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We Are One: Humanity's Common Values
We Are One: Humanity's Common Values
We Are One: Humanity's Common Values
Ebook227 pages1 hour

We Are One: Humanity's Common Values

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Global society is at a crossroads in determining how to deal with existential risks emanating from intercultural, socioeconomic, geopolitical, and environmental challenges. Social governance is central to how all these issues are addressed. At the same time, there is an increasing awareness of core spirituality that cuts across major faiths and ideologies. The author posits that there are a common set of values that are embedded in all major faiths and social governance systems. These faiths, systems, or traditions have independently arrived at these values with the maturation of human societies, across time and geography. As they have stood the test of time and varied cultural settings, they are more than likely to guide human society toward successfully addressing major global challenges.

While quite a lot has been written about values that cuts across the Abrahamic religions, or even across all major Abrahamic and Vedic faiths, very little work appears to have been inspired by the values that cut across them and nontheistic governance systems.

This short book posits a concise and intuitive common set of values crossing major faiths and nontheistic social governance systems, including liberal democracy and social democracy, as supported by excerpts of scripture or basic charters.
Release dateApr 20, 2015
We Are One: Humanity's Common Values

Ben Adam

The author is an intellectual born of a multicultural background. He was painfully challenged then spiritually inspired by the clash of cultures he endured during his life journey traveling between the East and the West. This instigated his quest to find core values that unite humanity amid faiths and social governance systems.

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    We Are One - Ben Adam

    Copyright © 2015 by Ben Adam.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    The material herein may be quoted as long as reference is made to the book and the author. In case the scripture citations are quoted, the original source must be cited along with this book. Most scripture material quoted is in the Public Domain, and any that is not is used within the requirements of Fair Use, as generally accepted in the United States.

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

    Scripture quotations marked NRSV are taken from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, Copyright © 1989, by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations marked WEB are taken from World English Bible. It was a free updated revision of the American Standard Version Copyright © 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons.

    Scripture quotations marked ASV are taken from American Standard Version, Copyright © 1901 by Thomas Nelson & Sons.



    Consciousness and the Sanctity of Life

    Sow and Reap


    Conviction and Surrender

    Generosity and Gratitude

    Delayed Gratification

    Labor and Perseverance

    Meaning to Life

    Transcendence and Immanence

    Moderation and Detachment

    Oneness and Interdependence

    Selflessness and Egolessness

    Sharing the Message

    Way Forward

    Sources (By Chapter)


    This work is dedicated to humanity, humanitarian causes, and our children. It is hoped that this work will help in creating a more peaceful and happier world for them, and for a better life on earth, in general.


    This book is born at a moment in time that augurs monumental change for humanity and the environment. The impact of this change may be cataclysmic. At no point in history has humanity represented such a great threat to itself, and life on Earth as we know it. The means of destruction, in terms of potential impact on life and the environment, have never been greater. They range from human induced climate change to weapons of mass destruction to powerful means of mass communication that are subject to gross manipulation. As, if not more, portentous are the social and economic forces that employ these means to satisfy an incessant drive to accumulate material wealth and influence, as well as to prevail culturally and geo-politically. This state of affairs fuels a dynamic that is very likely to end in multiple calamities; whether on the environmental front (as various tipping points are breached), or through the clash of cultures, sustained with geopolitical, economic, media and military force.

    The globe is shrinking by the day, be that through communication media, transportation, impact of climate change, global alliances, or potential impact of industrial and military growth and development. As the globe transforms into a proverbial village, or a perceptually shrinking vehicle carrying us through space, there is a need to appreciate how more intertwined human destiny is, and how we can build on common, or universal, values to achieve a more balanced, inclusive, and sustainable development trajectory towards a shared vision.

    This book was inspired by a life long journey I have embarked upon that has taken me from the East to the West, and back again, only to ultimately end up in a common space amidst the globalised world in which we find ourselves. This has been a painful journey. One in which I was rejected in both the Eastern or Western culture/s I was raised in. While my international experience led to marked career success, it was destructive spiritually. The disconnectedness and estrangement I felt from society and environment led to workaholism, and other obsessive behavior that almost killed me, and significantly hurt my family. I was ultimately saved by spirituality. Thanks to a loving wife, a loving family, and other kindly souls around me. With this experience I ventured to transmute all the pain and suffering I had gone through, into healing for myself, my family, and humanity’s daunting ailments. I reviewed all the world’s major social governance systems that had withstood the test of time, geography, and led to sustainable social development and environmental awareness.

    The point of departure towards the end of my journey was the identification of a set of universal values shared by major faiths and ideologies prescribing social governance. The problem with religions and ideologies, when they age, is that they are transformed from being a spiritually empowering system of ideals to a construct that is often institutionalized and utilized by vested interests to achieve ends that are not always in line with their original goals and values. The key towards avoiding this outcome is to look beyond the external form to the internal essence and values, and where they originally aimed to guide human society. While some values may change or evolve, there is a common core set that appears to recur time and again.

    The ultimate goal of all faiths is the ascent of man, whether spiritually, socially, economically, and/or environmentally. Man and society have reached their most acclaimed heights when they have been most inclusive, inter-connected, synergistically collaborative, knowledge seeking, aware and in harmony with nature. Societies such as those in Mesopotamia, Canaan (Phoenicia), Egypt, Greece, China, India, Andalusia, South America, Europe, North America, and East Asia have taken humanity to new heights when they espoused these values, and generally the opposite when they abandoned them.

    In what follows is a concise

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