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Thoughts of a Sad Man
Thoughts of a Sad Man
Thoughts of a Sad Man
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Thoughts of a Sad Man

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Dave's story is one lots of people live with every day. As he relives his past, he sees where he went wrong. So now he has to fight to save his marriage. He is a man who needs his family and he was blind to the trouble he caused for his wife. So now he has a long fight to make his wife, belive he can be the man she married, and at the time regain the trust of his family.
Release dateMay 28, 2013
Thoughts of a Sad Man

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    Thoughts of a Sad Man - F E Bibbey

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    © 2013 by F E Bibbey. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 05/10/2013

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-9458-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4817-9459-6 (e)

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    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13




    How stupid can a man be in one lifetime, or if you’re anything like me how many times can you fuck up in a single marriage. Some people may say she’s not a supermodel; she will go out of the way herself to put herself down. To me she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and I love her more than any person can understand. So can somebody please tell me why I keep trying to mess it up, she’s my wife, I love her so why do I keep getting it wrong. I try to put things right to try and change what I did wrong, but all I do is make things worse and now she hates me and I don’t blame her because I hate myself for what I’ve messed up.

    Let me tell you a story that’s been told on countless times and no doubt will be again, but this is the only time my story will be told. It’s not some stupid love story that you have already heard, but more of a man who met his soul mate and threw it away.

    In nineteen seventy six I left school but because of my age I was fifteen at the time, I could not get a job or sign on until I was sixteen my wife was six in this year. You see my wife was born in nineteen sixty nine the year they landed on the moon, me I was nine born in nineteen sixty nine and I watched on telly when they landed and did not know something else as spectacular happened in the same year.

    I got my first job on a pottery factory in Tunstall which is in Stoke-on-Trent called William Adams, and here I spent five years of my life unfortunately in a way. You see I wanted more than anything was to join the royal air force, but my eyesight let me down so I stayed where I was but it was a good company to work for. All employees there were more like family and I mean from the top to the bottom, and come Christmas plenty of drinking back in the days before health and safety of course. My job was not very well paid but I could have my fun and even more fun, let’s face it between the age of sixteen and eighteen all you wanted to do was party a bit of money in your pocket and you were out it was the seventy’s.

    Most Friday and Saturday night were spent in the pub playing pool or cards and when you’ve nearly had enough of you go to a night club, I know I was under aged but I had lent my mates birth certificate and used it to make myself a member. It used to piss my farther of when I got in late and that was alright with me, back then it was cheap to go drinking I bet there aren’t many who can remember paying sixteen pence for a pint of carling and on a normal night at the pub two pound did for the night. I could get a bus to Tunstall buy twenty fags and drink all night, and if I was early enough I could get the bus home and have some chips the good old days.

    When I was eighteen I met a girl named carol she was good and kind don’t want to upset her, she was the love of my life my only problem was her dad was racist and was hard work my wife was nine in this year. One night she came to my home and told me her dad had told her to go because of me, so she spent the night with me and I told her I would go see her dad and try and get this sorted out.

    Know I now her dad was a bit of a drinker and had a good idea where he would be on a Saturday dinner, so I arranged to be in the same pub at the same time unfortunately when I got there he had gone home. So I plucked up my courage went to her home (a few pints later) Dutch courage I was only

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