants - masters of the invisible forces - and we cannot simply ignore them.

    Here is their position as I understand it. A person’s focus needs to be totally on the Divine - one pointed, unobstructed. Anything that distracts a person from this focus is evil - not because it is innately evil - but because it distracts the person from the goal. Thus a focus on the Horoscope is just another distraction from essence and should be avoided by spiritual aspirants.

    Now this is a powerful argument. It should be taken to heart by every spiritual aspirant.

    But it seems to me, that this argument was valid only because of the way that astrology was presented in the Western world, for the past few hundred years - since the age of the enlightenment.

    The attack is not on Astrology per se, but on the way that Astrology was practiced and presented to the people. And we, the astrologers of the West bear the blame for this⁴. Astrology was taught and practiced as a form of secular science - like mathematics or astronomy. The Divine was not in the picture at all. It had nothing to do with spirit. If this planet does this, X happens. If another planet does Y, Z will happen. The whole heart, soul and essence of what astrology is, was lost.

    Yes, this kind of astrology will certainly distract a person from essence. It is much like studying mathematics so that one can outsmart or cheat another. Or, like studying physics so that one can make a more powerful gun or bomb with which to destroy one’s enemies. This is not what mathematics or physics is about - in a sense it is an abuse of these things.

    And so it is with Astrology.

    But if we understand (as the Hindus do) that the planetary powers, the zodiacal forces are not independent or arbitrary powers, but executors and agents of a Higher Power, subject totally to this Higher Power, never acting on their own, but only announcing and bringing to pass what this Higher Power is doing we will have another perspective on things. Such an approach is not a distraction from essence, but takes us deeper and deeper into essence.

    As we study the planetary movements we are studying the movements of the Divine - of the Mind of God. We are seeing what this Mind wants to bring forth on both a personal level and on a collective world level.

    This approach to Astrology is more than just not a distraction. It seems to me that it is essential - a must study - for anyone on the spiritual path. For, it answers questions that no other study answers. Why was this prayer answered instantly and the other only after 5 years? Why was yesterday’s meditation so powerful and uplifting, and today it feels blah? Why am I having trouble getting into my meditation today? Yesterday the Presence of God was so strong and today it has left - why? Has God forsaken me? Have I sinned? Last month my ESP and intuition was right on target - this month it is awry - why? Why are my moods the way they are? What makes them shift from hour to hour and day to day? Why are there so many religions in the world? So many spiritual paths? Why do I gravitate to one path, while my best friend prefers another? Why are people the way they are? Why do Libras have tantrums if someone is not color co-ordinated? Why are Virgos so distressed if something is not perfect? Why does so and so analyze love so much? Why is Miss X so reckless in love and Miss Y so cautious?

    Anyone with a true and authentic inner life will soon be led to the truths of Astrology - to the understanding of the Astrological influences always at work. It is inevitable.


    Though modern science doesn’t yet acknowledge their existence (to their pain and the pain of the multitudes), humans have more bodies than just the physical one.

    This is an accepted fact - universally acknowledged - in esoteric circles. I have read different descriptions of them, and some are called by different names - but in essence everyone agrees that we have many bodies - many modes of expression.

    We are more than what is beneath our hats as Whitman says.

    Understanding the subtle bodies is very important in spiritual healing. Diseases wind up in the physical body, but never begin there. Their origin is always in one of the subtle bodies - either the mental, upper mental, astral or etheric bodies. (There are more bodies than the one’s mentioned, but since these are immune to any pathology, they are not mentioned here.)

    A disease that is diagnosed in the physical body - even though it seems to have been just recently - actually has a long, long history on the other dimensions of existence. This history can even date back thousands and even millions of years.

    The pathologies of mental or upper mental are mainly involved with error - erroneous thoughts, or erroneous beliefs or philosophies. These not only cause errors in judgement, bad decisions and the resultant pain, loss and suffering that come from this, but if held long enough, will actually manifest in the physical body as some form of disease.

