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Spirit's Course in Creating: Consciously Create Your Life!
Spirit's Course in Creating: Consciously Create Your Life!
Spirit's Course in Creating: Consciously Create Your Life!
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Spirit's Course in Creating: Consciously Create Your Life!

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You have come to this book, this course, through this moment... in pursuit of expanding your capacity to create at will, at a more conscious level and at a faster pace.

You have been creating all your life; this is not new. What may be new to you, however, is learning the process by which all that you are and have and experience is in concert with others. Spirits Course in Creating is the life instruction manual missing in the lives of many who want clarity on why they have not received what they have been asking for or did get exactly what they did not want.

Spirits Course in Creating is a new age course in miracles. It clearly outlines, in ordinary language with everyday analogies and common experiences, how you created into your life experience all that you have. More importantly, it details how to use that process to deliberately manifest your desires. Practice points encourage you to integrate and hone these newly learned skills.

Create your designer life. Shepherd events and coordinate universal resources to orchestrate all the power you have access to that you may not have known is yours to command. Open your mind and life experience to all that you had only dreamed about. Let this book be your gateway to a rich, new, and exciting life with greater harmony and ease of access to your desires.

PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 1, 2014
Spirit's Course in Creating: Consciously Create Your Life!

Rev. Louis S. Mandrack

Lou is an Interfaith Minister focused on a life-long Spiritual path incorporating Reiki, Integrated Energy Therapy, facilitating Spiritual Discussion Groups and providing Spiritual Hypno-Regressions in his practice. He has trained with Neale Donald Walsch and is pursuing continued education toward a Masters in Metaphysics. "Spirit's Course in Creating" is the first in his Spirit series to be published. Lou and Michelle have been married over 30 years raising three daughters in the Philadelphia suburbs.

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    Spirit's Course in Creating - Rev. Louis S. Mandrack

    Spirit’s Course



    Consciously Create Your Life!

    Rev. Louis S. Mandrack


    Copyright © 2013 Rev. Louis S. Mandrack.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4525-8055-5 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013915012

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/25/2014





    Section I


    How This Book Is Best Used

    Section II

    Chapter 1 How Creating Begins

    Chapter 2 Connection To Source

    Chapter 3 Allowing

    Chapter 4 Conscious Creation

    Chapter 5 Law Of Attraction

    Chapter 6 Resisting Attracts

    Chapter 7 Communicating With Source

    Chapter 8 Meditation

    Chapter 9 Attention On Appreciation

    Section III

    Chapter Ten Experiencing All That Is

    Chapter Eleven The Eternal Self

    Chapter Twelve Being One

    Section IV


    Glossary Of Terms


    With sincere and deep gratitude to everyone that supported my efforts in everyway. You helped bring this gift to the light of day.

    To my incredibly loving, supportive, constantly encouraging wife and soul mate Michelle, thank you for all our life together has given us. Words cannot adequately express the depth of my gratitude for being you with me.

    To my very supportive and helpful daughters Renée and Christen, thank you for all of your efforts and encouragement in Dad’s projects.

    To my youngest daughter Marissa, thank you for showing up in our lives, keeping us young and energized.

    To Angel Ariel for providing the words and unconditional love.

    I am also eternally grateful to all of my physical and ethereal family, for all that you have done and continue to do for and with me.


    Circle Of Miracles School of Ministry, its supportive and nurturing founder Hannelore Goodwyn, Kay Brewer and all my teachers and fellow Ministers.

    Conversations With God Foundation, The Ashland 25 group of soul brothers and sisters, Karen Davis, and Neale Donald Walsch, for their known and unknown support, training, inspiration, guidance and mentoring.

    Dr. Wayne Dyer for being himself to the world, a very bright beacon of light on our path.



    Thank you for being here, right here, right now. A part of you has agreed to come to this material as a part of me has agreed to bring it to you in physical form.

    You have called forth this information to remember, consciously, Who You Are. Reading this information, in part, will be the trigger you created into your reality to remind you of Who You Are, your abilities and why you have chosen to incarnate.

    This material has been written with some words that may have slightly different meanings than what you are used to. Please read the glossary of terms to avoid some confusion around assumed meanings.

    Words are the chosen form of communication of the mass media in the physical world. The meaning of each word is limited to the perceived meaning of the reader. Explaining the meta-physical (beyond physical) through the physical leaves some room for variations in understandings. Your interpretations, like anything else in life, will be left up to your best judgment.

    You decide what feels right to you. You decide, like every other part of your life, what you want to keep and what you want to let go, what speaks to you and what does not. Take this information cafeteria style, keep what you like and leave the rest.

