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I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!!
I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!!
I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!!
Ebook133 pages3 hours

I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!!

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Do you find yourself asking, Why am I unhappy? What is missing in my life? Why do I feel bored all the time?
Every day, people want to make changes in their lives, but they never do. They continue to struggle with making the same choices and mistakes over and over again. Boredom creeps into their lives, and they lose their purpose and forget what makes them happy. This can change by taking control and responsibility for your life.
As you read, I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!, you will discover how your negative and irrational thoughts and behaviors stop you from having the life that you dream about. By making some changes and getting to know yourself better, you can have the exciting and purposeful life you have always wanted.
Boredom does not have to control your life and stop you from living. So stop being bored and unhappy and start moving forward in the life that will give you meaning, happiness, and purpose
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMay 19, 2014
I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!!

Monique Myers LCSW

Monique Myers is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over twenty years of experience working with children, couples, and families. She has helped people who have a mental illness diagnosis, who have been physically, emotionally, and sexually abused, and those who struggle with addiction. Through years of personal and professional experiences she has found that determination and the desire to have a better life is the best motivation to have the life you imagine and want.

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    I Am Bored and I Am Tired of It!! - Monique Myers LCSW

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    Chapter 1   Definitions

    Chapter 2   Boredom, Depression, or Midlife Crisis

    Chapter 3   Boredom and Eating, Relationships, Children, and Addiction

    Chapter 4   Boredom and Acknowledgment and Hobbies

    Chapter 5   My Experiences with Personal Responsibility

    Chapter 6   Taking Responsibility for Your Life

    Chapter 7   Why You May Not Be Taking Responsibility for Your Life

    Chapter 8   What Can Occur If You Do Not Take Responsibility for Your Life

    Chapter 9   How You Can Take Responsibility for Your Life


    Oftentimes you may look at your life and think about the could have, would have, and should haves … and wonder why—why you have not done this or that, why you treated people a certain way, why people have treated you a certain way, why you continue to do the same thing over and over, why you stay in an unhealthy relationship, why your children act out, why you are overweight, why you sit on the couch instead of walking and exercising, why you drink too much, why you are unhappy, why you are bored, why you didn’t finish school … why, why, why! You ask yourself questions that only you can answer. Some questions never get answered, which can cause frustration with yourself and others. Instead of asking yourself why, ask yourself how, how can I change, how can I react to this situation, how can I make sure it does not happen again, how can I stop being bored.

    You may feel bored with your life—at times, even hopeless regarding your future—due to feeling you can’t live the life you want to live. Well, I am here to tell you that life does not have to be boring or difficult. You don’t have to continue to ask yourself, Why, why, why all the time and get yourself discouraged. If you are like me—and I am sure you are, due to your picking out this book—you have asked yourself, why does life have to be so unfulfilling? That is a question that I and so many others continue to ask. As a woman who has approached the ripe old age of fortysomething and who has also been a social worker for over twenty years, I have found that many people are miserable and unhappy with their lives. It doesn’t matter if they are young or old; male or female; rich or poor; white, black, brown, or purple; with children or without children; married or unmarried; employed or unemployed, people overall just continue to have a hard time figuring out what they want in their life and how to feel happy and content.

    There are many, many reasons why people are not happy and satisfied with their lives, but what I keep hearing is that they are bored with their lives; that they don’t know what to do with themselves; that they aren’t happy with their relationships, with their children, with their jobs—basically, with their lives. Even though people are busier than ever and have a thousand things to do, they are still bored and unhappy. Even with all the technology and electronics at our disposal, we find ourselves bored. I am not saying that everyone is bored and miserable, but think about a time in your life when you were not happy or content—what was occurring in your life, and what were you doing or not doing during that time? That moment might be right now, or it might have been years ago. Most of the time we know what is making us unhappy, but we have a hard time either admitting it or dealing with it, which causes us to feel stuck, hopeless or miserable. Throughout this book I will ask you several questions and I want you to be mindful, yes mindful, of what your actually thinking and feelings. While reading this book, I want you to be in the moment and allow yourself to process what you are thinking and feeling. So when I ask you to think about a time when you felt unhappy or discontented in your life, what is the first thought that comes to your mind? This thought might lead to thinking of a situation or a person in your life. You may have thoughts of being uncertain about your future—the unknown—or you may be grieving the loss of someone or something. You may feel you cannot change a situation that you are in. Sometimes you really don’t know what is going on until you are able to ask yourself some tough question and process what you are thinking and feeling. I am not saying that every time you are unhappy, you are bored, but I do want you to be able to identify the reason for your unhappiness and the reasons that may cause you to act or feel in a certain way.

