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The Journey of Mind: Evolution of Knowledge Consciousness
The Journey of Mind: Evolution of Knowledge Consciousness
The Journey of Mind: Evolution of Knowledge Consciousness
Ebook175 pages2 hours

The Journey of Mind: Evolution of Knowledge Consciousness

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About this ebook

This book is all about wisdom for curious minds continuously thriving to become a learned wise man.

The objective of this book is not to give readers a fiction or fantasy to create an imagination in readers mind; it is all about scientific, hidden, rare, significant, researchful, historical, philosophical, idealogical, and derived informations.

The author also did not miss to deal with conspiring thoughts that has taken shape as cult and ritual practices, which has been beautifully identified from all major religion and questions the preachers and scholars on the topics that were not explained properly and why it has been kept hidden, cautioning the readers and catering with well-perceptioned hints from the actual scriptures.
Release dateDec 6, 2013
The Journey of Mind: Evolution of Knowledge Consciousness

Rajesh Jayaram

Rajesh, Post-graduated his M.S. in Information Systems and Applications from Bharathidasan University, developing the unique skills of gaining and storing informations methodically as hobby. Rajesh is now the active Investor and Trader in financial markets and opted writing career alternatively in the area of Theorotical Science, Financial markets, Ecology and Environment, Anthropology, Ancient Wisdom, Mythology and Religion out of passion .......

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    The Journey of Mind - Rajesh Jayaram

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    1 As the Journey of Mind begins… .

    2 Ancient India and its Idealogies

    3 Electricity of Thoughts

    4 History Repeating itself in Different Dimensions

    5 Taking time for Critical thinking

    6 The Creation and its Evolution in Vedas and Modern science

    7 Sparks of the Idea from Vedas to Modern science

    8 The Dark Years and Discontinued era

    9 Unlocking the Secret

    10 The theory of world



    Author’s obvious notion and insights made me realise the mistakes i was exactly doing without even cared to think, after reading this book I rearranged financial portfolios to safeguard my financial investments

    —Shiva subramaniam, Shares Trader and financial Broker

    Excellent information about MANUVANTARA the Indian cosmic time revealed finally and names of forthcoming incarnations as per hindu religion were scripted in Telescope thinkers… .

    —Robert cliffe, Historian and Anthropologist.

    Hinduism and Metaphysics comparative explanation specifically in cosmological science is fabulous reveals the deep understanding and the determination displayed in narration and is appealing… .

    —Raghavan sundaramurthy, Professor in Quantum Physics

    Young authors from india emerging and reaching global audience, gaining larger significance towards indian religion, art, culture, philosophical ideas and revealing the significance and popularity of monumental heritage and its values

    —Samantha Arthur, Coloumnist and Blogger

    masterpiece work… . the informations about ancient wisdom and modern science is in correct proportion and categorically explained nothing short of the genious work

    —Gakushi Sadahiro, ex-president, Japanese chamber of cultural science.

    . . . . description of purana’s part for younger generation to understand is rightly interpreted in scientific view with a common sense

    —Shivlal pandey, Hindu activist

    Journey of mind the second chapter is an eye opener, it made me realize that iam living in a very small world and decided to take this message worldwide

    —Clifford James, Consultant, Publishing services

    My Dear,

    I always gifted you best books available every year as Christmas gift, I knew very well that you always had curious mind in obtaining intricate details, I enjoyed reading this book which changed my perception and thoughts, which gave me, a new way of approaching and dealing matters both in personal and professional life, as I immediately remembered you of gifting this book to you, I am sure you will enjoy it and share this knowledge with your friends and someday to your children whole heartedly… & New Year greetings… .

    With love…


    I, Salute to the Indian Idealogists, Rishis, Yogis and Modern Scholars of thousands of years, who has been continuously been the centric magnets of retelling the ancient Indian History, Religion and Civilization to Indian people, made Hinduism one of the most oldest, powerful and Scientific Religions in the world sustaining and developing atleast 2.165 million years from today, following the VEDAS (as I consider the VEDAS are not subject to the dating validations, as the VEDAS is the Sacred Divine Hymns SHRUTI and SMRITI Samhitas has been passed to generations linguistically, before scripting in SANSKRIT Language) Scholars & Authors registering literary to their credits dating back from Ancient India starting from Brahmarishis, Valmiki, Veda Vyasa to modern day A.C. Bhaktivedanta, Swami Prabhupada.

