Through the Year with Granny Gwen: A Daily Devotional
By Gwen Ward
About this ebook
This book takes you through the year through the eyes of a senior citizen. She was saved and baptized at the age of eleven. She continues to discover new things as she reads and studies the Bible.
She gains an even greater appreciation for the writers of both the Old and the New Testaments as she tries her hand at writing. She realizes that the Bible is the inspired Word of God and was written by men who were not perfect. Each person has strengths and weaknesses, and as such has made mistakes. They each learn that they must rely on God, just as we must learn to do. God loves each of us, and has our best interests in mind. The path on which He leads us may not be the easiest or the quickest, but it turns out to be the best for God's purposes and as such, is also the best one for us.
The author shares memories of her life during the Depression and into the computer age, and frustrations she has while learning to use the new technology. You will be encouraged to look at your own memories in a new light and recognize how God was directing your path even when you didn't realize He was doing it!
Gwen Ward
Gwen Ward was born in Kansas. She began her thirty-four-year teaching career in a one-room school. She has a BA and two masters’ in education, and a PhD in nutrition. She also worked for the Air Force. She is now retired and lives in Southern California. She enjoys traveling, gardening, and entertaining.
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Through the Year with Granny Gwen - Gwen Ward
Copyright © 2014 Gwen Ward.
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Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
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ISBN: 978-1-4624-0894-8 (sc)
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Inspiring Voices rev. date: 02/05/2014
About the Author
My daughter Alicia and her husband Patrick,
Their son (and my grandson!), Alex,
And my brother Vern, who all live near-by here in California;
Also my three sisters and their families, and my many cousins.
Not to be forgotten are the many friends who have been so important in my life.
is a book that will captivate your heart and soul. Through life’s journey, this book tells the stories of a life relationship lived for the Glory of God, one that is revered to this day. The prayer of Gwen’s heart was that God would so penetrate and possess her whole being so that all her life would only be a radiance of Him. She wanted only that Jesus would be seen in her so that her life would reflect the wonderful love of God. To this day, Gwen personifies the love that changes the hearts of mankind. She would pray Lord, shine through me and be so in me that every soul I come in contact with may feel thy presence in my soul.
Not I, but Christ in me
she would pray.
For over thirty years Gwen enjoyed teaching. (For twenty-three years she taught high school students.)We are blessed to read wonderful stories of things that took place years ago, as well as stories which serve as examples of all that we can be in Christ as we live for Him each day. Here they are… 365 stories, one for each day of the year! Ours to enjoy and upon reading will draw us closer to the Lord in our walk with Him.
As I read several of the daily stories, I note that they appeal most especially to our younger generation even though our older generation is equally challenged along life’s way. Other than our precious Holy Spirit, who can say how these writings will impact the readers’ life no matter the age? In the family, value systems are established; authority, discipline, love, and respect are learned; life’s direction is set. In my reading many of Gwen’s stories, I am reminded of these lovely words found in Psalm 78:
O my people, hear my teaching; listen to the words of my mouth. I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter hidden things, things from of old… what we have heard and known, what our fathers have told us. We will not hide them from our children; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.
Verses 1-4
Yes, these lovely stories written by Granny Gwen remind me of a poem that I once read; author unknown. It reads as follows:
"Let the children hear the mighty deed which God performed of old;
Which in our younger years we saw, And which our fathers told.
"He bids us make his glories known, His works of power and grace;
And we’ll convey his wonders down through every rising race.
"Our lips shall tell them to our sons, And they again to theirs,
That generations yet unborn may teach them to their heirs."
The lovely writings of this book are the nuggets of gold passed down by Gwen from her life’s experiences to all who will learn and be blessed.
May God richly bless you Gwen. I am most proud of you for this achievement.
Rev. David Koser
Pastor to Senior Adults & Care Ministries
Lake Avenue Church, Pasadena
48067.pngScripture quotations which are unmarked are from The Holy Bible, Old and New Testaments in the King James Version, Reference Edition, Copyright © 1976 by Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, Tennessee.
