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My Secret About You
My Secret About You
My Secret About You
Ebook105 pages1 hour

My Secret About You

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About this ebook

MY SECRET ABOUT YOU is a collective source of information that talks
about you. It highlights all the different spheres of life from wealth, health,
friendships, relationships, marriages, divorces, to break-ups, make-ups,
lifestyles, habits, values, beliefs, authority and power. My Secret About You
seeks to reveal to you all things that are hidden from your sight. It talks
about a person and at the same time, it talks to someone that means a lot
to me: someone I dearly love and care about. I have a lot to say about us,
because that person is you
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateJun 18, 2012
My Secret About You

Menelisi T. Cele

My full name is Menelisi Thanduxolo Cele, I was born on the 30th of March 1993 in Empangeni Provincial Hospital. I grew up in a place called Mandeni in KwaZulu-Natal; SouthAfrica. I went to school at Mandini Academy from grade 1 to grade 8 and then I went to Vryheid Hoer Landbouskool to do grade 9 up to grade 12. I am currently studying Marketing Management (IMM) at Durban University of Technology in Pietermaritzburg. Most importantly I am saved and born again by the grace of God.

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    My Secret About You - Menelisi T. Cele

    Copyright © 2012 by Menelisi T Cele.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    My Secret

    Good Versus Evil


    How To Speak

    The Beauty


    It’s All About Love


    To all my fathers and mothers

    My brothers and sisters

    To my family

    My friends

    My all





    Greetings, at this time of the book you are most likely to have a smile on your face; with great expectations and enthusiasm expecting to be blown away by the content of this great book. Well I truly am inspired and appreciate the opportunity to guide you in this amazing adventurous journey of My Secret About You.


    It is to my disappointment that you might not be able to feel my eloquence pertaining to some of the scenes in our journey so I ask you to please read diligently with a positive perspective as an inducement for your everyday life. When our journey begins you will eventually realize that this is not just an ordinary book but it is highly inspired by the Spirit of God and I entreat you to allow this text to transfigure your life.

    The name of the book: My Secret About You originated as The Value Of A Human Being/The Value of You (Its former name), the name was changed basically as a marketing incentive to motivate you to get this book, for it is a collective source of information that will without a doubt help you to live a more blossoming, healthier, wealthier, enhanced and holy life, as I reveal to you ‘My Secret About You’. I’ve tried my best to summarize and comprise all attributes pertaining to human beings into a small readable book as ‘My Secret About You’ highlights almost all topics concerning Homo sapiens. Therefore it was a very challenging discussion for me to put into words, due to the significance that I have discovered while pondering and learning about our inhabitations from establishment, to wealth, health, poverty, relationships, friendships, marriages, divorces, break-ups, make-ups, lifestyles, habits, values, beliefs, authority and power. It talks about a person and at the same time, it talks to someone that means a lot to me: someone I dearly love and care about. I have a lot to say about us, because that person is you.

    I humble myself to all the readers as I am not perfect to write about such things but if it was about self-righteousness for one to write of such things, than no one would ever be able to right a word. Nevertheless, I’m content with the fact that I write for you with great bliss and tranquility, for I have found consolation and a tremendous prodigious experience with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ; note that I write most of these things from personal experience and speak not of what I’ve only seen of others or heard but instead that which I’ve been through myself . . . it’s not a fairytale but it’s the veracities of life. Please read with diligence and with a repenting heart were necessary. Please note that everything that has ever happened in your life, (from the best to the worst of things) happened for a specific reason; count it all with joy. Nothing takes God by surprise, He is God All Knowing. For if you didn’t go through everything that you’ve been through, than you wouldn’t be as wise and strong as you are today. Sometimes struggles are just there to make a better you, and if you can just take a few more steps forward, you will suddenly see the light. Giving up is never a good idea in anything, even if it looks like there’s no hope; as long as you can still breathe then there is still hope. I love you all dearly and it’s an honor for me to have this conversation with you, for I know it will help you to a great extent. I wish to enlighten you and encourage in you a vacuum of desire for greatness and a desire for success in all things in life. For there is much greatness in you and I hope that the Spirit of God can reveal that to you today as you pray and read about yourself. Yes, it’s true that I don’t know you more than you know yourself but I know someone that does, and if I can’t get to you today, it’s okay; I trust the Lord to make another way for you.

    I write to you with an honest heart and one of the reasons why I write this book for you is to attempt to dehypnotize you from the world’s hypnosis; via television, radio, internet, magazines, music and all types of media: including books. I’m trying to help you set your mind free so that you "be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. There is more to life than what you have seen or heard, don’t judge the rest of your life by the first half or quarter. For there are much better and greater things still to come and a lot is still to be done. These things I write to inform and alert you that you are not a mistake, but instead you are fearfully and wonderfully made."

    Maybe you are not growing spiritually and you need help, I pray to God that the Holy Spirit may help you grow while you read ‘My Secret About You’. I want you to regain your confidence in your faith in Jesus Christ that you are truly a child of The Most High God. I hope that ‘My Secret About You’ will call you into intimacy with God once you realize that there is so much more than just going to church every Sunday, giving your tithes and offerings, prosperity, miracles, healing, etc. Yes, all of these are good but there is so much more and today God is calling you into intimacy; what if you found out that He actually wants to have a relationship with you. There are so many things trying to stop you from spending time with God; television, radio, music, movies, social networks, etc. and I just want to ask you one simple question, where do you spend most of your time, with the media or with God?

    If you didn’t know, today I want you to know that God thinks about you; just about you. He loves and He cares about you. Nothing can ever separate you from his love. I choose to trust Love more than I trust mankind, Love is the foundation and roof top of every good thing, there is nothing below it and there is nothing above it. If all you have is love, than you have it all; if you lose love than you lose it all. ‘My Secret About You’ is written in phases; from the Foundation, to Destruction, My Secret, Good verses Evil, Reality, How to speak, the Beauty, Identity and it’s All about Love. It is established in the Word of God, God of All, for without the Word of God what we see isn’t. Enjoy . . .




    We live life hastily and very clumsily these days and I think the very core thing that causes this, is that we don’t really know our real true purpose and role on planet earth. There are a very small number of people who really know their significance and purpose in life and actually live according to the standards of their vocation. We all serve a different, superior and unique purpose in life.

    It is crucial to know our nature right from the rudiments of it, e.g. what do we eat? What do we drink? What do we think? How do we

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