    The attempt of this book is to present PRECISE AND CONCISE accounts of Premedival era and Medival era of world civilisations being influenced by Ancient Indian Idealogies and Vedas shall give the interesting perspective to the readers of Modern Science, the scripted Vedic Samhitas lending the theoretical base to modern science discoveries in the field of Aero Dynamics, Medicine, Particle physics etc., Western Scientists like Einstein, Newton and modern Nobel laureates in Physics have accepted that the Vedas were Foreword and Sparks of the idea which helped their Inventions and Discoveries, remembering Einstein in his book mentioning that we owe a lot to the Indians who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made, However some treated Vedas as Primitive rituals, The 18th & 19th Century Professors Max Mueller, TH.Griffith, HH Wilson, William Whitney and Voltaire realised that the gap is bridged by referring Vedas being the mightiest literary works of the Human History.

    My Objective to write this book is to enlighten, the younger generations today reaching boundaries of the continents in various fields of Science, Engineering and Technology should be aware of these foundations and rooting to ANCIENT INDIAN VEDAS(Facts) which taught the world about the subject of Creation of Universe (Metaphysics)-RIG VEDA, Principles, Art, Culture, Society, (SAMAVEDA), Leadership, Social Structure & Practices, Community, Arithmetics and Ritual Science (YAJUR VEDA) and further Public Administration, Weaponry, Chemicals and Psychology and Economics in (ATHARVANA VEDA), Atharvana Veda being the Last and final part of VEDA which explains the facts earlier missed and explains more in detail to common man understanding level which scripted in earlier RIG, SAMA and YAJUR VEDAS.

    This work is dedicated to beloved mother Late Shri. Saraswathi Ranganathan who taught me the mythology and science dwelling together to dominate this world and human society millennium after millennium till date, Thankful to my loving brothers and other family members who has been supportive all along in collecting Research materials, Reference Manuals, and Friends from Libraries providing most valuable Prints.


    into the concept of



    As the Journey of Mind begins… .

    It all started on a beautiful winter evening in december last year while sitting at my balcony alone under canopy, as i was tasting the hot brazilian crushed coffee bean and drizzles of sugar in milk, just lifted the wonderful aroma, made me close my eyes, and when I opened the tranquile beauty of ootacamund hill view with a fantastic view across lush green grasslands, did glittered adding to its beauty, while sunset on the west among the clouds behind the hill, with a cold breeze gave thoughts what in life can anybody could miss something like this, as doorbell rang I remembered about the visit of my friends that evening and the dense fog carried away our troop to discussions and diverted to various topics, after a couple of hours we had dinner and one my friend reminded me hey rajesh, night is getting colder man? and i need to leave, man i had great evening today, he friendly insisted the group we should get along like once a week atleast, we should make it a strict rule that we friends will join every Sunday between 4 and 6, and the funniest in our group agreed to it telling yeah it’s a wolfgang promise" . . . . and we all took part.


    Something flashed my mind upon taking my face towel about the book which I bought yesterday about the rare medicinal plants and the extinction of its species, and I took myself on the bed with that book slowly sneaking about the book and the author’s biography, which made me impress the education background and his field experience, after reading few chapters, I realized something as this author expressing reprimand towards the growing era of casual attitude among people today, I honestly felt inside me, it cannot be avoided that’s how it happens as that’s the chain connection which will continue towards the era of knowledge begins,

    Something alarmed me really at that moment, if in case the upcoming era of knowledge is well provided with the macro knowledge in micro categories, and the next generation’s responsibility level, is necessarily to be triggered to avoid this growing trend of casual attitude which is spoiling the nation into corruption is the leading no.1 evil which many governments in the world is elusive to tackle, if not addressesd at right time, may take an another chain reaction, casual attitude –> corruption –> greedy minds –> you don’t want to know what’s next… .

    I decided to take on a journey of writing a book which i realized that it should communicate to anybody who can understand it, but it took the micro categories of society in the path of man’s approach to life. In technical terms is called as Anthropology, study about humans.


    Preparing for the journey . . . .

    I carefully prepared a check list of essentials which is required for the wonderful journey and I took the name cards of renowned think tanks, historians, archeologists, geologists, professors, librarians, I double checked to make sure that i have all the friends contact numbers in mobile phones, and iam determined ever before and decided on making this journey, as i knew very well as holiday season nearing from last week of December, I should plan the journey accordingly that I should not miss my schedules on meeting people, perhaps i could convince some of my friends to spend a couple of days to accompany me to few places around, if required,


    This objective of this journey is not to give readers a fiction or fantasy, it is all about scientific, hidden, rare, significant, researchful, historical, philosophical, idealogical and derived informations. This book is for curious minds continuously thriving to become a learned wise man. This had been a fantastic journey to me and the people who are the part of making this journey a success have enjoyed it with me,

    portraying the experience of the journey to others . . . .

    I decided to have a telescope(narration style) to this story, to the viewers(readers) for the first time to visualize the nonfiction book, however i have decided to adopt contemplated approach of writing to break all the formulised version of writing a book.

    The days when i was collecting informations and datas for this book and potentials for validations indicated me i should be double sure that the Ancient wisdom have ruled this face of

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