    I see this book being used in a few different ways. The most popular use will be reading for personal enrichment. The second use could be for small groups who get together to review a chapter or section at each meeting to discuss its content and how to use it. Perhaps the meetings could be set up to review a chapter each month. This will give readers time to try the exercises.

    Another possible use for this book is in a classroom setting. The text has been formatted into twelve sections. Consider this a study plan for a twelve-week semester.

    You will notice how the text tends to spiral in the delivery of the information, often touching on information familiar to the reader. This helps the reader in two ways.

    It helps you understand snippets of information at a time, so as not to get lost down a long chain of new material or to feel overwhelmed. Also, since there is so much information to impart that brings in vast areas, touching on many disciplines, it is important to bring the reader back to familiar ground before covering a new portion of the same topic.

    Some parts of this text need to be drilled over and over to get the reader to be so familiar with the basic concepts as to know it inside and out. The few primary concepts will be a continuous thread woven throughout the material.

    The most familiar term in this text will take on added meaning when reading it. The word ‘you’ is commonly used to mean your physical self and conscious mind. In this context, speaking metaphysically (beyond physical), the term ‘you’ will be an all-inclusive term. You are more than your mind, more than your thoughts and more than your physical body. You are all of that and more. You are also your spirit. You are, for the sake of this material, your physical and spirit self. You are a collective of mind, body and spirit, a triune being working as one. There is no difference, no separation, and no distinction between parts. The material will help you understand this better as you read through it.

    For now, accept on face value that you are all of these parts together and that they work in unison, in concert to be you. Any one portion of you could seem to take the lead in any given moment, yet no part acts alone. All act as one because you are one, a triune being.

    The word ‘We’ is used for the Co-authors of this book – a collective of Divinity.

    These are the terms in nature and the theme through this book. You are one, one within yourself and one with God. The term for God will be many. Some like to use different names for the Creator depending on what feels right. This book will capitalize any term that is appropriate for the context of the information portrayed to signify God, as well as a particular aspect of God, bringing to the reader’s mind a concept that goes along with it. This will give the reader two meanings simultaneously when referring to All.

    To understand this text better, keep in mind the concept of God used within this book: God is All That Is. Consider that in the beginning there was nothing, except of course God, the Source of everything. Source then created All That Is out of Itself. In this view of Divinity, logic and science can be explained beyond its limitations, as you will be able to understand by reading how you create your reality.

    How you create your reality is the same way everyone else does, just from a different perspective, given different information with different values. You will be able to comprehend why others act as they do. These understandings lead to tolerance, appreciation and eventually love. Don’t be surprised if you start accepting those you couldn’t before and even, eventually get to love some of them. You are love because you are made from Love. Therefore it is love that you have to give and only love, all the rest is an illusion.

    This book is devoted to conscious creating. Read through it with the intention of mastering your creative ability. This can best be accomplished by knowing you can through remembering Who You Are.

    That is why you have brought this book into your awareness. You have come to this material to remember Who You Are. Do not be fooled by the illusion you have created for yourself surrounding the circumstances by which you have attained this information. The result is as you created it for yourself. You are here to remember Your Self as Who You Are.

    Section I



    This book is intended to give you, the reader, the knowledge you seek to be able to create consciously as you desire. You will come to understand that you have been creating your whole life in every moment of your existence. Your creative ability is in doubt because of two factors here-to-fore not considered. These two factors are time in the physical dimension and your core belief. We will discuss these two factors in much detail.

    This course is written in a way that will be easily understood in contemporary language, using common examples. The material is sent with great love for you. You are the recipient of this message of love. All of the time and energy expended in the creation of this book is devoted to you, the reader.

    We send this with love because We recognize you as a part of Us, Oneness. You have brought yourself to this book by what appears to be a coincidence. You will come to fully understand how you created this experience by attracting it to yourself.

    You have chosen this experience for yourself to remember what it is you have always been. You continue to choose this experience at every turn of the page, with every word read.

    We invite you to fully experience this course and take full advantage of all the creative power you have at your ready. Take your time reading it, highlight points to remember, absorb the information to remember Who You Are.

    This will be liberating and exciting for you. At the same time, you will start bringing up old beliefs and habits. You will quite naturally resist some change as you come across some new beliefs that do not fit in with your current beliefs of what-is-so.

    All great new beliefs introduce themselves as blasphemies. This is because the new thought is not in alignment with the old. The old beliefs have gotten you to your present state and will only take you so far. You attracted the new thought into your life as you seek change, yet part of you resists the change because it is not familiar, not comfortable. The more you explore the new thoughts, the more you will accept them as having value to you. Then you will feel comfortable with the new belief, and it will become true to you, your new truth.