Scripture quotations marked NIV are from The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, New International Version, Copyright ©1983 by the Co-Publishers B. B. Kirkbride Bible Co., Inc. Indianapolis, Indiana, 46204, U.S.A. and The Zondervan Corp. Grand Rapids, Michigan 49506, U.S.A.
Information obtained from Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible, Copyright ©1963 by Finis Jennings Dake, and the New Testament portion (with Daniel, Psalms and Proverbs) Copyright ©1961 by Finis Jennings Dake, Dake Bible Sales, Inc., PO Box 173, Lawrenceville, Georgia 30245.
Information obtained from The New Bible Survey by J. Lawrence Eason. M.A., Ph.D., Copyright © 1963 by Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Information obtained from Thru the Bible Radio Network notes and outlines from Dr. J. Vernon McGee, Box 7100, Pasadena, California 91109-71000, phone: (800) 65-BIBLE, Website:
Information also obtained on the internet, through Google, and includes the poem Trees
by Joyce Kilmer
Author’s photo taken by Reybee Arcelo.
48067.pngThe only person who has ever called me Granny Gwen
is the little foster girl whom my daughter had for several months. Since she already had two grandmothers, we needed a name for her to call me. I thought this would be a good name for the book. After all, I am a grandmother, and I find that younger women are often in need of an older person to learn some ways to cope, and sometimes they just need a person to give a listening ear. That is something we can do.
I have taught school for over thirty years. I began right out of high school when I was only seventeen. I began teaching in a one-room country school not far from where I lived. I attended a one-room school for my first eight years of education, so I was used to the way it was organized. I never felt I was deprived by the experience, and it had many advantages. My daughter’s first year of teaching was very different from mine, and now my grandson is teaching, and finding new experiences. I wonder what lies ahead for the next generation.
What was life like during the Great Depression? I was a child, and I always had a roof over my head, and food to eat. I think it was an advantage to live on a farm. Everyone lived frugally. Waste not, want not
was something we were taught at an early age. People were forced to pray for rain since there was no irrigation available, and during harvest-time you had to pray equally hard for it not to rain until the grain was harvested. The school house and the church were across the road from each other, and only 1/8 mile from our house.
There is still a great deal I have yet to learn. I hope you will enjoy learning some of the things I am beginning to understand better as time goes on. Putting your trust in God is one of the most important decisions you can make. I hope you will be encouraged if you have already made that decision, and that you will see the importance of making this decision if you need to do this. Come and go through the year with me. Discover how great our God is on a daily basis through the eyes of a senior citizen.
48067.pngJan. 1, Oh, The Places You’ll Go
This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. These things are good and profitable unto men. Titus 3:8
How interesting that the theme for the 2013 float was based on Dr. Seuss’s book. It was always fun to read his stories to the kindergarten children. I had a wonderful place to view the float, thanks to friends my daughter had made. Their home is right on the parade route, and they put up chairs which they share. Of course, you get good exercise walking from your car, but my son-in-law took the car as close as possible and let us off, and then parked the car.
It was especially interesting to find the floats that my daughter had worked on. She and one of her previous students worked for a couple of days helping put each flower in a mixture of Seven-up and water so they would be in good condition on the day of the float. She told me that some of the more costly flowers were not assigned to the volunteers, but professionals handled those flowers. What a lot of work and expense, but how enjoyable it is for so many people.
Let me willing to share with others, just as these friends shared places on their lawn. Let me do it in a gracious manner that would be pleasing to you. Also, let me always remember to show appreciation to those who help make life more pleasant for me. Amen
Jan. 2, The Start Of A New Year
For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night. Psalm 90:4
If today is any indication of what is in store for me for the coming year, it won’t be boring. I dressed warmly, and took my walk, shedding my heavy coat before I arrived back home. I sacked up discards to take to the thrift store. One of my aims is to unclutter
my home. A friend called, and while chatting, I could tell I had an incoming call.
