His Blood: Supernatural Power and Redemption
About this ebook
The blood of Jesus is real and powerful. Author and apostle Karen Proctor has witnessed its benefits in the life of others and in her own life. In His Blood, she shares insight into the undeniable power of the blood of Jesus.
Using her experiences as a pastor, Proctor weaves biblical stories, scriptures, and personal testimony to stress the supernatural and redemptive benefits of the blood, how to apply the blood of Jesus to daily lives, and how to find the way to freedom and full deliverance by the blood of Jesus. She recommends visualizing walking in the fullness of the promises of God and enjoying the benefits of his blood.
In His Blood, Proctor demonstrates how, to this day, eternal life is in the blood, which provides a covering, turns away death, makes atonement, washes clean, saves, heals, delivers, consecrates, and can be used to overcome, redeem, and provide access to the throne room of God.
Karen Proctor
Karen Proctor earned a master’s degree from St. Thomas University. She is a pastor, life coach, and founder of Powerhouse Leadership Institute. Proctor is the author of Say it Ain't So! and Core Knowledge Vital to a Successful Ministry. She lives in Miami, Florida.
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His Blood - Karen Proctor
© 2016 Karen Proctor.
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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible.
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ISBN: 978-1-4917-9663-4 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4917-9665-8 (hc)
ISBN: 978-1-4917-9664-1 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016907468
iUniverse rev. date: 06/17/2016
The Ultimate Sacrifice
• The Blood Atones
• The Cost
My Revelation of His Blood
Blood Covenant
• Why the blood covenant?
• The Abrahamic Covenant
• Mosaic Blood Covenant
• The Everlasting - Eternal Covenant
His Blood Eradicates Curses, and Releases Blessings
• Old Testament Blessings and Curses
• Generational Curses
• Generational Blessings
Pleading the Blood of Jesus
Approaching the Throne of Grace
• Priest’s Intercession
• Queen Esther’s Intercession
• Golden Scepter
• A Place of Worship
• The Intimate Zone
Seven Benefits of the Shed Blood of Jesus
• Willpower
• Healing
• Deliverance from inner hurt, and iniquities. Peace.
• Prosperity
• Dominion in the work of your hands
• Dominion in the areas that you walk
• Joy and healing for a broken heart
Call to Action
Scripture References for the Blood
About the Author
This book is solidly founded in Scriptures, which should cause even the most profoundly anti-deliverance skeptic to reconsider his or her position on how to apply the blood of Jesus to their daily lives. The absence of the blood in the life of a believer represents the absence of the supernatural power of God. I particularly appreciate Pastor Karen’s inclusion of the seven benefits of the shed blood of Jesus. She has demonstrated an amazing grasp of great biblical truth, historical knowledge, and a practical experiential understanding girded with great insight and wisdom. In this book you will be enlightened as the author weaves the power of the blood of Jesus together to help us understand not only the problems we face daily, but how to find the way to freedom and full deliverance by the blood of Jesus. This book is so helpful, that it should be a must read and a useful resource you will want to keep in your library.
Dr. Kelvin L. Baker, Senior Pastor & Founder of
The WAY Fellowship Church International Inc.,
Pembroke Pines, FL
I would like to take this moment to acknowledge God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, without whose help I could not have written this book. Had it had not been for Jesus surrendering His will to our Heavenly Father, the world would have been lost, and I would not exist.
I thank the Lord for allowing me to gain many valuable experiences in life which proved to me the power of the blood and then to give me the opportunity to actually share my experiences.
In addition, I want to thank all of those who have supported me in various ways throughout my ministry from the past to the present; prompting me to achieve great things through the honor and glory of God.
This book is dedicated to my beloved darling grandsons: Gavin and Landon, as well as all future grandchildren. My legacy to you all is the infallible Word of God. You guys warm my heart. Love, Nanna
I would also like to dedicate this book to two of the most special people I’ve known, whom the Lord has used tremendously to help cultivate the call on my life. In loving memory, Apostle A. Darling, my beloved mother. I appreciate your impartations into my life.
Last, but not least, daddy (W. R. Proctor), I salute you for the man that you were to me. I wished you were here to share this moment with me. Thank you for seeing me through some of the rough times of my life. You never criticized me, no matter what. Instead, you helped out as a loving father would do.
There is a story behind every family. Some members are well-acquainted with their heritage, while others, for various reasons, are unaware of their legacy. Children of God have a rich heritage through the blood of Jesus, and it would behoove them to take the time to learn and understand the importance of their bloodline in order to take full advantage of the benefits that come from being of royal blood.
It is my desire to introduce the power and benefits of the blood of Jesus in a simplistic manner to the unknowing reader as well as reacquaint those who know their heritage with the proud lineage they share with their elder brother. If I can do that, then my goal for this book has been accomplished.
To this day, eternal life is in the blood, which provides a covering, turns away death, makes atonement, washes clean, saves, heals, delivers, consecrates, and can be used to overcome, redeem, and provide access to the throne room of God, and bears witness in the earth.
On the night of the Exodus, the blood of goats was placed on the children of Israel’s doorposts to protect them from the death angel. Rehab the harlot placed a scarlet thread outside of her window as a reminder to the spies to protect her and her family during the fall of Jericho. When the walls fell down, one section remained; the area where her family