Hal Knows Martial Arts
By Vickie Erickson and Avery Liell-Kok
About this ebook
Vickie Erickson
Vickie Erickson is a stay at home wife and mother to four children. She got interested in the world of Martial Arts when her oldest son joined a local Martial Arts Academy. About three months later the rest of her family also joined the academy. Over the years she has also helped with special events for the Martial Arts. She has been a volunteer at the local school district her children attend where she goes in and listens to children read books to her in the elementary classes as well as being a teachers aid. She has observed the children dealing with different situations at school, home and at the academy. She lives in Centuria, WI with her husband and children.
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Hal Knows Martial Arts - Vickie Erickson
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/14/2013
ISBN: 978-1-4918-4138-9 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2013922821
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3038.pngTo my husband, Tim, and our four children, Austin, Billie, Taylor, and Holden. Thank you for the encouragement and support!
School problems
Promotion Day
School on Monday
Where’s Tony?
The Plan
Homework Done
The Rest of the Day
School problems
Hello, Tony! How are you today?
I asked as he came running toward me on the playground. I quickly jumped out of the way before he tackled me to the ground. Instead of me falling, Tony did a summersault. Hey, Tony, what are you doing?
I asked.
He stood up, and looking a little confused he asked, How did you move away from me so fast?
I slyly said, Hmmm, it must be my ninja-like moves I’ve been working on in class. So why are you running so fast this morning? Do you have something to tell me?
Tony shook his head no. I just was happy to see you. What do you want to play?
But just as I was going to say, Let’s play tag,
the bell rang for school.
Tony looked bummed and said, Well, Hal, I’ll see you at lunch. Then let’s play at recess.
I smiled and said, Sure! How about we play tag at recess?
He looked around to see if anyone was listening to us, like he was a super spy, and then nodded yes.
We went to our classrooms, and it seemed like it would be forever until lunch and recess. But then Mr. Manson told us our test time in the computer lab got moved up to the morning. The whole class groaned with disappointment until he said, "Class, if we get