    Pathologies of the astral body tend to come from emotional traumas. These are wounds in this body, often only partially healed - and sometimes still open and bleeding.

    Pathologies of the Etheric body have to do with blockages of energy - electronic energy. This is the body where the arts of acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy, polarity healing (and hosts of other therapies too numerous to mention) are applied. Energy is either blocked or unbalanced. These are energetic pathologies.

    There is another pathology of the mental bodies - a form of malnutrition. We experience this as a gap of knowledge - something is missing in our knowledge and understanding and this gap causes a subtle form of mental distress and unease. In my experience, no one is immune from this. Everyone has it in some form or another - some more than others. The only solution to this is full and complete knowledge - which is the destiny of every human being. No matter how long it takes, it will eventually happen for the species. Humans were intended to arrive at omniscience eventually.

    So, Astrology, by giving us the answers to so many questions, is a healing for the mental bodies. It fills the gaps in our knowledge.

    Oh, it still might be uncomfortable to deal with the rashness of your Aries friend or the sensitivities of your Pisces spouse - but at least we can understand why they are the way they are. Our mental bodies are not impacted. We can smile and be philosophical. It is just natural behavior and will soon pass. When our phone calls don’t go through on a Mercury Retrograde, or the bank makes an error in our statement - we can smile. When Saturn is making a stressful transit - we don’t need to feel that we are sinners and being punished by Divinity - we know that there is some other agenda at work. It is difficult, yes, but we can smile. At least the mental trauma is gone.

    When there is understanding - which is really the main gift of Astrology - even more important than its practical applications - even emotional traumas are easier to heal. I have found, on a personal level, that forgiveness was very difficult when I didn’t understand the reasons for the other person’s behavior. Through spiritual practice one can sort of force forgiveness - but it’s a struggle. But once the cause of the hurtful behavior was understood - once understanding dawned on me - forgiveness came very easily. Almost automatically.

    Astrology supplies the understanding, and thus forgiveness comes that much easier.


    The Sun is the source of light and life in our solar system. It is the focus - the lens - through which a Higher Power - lights and powers our world - our solar system - our Earth. His nature is to shine - to give light and life.

    Thus when the Sun makes a transit over any planet, that planet is going to get stronger - more alive. Its innate nature is going to blossom - much in the way that a plant blossoms when exposed to the Sun. The emotional energy of the Moon becomes more emotional, more sensitive when the Sun contacts it by transit. The intellectual prowess of Mercury also get sharpened and more illuminated. Any planet contacted by the Sun becomes more of itself. The planet in question becomes like a star - it shines. There will be more light and life in any of the affairs governed by the planet. But the experience will be brief.

    The Sun, while not the actual creator of the solar system in absolute terms - is the creator in a relative way. He is the delegate of an even Higher Power in the creative process. He does the actual physical work of creation, based on a plan that comes from above. Thus, there will be more creativity in any planet - and the affairs that it governs - when the Sun comes in contact with it.

    The Sun is considered a joy bringer - light tends to banish sadness, fear and depression. Thus a solar contact with any planet will tend to bring joy - happiness - to the affairs governed by the planet. (The urge to joy will be there, but whether it gets expressed properly or not depends on whether this aspect is being reinforced or denied - but all things being equal, it will tend to bring joy.)

    From a spiritual perspective, the solar transit can be likened to a contact with the Christos⁵ power - which is what the Sun represents on a spiritual level. This power is going to heal anything it contacts - going to make it right. Even if we touch the hem of its garment we are healed. But, if there are things in the planetary power that don’t belong there - misqualifications of the natural energy - miscreations of wrongly used planetary force - they get consumed. Only what belongs there remains. Thus among the Hindus, the Sun is considered a malefic planet - no doubt they are focusing on this consuming destructive side. But here in the West, the Sun is considered benefic - light and life are unquestionably benefic forces.