Another friend left a message which I retrieved, but she was already gone, so I left her a message. We finally got together, and we made plans to go out to lunch. On the way to lunch, I dropped off the sack of items for the thrift store. The Chinese food tasted good—I was tired of left-overs. Later in the afternoon a friend came by with seven almost new blouses that fit me perfectly. So much for the uncluttering project!
My brother said he was unable to get to work today. Police were trying to catch the men who were involved in a home invasion robbery near the place he works. He spent time in a nearby park and a coffee shop with co-workers. By the time they rounded up three of the robbers, the day was almost over. No one was hurt.
Colorado Boulevard has been cleaned. Several buses were transporting folks to see the floats, but things get back to normal quickly. Life goes on. Tourists go home. The game and the parade are over for another year.
Let me put things that are in the past and forgiven not be dwelt on, but put my energies on the things which are before me. I do not know what the New Year holds, but I know that you are in charge and love us and will give tender care to us and our loved ones.
Jan. 3, Getting Back To My Routine
The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord shall be safe.Proverbs 29:25
It was cold this morning. I decided to have breakfast and check my crossword puzzles before taking my walk. I did very well on the puzzles. The new book my brother gave me for Christmas plus the one I bought on Monday helped. I put a load of clothes in the washer before I left for my walk. (It included the seven blouses.) It was fun to find slacks that would go well with each blouse. I wore the favorite one when I met my daughter for a Vegan lunch at our favorite restaurant. We had salmon
, and vegetables and finished with a piece of key lime pie. She walked to the hair salon, and the girl did a very nice job on her hair. My hair hasn’t recovered from the stocking cap I wore while watching the parade on New Year’s Day!
My brother E- mailed me information about yesterday’s incident since it did make the news in the local paper. It was a bit scary to realize what is taking place right in our neighborhoods. Often we don’t even know our next door neighbors. Where I grew up on a farm in Kansas, we kept better track of our neighbors. We had a party phone line. One could always eavesdrop. I remember one incident when my mother and aunt were chatting, and one asks the other, Do you have a lamb in the house? It seems like I hear one.
The neighbor across the road chimed in. Oh, that’s ours. It was so cold out that we brought it in the house.
Help me to get better acquainted with my neighbors, and be willing to be helpful as it is your will. I pray that my actions will be pleasing to you.
Jan 4, 2013 Tax Time
In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.-1 Thessalonians 5:18
It’s time to clear out the tax information from 2012 and make room for year 2013. My tax man always sets a date in January for my appointment before I’m quite ready and haven’t gotten all the information I need. That means I have to FAX or send him snail
mail as it comes in. I do the easier things first as it gives me a feeling that I am making progress.
I took last year’s Guidepost daily devotional book to Gloria. She likes to keep it in her beauty shop to be available for her patrons to read. I had a nice chat while I was there, and got several steps on my pedometer as her shop is on Main Street. Chatterbox is the name of the shop. Quite appropriate, don’t you think?
Not too many left-overs in the refrigerator. That means I will soon have to make a trip to the grocery store, and will have to do some cooking. I’m thankful to have money coming in regularly to make this possible. I also got a thank you note from a friend who is always so good at this sort of thing. Also received E Mail regarding chemo therapy for cancer treatments a friend’s husband is taking. They are so thankful for the progress that is being made. I’m so thankful I can walk and that I am not fighting cancer.
Help those in control of our country’s finances be honest and put priorities where they should be. Help those who are struggling and are without work be able to find a job. Let us be thankful in those circumstances where we don’t understand what is happening.