    You will then validate your new truth by seeing examples appear in your reality. The examples are attracted to your awareness as you think about your new truth. Focusing thought energy into your new truth will make it larger and more real to you.

    This is your new world. This is a world of creative thought energy. This material will explain to you, in detail how thought creates reality. Your thoughts create your reality. This is unique for each person. Over seven billion people are each creating their own reality that is completely unique to each one. And as One, you collectively create a shared human experience.

    We invite you now to proceed to the next section, which will give some suggestions on how best to read and comprehend this material.

    How This Book Is Best Used


    Everyone is a student. Everyone is a teacher. Your every thought, word and deed is an example for All to experience. All experiences are used to decide Who You Are in relationship to that experience so you can choose your next experience. Thus, you learn from all experiences as others learn from yours.

    As you learn new information and you accept it into your reality as your truth, you will trigger a process of remembering. You come to this physical world in this physical body with all the knowing of the Universe. The process of becoming accustomed to your new environment, in this body, replaces knowledge of what you knew to be so, with practical experience in the physical world, as your new truth. This new truth of life and laws of the physical world refute that of your natural state of being. Thus, you believe what you see to be your truth.

    This book is divided into twelve chapters in the next two sections. Each chapter will explore a new concept. The concept will be explained in detail. Common examples will be used to allow you to see how each concept already exists in your life. We will explain how these concepts intertwine and relate to others. We will show you how to use each new concept to help you in your daily life.

    Each chapter will contain practical exercises to play with. Each exercise will expand your mind, your ability to imagine and your ability to create in the physical world. These exercises are a vital part of your learning to consciously create.

    Using the exercises and practicing them as stated would expand your belief in yourself as a creator in ways you may have only imagined before.

    Play with the exercises. Experiment with them. Change them to a method that you feel comfortable with. Expand the exercise ideas beyond your comfort zone to expand your abilities. Enlarge your creations, super-size them. Make your creations even larger.

    This is your life. Learn to take charge of it completely and create your life worth living. This is your opportunity to really understand the full potential you have to create at will.

    The same creation power that created the entire universe is at your disposal. Use it at will. Know how to use this awesome power to create.

    Believe you can do this. Know you can do this. Prove to yourself that you can create your desires. That which you create that is not your desire, may trick you into thinking you do not have this ability. Use these examples to better understand the process and how you always attract what you believe.

    This is a course in creating. You are already a creator. You have been creating during your entire existence. This course will remind you, bring to your conscious awareness, that part of you already knows this.

    Start now by knowing yourself as a creator. Believe this. Know you are a creator. Enter this course with this awareness and refine your ability to create your desires with greater speed and accuracy. Give this course your attention. Value its content and you will gain much insight and enrich your life.

    Begin now to create your new experience.

    Section II


    Believing you are able to attain your desire is all you have to do. The Universe will handle the rest. Source will move all of Divinity in your direction to achieve your desire. Source will flow abundance to you.

    Believe and allow.



    How Creating Begins


    Creation begins in thought. All creation seen and unseen begins as a thought. Thought is the origin of All That Is.

    You are a part of All That Is. You came into existence first as a thought. This intangible concept of a flow of energy, immeasurable by your latest technology, is able to create All That Is.

    This same power and authority that created the universe and all it’s galaxies is at your command. You have this authority to create your world. You have this innate ability to create your reality. We will explore this in detail for you.

    Imagine you are alone on a beach. Close your eyes and be at the beach. Feel the sand under your feet. Wiggle your feet into the sand. Feel how warm it is from the sun. Feel the sand between your toes. Your feet are getting warm from the hot sand. Notice the sun shining on your body. Feel the glow of the hot sun showering you with its light. Feel the light warm breeze gently flowing through your hair and washing your body with warmth. Breathe in the clean fresh air. Smell the aromas that your beach has to offer. Listen to the sounds that surround you. Hear the water lapping at the shore. Hear the birds as they sing across the sky. Notice the wind whistling through the trees.

    Be with this for a moment…

    We invite you to return to the here and now with Us.

    What did you notice about your body? Could you feel any of the sensations that you imagined? Did you take the time to fully experience this experiment or just read through it? Give yourself the full value of this material and take at least one minute for each exercise.

    Notice the images that appear in your mind. See how vivid you can make them.

    This is thought energy at work for you. This is an example of how your mind can create thoughts of images and emote feelings. Be with that concept for a moment. Your mind can create images and feelings without external stimuli. This was wholly created within your mind.

    If you believe the words on these pages created the images, then try another experiment of your own. Think of a recent event that made you happy. Place yourself there and notice all the details, as many as you can. Take one minute to do this. We’ll wait.