    When the Sun contacts a planet, the affairs of life ruled by that planet get illuminated. Where there is light there is clarity and right decision making. The affairs of the House in question should prosper because of this.

    The Sun will always bring good - but the question is will the good come in a pleasant, easy way, or in a stressful way. These kinds of issues are shown by the kind of contact that the Sun is making with the other planet - if the contact is harmonious, such as a trine or sextile, the good promised by the Sun will manifest easily with little struggle (provided no other planetary aspects are contradicting). If the aspect is a stressful one - such as a Square or Opposition - the good will come, but perhaps through effort or conflict or rearranging of present reality.

    In Kabbalah the Sun is associated with Beauty and Harmony. It is the harmonious center of the Tree of Life, just as it is the harmonious center of our solar system. So transits of the Sun are also going to harmonize and beautify any planet that it contacts. I remember once, driving though one of the so-called worst neighborhoods in Brooklyn - inner city - site of slums - high crime rates - drive by shootings occurring daily. A very notorious kind of neighborhood. But, the Sun was setting as I drove through, and to my vision he was touching the tops of the houses - the so-called slums. Just his light, his presence, transformed this so-called slum into a picture of beauty. One moment, it was a place of slums, the next, as the Sun touched it, it was resplendent with glory. One could see that the Divine did not consider the neighborhood as bad or ugly - its presence made it a thing of transcendent beauty. In fact (perhaps because the neighborhood was considered so ugly, and the transformation was so dramatic) I still remember this vision as one of the most beautiful I have ever seen - it rivals the beauties of Waikiki and Maui.

    This is an illustration of what happens when the Sun contacts a planet. Though the affairs of the house that it rules be slumlike - while the Sun is contacting it, these affairs will be beautiful and harmonious.

    Now the beauty of the Sun is a bit different than the beauty that we associate with the planet Venus. The beauty of the Sun is the beauty of light and color. It is an energetic kind of beauty. It is a beauty of Force. The beauty of Venus is more of a beauty of Form and Shape. The beauty of the Sun is on a level that is above our psychological consciousness - we can perceive it psychologically - but it resides more in our awareness - it is not usually a sensual kind of beauty that we can touch, taste and feel. We are aware of it, but we cannot grasp it. The Beauty of Venus is more sensual and tangible. It is Beauty on the feeling level of life. We eat something sweet and it tastes beautiful. This is something tangible. We see a beautiful person - the person is well formed, symmetrical, and proportional. And if we are lucky we can interact in a physical way with this person. The dress in the store is beautiful in a very tangible way - and one can wear this dress - one can own it. One can enjoy the person wearing the dress. The Sun transforming a slum into a thing of beauty is a solar beauty. Now, if an artist were to paint a picture of this scene - and somehow caught it - the painting would perhaps be a Venus kind of beauty. Now it is something tangible - something that can be owned - something that can be handled.

    It is important to understand these distinctions for later on when we deal with Venus transits - and she too is associated with beauty and harmony.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Moon

    A happy, but short term transit. It brings sunny, optimistic moods and emotions. It is good for meditation or self programming as your subconscious is more receptive to your dictates. There is harmony (if nothing else denies) with the opposite sex. A feel good day.

    The Spiritual Perspective. The spiritual message here is that while it is normal for the different genders to have different perspectives and different natures, this need not lead to conflict. Harmony and unity is possible without one gender trying to be the other. Real gender harmony arises when the differences are accepted, understood, and each is allowed to be who it is.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Sun

    A happy, but short term transit. Today is your birthday - the beginning of your Solar Return. The cycle of the year ahead is being set now. Good to meditate on future goals, review the past year, and make corrections where appropriate. You get your way today. You shine. Your will is stronger than usual. Libido is stronger.