Jan 5, It Happened On Main Street
How happy (blessed) are the people whose God is the Lord. Psalms 144:15b
I learned from the news that there was excitement on Main Street right here in Alhambra early this morning. I guess it was a good thing it was cold, and I didn’t venture out early, but instead waited for it to warm. Police apparently tried to stop a car headed the wrong direction, but the driver refused to pull over. There were shots, and people seriously wounded, including a policeman. I wouldn’t have known about this if I had not watched the news. It was best that I spent time working on my crossword puzzles, and getting a start on my tax preparation. The mail gave me an appointment date for the tax preparation. It is on the 23rd of this month. Hope my paperwork arrives soon.
I was glad that the Christmas tree skirts and the table cloths I washed today did not fade. I really thought they probably would. Just be thankful for things both big and small. Sometimes a rather uneventful day can be appreciated.
Thanks for the watch care you give during the night when we are asleep. Also we are thankful for the care of our loved ones even if they are far away from us. They are never far from you.
Jan. 6, Soup And Persimmons Being Delivered To Your Door
And he (Jesus) said unto them, the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath: therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the Sabbath. Mark 2: 27 and 28
I looked out the window and could tell we had a nice rain during the night. It was damp and cool, but my blood was circulating. I had exercised before I got out of bed. I didn’t want to turn on the heat for the short time I would be home. I ate a part of a mango. We were to have a full breakfast at Voyager’s class as this was the first Sunday of the month. My paper was in the driveway, and had been double wrapped, so contents inside were dry. I’d save it to read later. I had taken my bath and set out my clothes the night before, so it didn’t take long to get ready. I always enjoy the drive to church. It is about 5 miles, and very little traffic at 7 a.m. on a Sunday morning.
I stopped at the grocery store on the way home from church, had lunch, and then received the surprise phone call. A friend was bringing some persimmons picked from his neighbor’s tree. These were the last for the season. Not only that, he brought some soup he wanted me to try, and bread to go with it. I also had a nice chat with my friend in Denver. A nice relaxing Sunday was appreciated. God is good.
Thank you for the wonderful rain, for friends and surprises that happen in our lives. Thank you for a relaxing Sunday. How nice it is to be able to talk to distant friends on the phone.
Jan. 7 Check Things Carefully
So then everyone of us shall give account of himself to God. Romans 14:12
My day proceeded nicely until the mail arrived. I took a nice walk even though it was cold out, had a nice breakfast, finished the work needed for the tax appointment, took another walk with my friend (it was warmer by this time), and my next door neighbor took down my outside Christmas lights and even replaced an old electrical outlet. It is so convenient to have Home Depot so near and a nice neighbor next door. I was just thinking of how fortunate I was. Then the mail came.
I had a $69.00 charge put on a debit card which I have never used. I called the number given in regards to the item. They told me I would have to go to the bank which had issued the card in order to handle the dispute. I made a quick trip to the bank which is just a few blocks away. Happily, they credited my account and will take care of the matter for me. I was asked if I would be willing to prosecute if the matter came to that. Yes, I would. We’ll just wait and see what transpires. There is evil in the world, and we need to be aware of this. I wondered, Am I as concerned when bad things happen that don’t concern my pocketbook?
Lead me not into temptation and deliver me from evil. Let me be ever watchful and careful of my surroundings and keep me from doing foolish things.
Jan. 8, Around The World
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16
I don’t do as much traveling as I did in my younger days, but I feel like I am viewing the world from my home base. I stopped at a Miramar Shop a few blocks from my home. I just wanted to see what was available for sale. I met a most interesting young woman from Burma. Her name was Thin Thin (this is probably not how she spells her name),not Fat Fat
. She showed me around her little shop. I then decided I would go to the Beauty School on Main Street and get a pedicure. I was assigned to a girl from Vietnam. She spoke little English, and I speak no Vietnamese, but we managed to communicate. She did a good job, and even gave me a little massage. My next door neighbor had returned from Mexico where she visited her mother who will turn 91 this month. We had a nice chat. She was catching a few rays of sun in the front yard.
