When Truth Is Lost
About this ebook
Professor and writer Peter Stalker McKenzie recounts experiences with a licensing board that denied due process of law and equality of the law in this tantalizing novel based on a true story. During this difficult personal trial, political and defiant forces combined to assure that their agenda would succeed without opposition. While there are always various sides to every story; find out which one is based upon truth and not on lost truth. When Truth Is Lost represents a personal triumph as no matter what humankind can do to attempt to destroy a life, perseverance and victory do indeed come from humble and steadfast faith.
When truth is lost, it is always known to the one who is and was and forever will be. What better victory can any undeserving person ever ask for.
Peter Stalker McKenzie
A licensed marriage and family therapist and a clinical member of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Dr. McKenzie served on the state licensing board for seven years and was the president in waiting. As a member of the disciplinary committee, he took great care to follow due process of law and obtain all viable information prior to rendering a decision on ethics cases. When a false claim was placed against him, all logical and ethical processes were cast aside. The Midwest has always prided itself on the belief in and demonstration of strong values. Corruption can attempt to destroy a life, but the grace of God allows those wrongly charged and illegally treated to persevere with Him as the only true judge.
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When Truth Is Lost - Peter Stalker McKenzie
Copyright © 2014 Peter Stalker McKenzie, Ph.D.
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ISBN: 978-1-4908-2552-6 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014902139
WestBow Press rev. date: 2/12/2014
Reclaim the Child in You
Dreams and Hopes
The Unexpected Call
Patience with Patients
Bored with a Board
Sensationalism Sells!
Where Life Leads
Today is Here and Tomorrow is Not
What are you taking with you?
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Reclaim the Child in You,
Reclaim your spirit,
Let go of memories that have hurt
You for so
Release the pain,
Release the blame,
Reach deep inside and touch your
And know that you are worthy to be
Chorus from the song Reclaim the Child in You; words and music by Peter Stalker McKenzie
Copyright: January 1, 2006
My Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who has kept me strong and allowed me to weather many storms and persevere in difficult times, is my source of strength for completing this manuscript. Without Him, this would remain unwritten, as in all likelihood, I would not have been around doing His work. I never had the strength alone to take on this task. With guidance from above and within, sharing the truth has become an overwhelming healing process. No one but the Savior and I will know the anguish and helplessness experienced, nor the ongoing pain from humankind offering judgment in a manner that I had always thought impossible living in America. Because of my faith in the Almighty, my endless and unwavering love for my family and my belief that truth shall set one free, this book has moved from thoughts to the written word. Until now, only God knew the truth; from the corruption of our governmental agencies, to the lies and fabrications of others, to the deep heartache that has filled my life. Those that have tried an innocent man unjustly are also a focus of dedication so that they find the opportunity to repent before God and ask for His forgiveness. While we are all sinners because of our human nature, confessing our sins and repenting humbly before our Lord and Savior is an undeserved opportunity. By the grace of God alone, forgiveness and atonement for our ways allows us to begin relying on God to guide us in our remaining days. Without my faith, I have and am nothing. With my faith, my life is truly blessed.
Laws in America are truly an interesting, if not most confusing phenomena. They exist in files of legal documents that adorn the shelves of every judge and attorney’s office throughout the land. While established laws intended to protect citizens of our country as well as provide a framework on which to live our daily lives exist in print, the one consistent attribute of any law is that it is always open to interpretation. What may appear clear to the non-legal mind takes on a whole life of its own in the lives of trained professionals. A ruling made by a judge on Friday may be the complete opposite of the one rendered on Monday even when the facts of both tried cases appear to be identical.
Statutory interpretation is the process by which court systems interpret and apply legislation. At times, the words of legislative statutes have clear and straightforward meaning; while in other instances, the words are vague and ambiguous, leaving the judge presiding to determine the interpretation of the law. Thus, interpretation can occur in varying ways by different judges or by the same judge based upon some form of reasoning, which remains beyond factual knowledge if there indeed is such a thing.
Since words are an imperfect means of communicating intent, they can become ambiguous and change over time. Often the interpretation of the law serves to cater to special-interest groups. Since the government and its agencies are such groups, it is highly probable that the laws that apply to American citizens do not necessarily apply to them. While the laws apply to most citizens, others are above these laws and can accomplish means to avoid consequences.