    The Spiritual Perspective. Again, as with the Lunar Return, we have the symbolism of the end of the old and the beginning of the new. A new cycle is being born today. The past year is over with. Its lessons should be digested and absorbed and now we are to move on to a whole new experience, with new vistas of expression opening up to us. Things that were impossible last year can be very possible this year. Things you needed last year might not be needed now. Take only the wisdom of the past with you as you enter this new cycle.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Mercury

    A happy, but short term transit. Your mind is energized. New ideas come. You receive illumination on various problems. You have more communication and intellectual power which you should use constructively. Good for learning, teaching, writing, sales or marketing.

    The Spiritual Perspective. Spirit presents you with a choice today. You have greater mental power and ability. How will you use it? Will this mental power be used for constructive and happy purposes, or wasted in idle speech or negative gossip? Your choices matter.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Venus

    A happy, but short term transit. A wonderful love transit. Romance is in the air. Romantic opportunities come. Your personal sense of beauty and aesthetic sense is stronger than usual. You are more creative as well. Good for buying works of art or things of beauty. Social grace is stronger and you are probably being invited to parties or social gatherings.

    The Spiritual Perspective. Gender harmony is possible and can be cultivated. Today it is easier to attain. Spirit gives you the taste of it. Remember for the future.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Mars

    A happy, but short term transit. Overall energy and libido is much stronger. If nothing else denies, exercise and sports regimes go well. A day when you achieve your personal bests athletically or physically. You get things done in a hurry. Actions are decisive. You are fearless and bold - and perhaps considered a risk taker by others.

    The Spiritual Perspective. Spirit presents you with a choice. Your physical energy is very much enhanced. How will you use it?

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Jupiter

    A happy, but short term transit. A wonderful financial transit. A lucky day. Dame fortune is with you. Financial windfalls or opportunities come. There is great philosophical and religious clarity as well. You are jovial and living affluently today. Speculations are more favorable (though other things could deny here).

    The Spiritual Perspective. Its as if the heavens open up today and pour down their blessings. Each comes away with their personal capacity. Those who have the capacity of a tea cup, will take that. Those with larger capacities will come away with more. The riches of heaven - both material and mental - are revealed.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Saturn

    A happy, but short term transit. Your ability to organize and order your life and environment is greatly strengthened. Good to do those tasks that you don’t enjoy but that MUST be done.

    The Spiritual Perspective. Spiritually the message is that Joy and Duty need not be antagonistic. Duties should be performed joyously, and joyous activities often go better when there is planning and forethought. Spiritual rapture includes our duties and responsibilities - it is not a negation of them.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Uranus

    A happy, but short term transit. Your originality and inventiveness is greatly increased. New and unique solutions come to you - suddenly and unexpectedly. You are in the mood for freedom - to be footloose and fancy free. This is a wonderful social transit as well and you should accept invitations to seminars, group activities and social gatherings.

    The Spiritual Perspective. Spirit is ever new and ever renewing. Every moment is something new and different. And this perception is being shown to you today.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Neptune

    A happy, but short term transit. Your idealism is very strong today. Idealistic activities bring fulfilment. You are closer to the spiritual world. Intuition and psychic ability is very strong. Spiritual illumination is happening. You are very inspired and creative. You rise above all circumstances.

    The Spiritual Perspective. For those on a spiritual path this is an especially happy transit as you are more in tune with the Will of Spirit, and there is great joy in this. You are in the flow of life. Joy and Bliss guide you to the spirit and to its ends. The Will of Spirit is not some onerous duty today - what you most want to do, is what spirit wants for you.

    Transiting Sun Conjunction Pluto

    A happy, but short term transit. Libido is magnified a thousandfold. Hormones are roaring. You have unusual ability to focus on what you want and thus to attain it. Your ability to transform yourself and your circumstances is strengthened. Prosper others today and your own prosperity will come very naturally.

    The Spiritual Perspective. This is another one of those transits where Spirit presents you with a choice. It has given its gift - enhanced libido, power to transform

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