I was sorry to hear that Huell Howser had died. I always enjoyed his programs on TV. He made it enjoyable to visit many differ places and people in California. He was only 67. He was appreciated by many.
How great it is that you have placed me here in California where there are so many different nationalities. I know you love them all. Help me to open my eyes to the many things I can learn from those I came into contact with in my daily life.
Jan. 9, A Spring Day In January
Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? Luke 12:6
Today was a rather uneventful day. It was a sunny 70 degree weather day. I can’t complain, but it was much too nice to stay inside. The day went quickly just doing a little of this and that. I hung the new humming bird feeder and cleaned the porch tiles where sugar water had leaked. I think the little birds are going to like the new feeder. I stood and watched as one little green shiny backed bird tried four of the five little landing places to take a sip. It seemed it was the way he had of checking it out and giving his approval. We can learn so much just by observing the little creatures around us.
I pulled a few weeds and worked for a while in the yard. After eating, I decided to watch a travel DVD that had just come in the mail. It’s an easy way to see the world. It was so easy I went to sleep and didn’t get to see all of the presentation. Maybe I’ll do better next time.
Help me to take time to smell the roses
. It is good to have time to do things without having to be in a hurry. Let me enjoy my retirement years.
Jan. 10, Driving To New Places
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse thou me from secret faults. Psalms 19:12
As I was using my new cross-word puzzle book, I discovered there was a flaw in it. It was a gift, but I had the receipt for it. I checked Map Quest for directions to the place where it had been purchased, but they sounded very complicated. Taking the route they gave me would entail going on three different freeways. I had tried something similar once before, and I remembered it meant I would have to drive South for a while in order to take the freeway to go North. I recalled how confused I had felt. I knew my daughter lived close to the store where I needed to go, so I tried an address in that area. WOW! I didn’t even need to get on one freeway and it was an easy drive.
I had book marks showing the pages that were in error, and the man helping me agreed it was apparently a printing error. They are to return the book, and send me a new one. Now I just hope it is a corrected copy. We all make mistakes. I hope I can be as gracious as they were in the store when an error I make is pointed out to me.
Help me to accept graciously any errors which are pointed out to me. Likewise, when I feel it is my duty to point out errors that others have made, let me do it in a kind and caring way.
Jan. 11, Time To Shuffle And Make Decisions
Examine me, O Lord, and prove me; try my reins and my heart. Psalms 26:2
I woke up early, and decided it was as good a time as any to try and get rid of a few VHS tapes. My, how many of them I have collected. I had to part with a few books in order to find room for all the VHS tapes which I wanted to save. I decided to watch one on The Gates of Jerusalem
. We had recently studied about these in our Bible Study group. It was very interesting and informative. I’m sure I must have watched it sometime in the past, but found it containing material I had not remembered. It lasted almost 2 hours. This is certainly a keeper
, but one I want to share. I did decide to give several movies away, and my collection now looks much neater.
Since I had received the notice from the DMV to have my car go through the smog check, I called my mechanic to see if he had time to fit me into his schedule. He did, and off I went. He is from Lebanon and informs me that he speaks 8 different languages. I just understand English, and appreciate his ability to speak so fluently in so many languages. It was a cold but sunny day, and another lady and I decided it would be a good idea to move our chairs out in the sun while we waited. I had taken a book to read, so the time passed quickly while I waited. My car passed the test with flying colors.
Be with me as I make decisions regarding what should be saved, given away, or discarded. Also, help me as you examine me, and may my life be pleasing in your sight.
Jan. 12, Making Quesadillas
The Lord giveth food to all flesh: for his mercy endureth for ever. Psalms 136:25
Making quesadillas may not seem like a big deal to many of you, but I am from Kansas and I never heard of many Mexican-American foods that are quite common in California. Kansas has changed since my early days living there, and you now find tacos and other Mexican foods readily available. My daughter called and invited me over for lunch and said she planned to fix quesadillas. She went to the grocery store with her list of necessary items, purchased them and gave me another call. Mostly, my job was reading the recipe so she could do things in the proper order. I was also put to work separating the cilantro leaves from their stems. The quesadillas turned out great. The fact that we were hungry by the time we had them prepared probably helped.