It is a sorrowful day when the U.S. Constitution and other governmental laws apply to some and not to others. Color of law abuses, while an interesting part of our nation’s legal rhetoric, are not enforceable when the government is the criminal. A great amount of power exists in federal, state and local agencies. Those empowered include judges, attorneys and prosecutors. Without this power, these people could not enforce the laws and ensure justice. Since the terms laws and justice are comprised of words, interpretations are vague at best.
Since abuse of this authority is also important in a democracy of which the United States once was, a federal crime is committed when anyone acting under color of law
willfully deprives or conspires to deprive an American citizen of a right protected by a Constitutional or U.S. law. However, since these laws are composed of words, like Constitutional and U.S. laws, they are probably subject to further interpretation, especially by those high-ranking officials who are the ones abusing them. One thing is certain; those in power will usually do whatever it takes to remain in power no matter how corrupt their actions might be.
Charged to write, interpret and enforce the laws, elected politicians and politically appointed members of governmental agencies often enjoy a double standard between them and us. While the fury of the power comes to reign down on the less powerful, those under control are frequently abused in the process as their elimination is but a small price to pay. Many innocent people have spent a great amount of their lives behind bars. DNA evidence proved the innocence of some resulting in their release. For ten, fifteen, twenty or fifty years, these individuals have lost their right to enjoy a productive and fruitful life. Earthly lambasting and ridicule has replaced justice.
Others, who have committed heinous crimes, often do not suffer the consequences of the less fortunate. Whether a technicality has upset the testimony’s viability, or perhaps they simply could afford to pay expensive legal teams to fight for them regardless of their guilt, these criminals are free to continue with their daily lives in ways that are frequently detrimental to others. In America, we have a legal system, but to state that we have a justice system is a large stretch of the imagination. Expressed words do not reflect reality. If the administration of law means the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity and as previously mentioned rules are open to subjective interpretation, then how indeed can any American truly enjoy rights?
Human beings, who are subject to error in judgment create and enforce laws. They each possess unique, idiosyncratic ways of interpreting the world. Human laws are subject to change at any moment and what might exist today might not exist tomorrow. At present, our U.S. Constitution is under such a barrage of attacks that those sacred laws no longer offer the comfort they once did. Hideous murders are committed in this country daily with weapons of many varieties. The right to keep and bear arms from infringement in the Second Amendment is now under extreme scrutiny. When the government was unable to pass new legislation to control the sale of guns, they instead chose to buy up ammunition so that rightfully owned guns are useless.
For those law-abiding citizens who enjoy hunting and target shooting, their right to keep and bear arms has created a flurry to stockpile ammunition when it becomes available so that common citizens cannot find anything on the shelf. The 22 long rifle ammo that once cluttered many stores in America now ceases to exist and if one is lucky enough to find a small box of fifty rounds, the asking price is criminal. Target shooting is an enjoyable activity of the past and if our country faces a hostile takeover, tossing rocks or pieces of chewed bubble gum probably will do little to protect you. Yes, since this right is no longer enforceable, even though it remains on the books for now, you can rest assured that the governmental officials elected and appointed are serving their own agendas at your expense.
Criminals will always find a way to obtain weaponry and ammunition even if law-abiding citizens cannot. When these stalwart individuals break down your front door and murder you and your family members, you can give thanks to our socialistic government for arming them and not you. While this action would appear unseemly and certainly not tolerated in a democracy, socialism brings about an entirely new justification that our ancestors would find archaic. Like the Bible, the Constitution is invalid in today’s modern world where morality and ethics have no substantial underlying meanings or clear definitions. Far too advanced intellectually, people today do not respect time-honored traditions and instead will continue to change daily the values that once made this nation great.
Those annoying words, which are contained in the above documents, certainly bear little importance in today’s world where a legal system has replaced justice, some criminals remain free while the innocent suffer and legal definitions and laws change to accommodate desires instead of reinforcing principles. As the laws of humankind continue to separate and distance themselves from the laws of God, changing moral fiber that no longer renders the world a safe place to live now is the norm. The Windy City has become a place to avoid unless one truly wishes