    Ask yourself, when do I feel my best? When do I feel my worst? Getting inside your own mind and identifying your feelings and thoughts is the first step to understanding and identifying the reasons for your actions and behaviors. Your thoughts, positive or negative, are the key to your happiness or unhappiness. For example, if you continue to have positive thoughts and a positive outlook on life, you will most likely be a happy, content person. You will have a good outlook on life and be able to handle any situation that is thrown your way. However, if you have negative, irrational thoughts or a negative outlook on life, you will perceive your life as hopeless and will not be able to handle situations. This, in turn, will cause you to act negatively or to do nothing to correct your situation. Doing something that is irrational and unhealthy or not doing anything at all both can be negative actions. These negative actions may have been fueled by your feelings or irrational thoughts. Again, the first step to making positive changes in your life is taking responsibility for your thoughts and making a conscious effort to change your negative thoughts.

    Now, making changes in your thought process takes time—it will not happen overnight. If your thoughts have been negative for a long time, it will take a long time to train your brain to think positively. You will basically have to rewire your brain. I hope that by the time you have finished reading this book, you will have had enough time to change your negative thoughts and being bored to having positive thoughts and giving your life purpose and meaning. You will feel a sense of purpose and fulfillment when you take charge of your thoughts, actions, and life; hopefully you will start living the life that you want to live.

    There are several reasons why we have irrational thoughts that cause us to act certain ways, but I want to focus on how boredom—yes, boredom—affects people’s lives and causes negative thoughts, actions, and choices and often leads to self-destructive behaviors. I will share personal thoughts and experiences in this book so that you can understand how changing my thought process has helped me through the difficult times.

    Over the past couple of years, I have questioned myself regarding my purpose in this world. I have had that unsettled feeling that there is more to life than what I have been living. After evaluating myself, I found that when I get bored with my life and do not feel there is any direction, I get antsy, frustrated, angry, and depressed. I don’t like myself, and I like to blame everyone else for my negative feelings and my miserable life. My life is far from miserable, but at times, it does feel like there is nothing good about it. As a clinical social worker I often find myself feeling the same way as my client’s bored and confused, I am human, and I do go through the same feelings and difficulties as my clients. I have found that helping others also helps me to understand and take a new perspective of what I may be going through.

    So let me tell you a little about myself: I am a forty year old (oh my God!) married woman who works full-time. I take care of my mother, who has Alzheimer’s, and my eighteen-year-old niece. I have a dog, a cat, five fish, and a house that I have to clean and make comfy and cozy. I go to work every day, give my job 100 percent, and at times, I leave work feeling empty. I try to exercise every day, and I like doing fun activities, but I still managed to feel bored. I even found myself getting bored while running—don’t know how this happened, but it did and at times still does. So I began to ask myself, what is wrong with me? I have heard it said, If you are bored, then you are boring. Is this true? I never considered myself a boring person, but I started to wonder, is the reason I am bored is because I am a boring person? I have always liked being around people who entertain me and looking back on my life, I have always depended on others to make decisions about what we are going to do. So the question is raised again: am I a boring person or am I just not taking responsibility for my life? I hate to think I am a boring person, but I ask myself this question more and more: am I boring, boring, boring? Is this boredom a lack of happiness, or is it depression, or is it a midlife crisis? Is it that I am not being true to what I really think and want? By evaluating my life and asking myself some tough questions I have been able to recognize that by taking control of my life, my thought, feelings and actions and making myself happy I can eliminate boredom and have a life with purpose and meaning.

    My hope for writing this book is to help you recognize why you are having boredom and negative thoughts about your life and what you can do

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