I also bought 25 plastic hangers for my daughter and grandson to use. My daughter now has an extra closet since her son has moved to his own place. I also bought a bolt of red material for myself. I plan to make slip covers for my patio furniture. There is supposed to be 40 yards of wide material on the bolt, so I should have plenty of material. The people are moving to Taiwan who had the items for sale.
I must admit that I am writing this on Sunday instead of Saturday. I was tired by the end of the day on Saturday. The pastor during the sermon on Sunday asked, How you doing with your New Year’s resolutions?
Well, I decided I’d better get with it, and not let myself get too far behind on my writing. How are you doing? My daughter was concerned that her weight is not decreasing, even though she has tried to do her best. I suggested eating a little slower, and drinking more water. Does this sound like good motherly advice?
Jan 13, Refreshments For The Sunday School Class
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down: for the Lord upholdeth him with his hand. Psalm 37: 23 and 24
Beth and I had signed up to furnish refreshments to go with our coffee, hot tea or hot chocolate for our early Sunday school class. She was already there when I arrived. She had found some lovely strawberries in the market, and brought sour cream and brown sugar to dip them in. They were quite a hit. I had several mini-muffins left, so after church I gave my grandson a call. He wasn’t home, but said he planned to be there in a half-hour for a few minutes. He only lives a couple of miles from the church I attend, so I took the muffins to him. He lives with 4 other boys, so the muffins will not go to waste. It was good to see him for even a few minutes.
I help in the prayer room every other month. One of the ladies needed prayer. Some of my experiences gave me an understanding for what she was experiencing. I was glad to share some of the things that helped me through my difficulties. I was glad to pray for her.
Help me to have discernment as I offer prayer to hurting people.
Jan. 14, Through The Bible In One Year
Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand .Revelation 1:3
I have read through the Bible several times. I like to read a different version each time. This year I had gotten a Bible that is in chronological order. I think that will be an interesting approach. Since I am getting a late start, I spent much of my day reading in order to get caught up to where I should be. It was another cold day, so it was a pleasant way to spend some time. I took my walk later after the sun had time to give a warming touch to the air. A warm breakfast was appreciated after my brisk walk. My blood pressure was great. Walking helps to get it down where it should be.
My crossword puzzle book came in the mail today. The printing mistake that was in the first one was corrected. It should be a big help. I need a big help on some of the puzzles!
I realize that the blessing is given to those who read The Revelation, but I have gotten a blessing each time I read through your book. Let me be blessed as I read through your book this year, and may you point out to me the things that I need to change in my life.
Jan. 15, It Is Not Who You Are Born But What You Grow To Become
And all they that heard it wondered at those things which were told them by the shepherds. But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart. Luke 2:18 and 19
The title to today’s message was the caption on the billboard at the school I passed on my walk this morning. This seems an appropriate message for elementary students to receive. It can also be a timely bit of wisdom for adults to ponder. It reminds me of the question, Why do bad things happen to good people?
The news recently makes you realize that many young people will not have the opportunity to become
On a happier note, I watched television this afternoon where Sully was being interviewed. He was the pilot who made the miracle landing on the Hudson River one year ago today and saved the entire group of people on the plane. One young couple who were included in the group of survivors named their baby Hudson. Five babies were there that would not have been born had their parents not have been saved. This was the first time I had watched Katie
. It was interesting, and I’ll plan to watch it again.
Oh, be with the young people today. Life is so much more complicated than it was for me. Be with each one.
Jan. 16, Taken From The Sheepcote
Now therefore thus shalt thou say unto my servant David, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, I took thee from the sheepcote, even from following the sheep… 1 Chronicles 17:7
I like to start my Monday through Friday by listening to J. Vernon McGee on the radio. He died many years ago, but his teaching is still being aired many places in the world. He points out things that I miss if I rely on myself. He switches back and forth from the Old Testament to the New Testament so that the entire Bible is covered in five years. We are now in the book of First Chronicles where David is concerned about building a house for the Ark of the Covenant.
David is discussing this matter with the prophet Nathan. In verse 2 of chapter 17, Nathan tells David to build, and then in verse 3 that very night it says that God told Nathan to tell David not to build! It seems that Nathan must have forgotten to consult God at first when he told David to get busy and build. That is about the way I often do things. Have you ever rushed ahead with your plans before praying about the matter?
God also reminds David to remember his roots. I can relate to this. I grew up on a farm during the depression. There was no irrigation, so we were dependent on rain to come when it was needed to water the plants and supply water for the animals. One of my favorite jobs was to go to the pasture and get the sheep headed to the barn in the evening. It was an easy job because the lead sheep did all the work for me. How the Lord has blessed me. I have visited many places, met many people and saw sights I never imagined I’d see.
God also lets David know that he doesn’t need to be concerned about building the house for the ark. God will take care of the matter in God’s own time and in His own way. I know that I probably am concerned about some things that are just not my business to handle.
Help me to know what it is you want me to do. I don’t want to rush in when you want me to wait, and yet I don’t want to neglect doing what you would have me do. Guide my footsteps.
Jan. 17, Importance Of Batteries, Gas And Brakes
For the body is not one member, but many. 1 Corinthians 12:14
The pedometer I used yesterday did not register the steps correctly, so I used a different one this morning. Well, it was no more accurate. I walked several blocks, and it only showed I had taken 6 steps. By the time I got home, I had only taken 9 steps according to it. That meant I needed 2 batteries, not just one. I took them to the store where I had recently purchased one of them, but they didn’t sell batteries. I walked from that store to a Radio Shack store and made my purchase. I spent at least half as much for the batteries as I had paid for the pedometers, but at least they put the batteries in the pedometers for me. A pedometer without a working battery isn’t much good.
While I was out, I stopped for gas for my car. A car is not much good without gas. I went to the first intersection and realized that it is also important to have good brakes. I could have easily been in a bad accident without good brakes.
These incidences made me think of the passages in 1 Corinthians where it mentions the importance of each member in a church. It can also apply to each part of our body as being important to the working of the whole body. We are not as simple as a pedometer where there are only a few parts involved.
Help me to take care of my body and eat right, exercise, get proper sleep and drink sufficient water. Even more important, let me realize the importance of each person in the church, including my own unique usefulness.
Jan. 18, Traditions
Therefore, brethren, stand fast (firm) and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 2 Thessalonians 2:15
When I think of the word tradition, I think of the song by that name from Fiddler on the Roof
. Some traditions are not positive, but some are. I’m glad for the tradition of attending church on Sunday. It just doesn’t seem like Sunday if I don’t attend church. I also got into the habit of attending a bible study at my friend’s home on Friday afternoons. It was a small group, but the fellowship was good, and I miss seeing the group. I decided that I would not attend for this year in order to have time to do this writing daily. I didn’t want to supply myself with any excuses. It’s been shown that it takes about 21 days to establish a new habit. My 21 days will soon be up! I do notice that my day doesn’t seem complete now if I have not done my writing for the day.
I’ve found that it is worthwhile to schedule a few things during retirement. Walking soon after I get up works best for me. If I get a job started, I get too involved and do not get my walk taken. Yes, my pedometer works fine now with the new battery. It’s nice, too, to have flexibility that was not possible when I was working. I found time today to continue putting Christmas things away. I received a Christmas card today. It is probably the last for this year. It’s a good thing I hadn’t yet put my cards away. I like to keep them to reread before I write cards the following Christmas.
Help me to