    The creation of images in your mind is the process all creation takes. This first step in creating is a thought, any thought. You create a new thought every moment, every second. You are continually creating new thoughts. Each thought is built on a previous one.

    Your thoughts are linked like a chain. Repeating similar thoughts pours energy into that chain, making it stronger. Thinking many different and conflicting thoughts diffuses the energy used. No one thought receives enough energy to create it.

    Thought is energy, pure energy. Energy is a vibration. Each vibration has a different rate. Each thought is a vibration of a different frequency.

    All matter is made up of energy. Energy is a vibration. All matter is energy vibrating at different frequencies. This has been proven by your quantum physics.

    All matter is energy created by thought.

    We want you to fully understand and remember this, so it is worth repeating. All matter is energy created by thought.

    Your thoughts have created all that you have, all that you do and Who You Are.

    Your thoughts allow. They allow things, people, and events into your life. Things that were gifted to you are a result of thoughts allowing.

    Think of a time when you were alone and wanted company. Eventually, someone called or visited or you went out for a reason and met someone. You created companionship. Believing this is coincidence denies Who You Are and your ability to create. There are no coincidences. There is no happenstance or serendipity. Neither is there luck, good or bad. Chance does not exist, nor does probability.

    All of these are constructs of your imagination creating an illusion of accidental circumstance to create an element of surprise and excitement around the unknown of what could happen.

    See through this illusion now to change your belief of what-is-so. Know that you create your reality. If you win or loose a game of chance, it is your creation. If you have a freak accident, your root thought manifested it. If you feel lucky, it is your core belief at the moment.

    Understand that you create your entire reality. This is a very large shift from the common belief of many things happening to you. Most can accept that they can take charge of their life, however; few can easily take full responsibility for 100% of their life. There is great comfort in believing in events that happen out of your control. It is easier to think that the accidents and mishaps are not your fault. Few are easily willing to take responsibility for these occurrences, as well as attacks on them.

    Knowing that you are the creator of your life, all of it, every single moment and event gives you more freedom. The freedom comes as a choice. Knowing you are the creator of each moment relieves you of the feeling that you have no control over what will happen next. Any event that you experience and judge negatively can be recreated anew in the next moment. Therein lies the freedom. It is the freedom to continue creating to your heart’s content. As you create a moment that does not please you, know you created it and have the ability to recreate it. This can relieve the anxiety from thinking others are in control of your life.

    Others have influence to the degree you allow it. All information received has influence to the degree you allow it. You make the final decision about your reality. Know that We are here to support your every desire. Your thoughts initiate the system. Your desire starts the creative process. Your thought is your creation, the first in a series that builds on itself.

    Your thought is the beginning. It is the first creation in a series of related creations. Your thought is closely followed by a thought about the thought. For example, you notice that you have a feeling in your body. That is your first thought on this new track. Your thought about your first thought is that this feeling in your body means you are hungry. You then start on a track of thoughts about the time of day, should you be hungry now, what to eat, where to eat and so on.

    Notice one of the earliest subsequent thoughts is a judgment on your first thought. It is this judgment that shows a definite sign of being human. It is a decidedly human characteristic. Be aware of this trait as it affects your ability to create.

    Your judgments of your initial thoughts are usually what slow your ability to create your desire. Your initial thought is almost always an impulse, a reflex to your inner desires and a reflection of your core belief about Who You Are.

    Take notice of your initial thoughts and your judgments on them. Look at them both closely. See the difference between them. See how both your initial thought and your judgment of it reflect very strong and different beliefs of aspects of Who You Are.

    The conflict between them is the opposing channels of energy that keep you from quickly creating your desire. Your initial thought sends energy in one direction. Your judgment of that thought immediately sends energy in a completely different direction. The end result is that you do not send enough energy in any one direction to create your desire or your judgment of that desire. Instead, you created exactly what your beliefs are—stagnation, a situation of being undecided. You have not moved forward in a direction you said you wanted to go, but created the exact experience you put forth—the experience of being between both thoughts.

    This is crucial in understanding the basic foundation of consciously creating your reality as you desire. This is part of the reason you see such a long gap of time between your initial thought of a desire and the appearance of that desire.

    The vacillation between your desire and your judgment of that desire is a useful creation of the human experience in the physical world. Imagine what your experiences would be if you created instantly upon your first thought every time. It would seem chaotic. It would be very disruptive to your current life style and create situations you would choose to recreate immediately. This constant instant creating at first thought would be judged undesirable in the physical world as you continue to recreate your physical self and surroundings.

    This vacillation creates an environment to play with your ideas. It is a safe environment to play with creation in your mind. You can create and recreate at will and change your thoughts ad infinitum to allow yourself time to be comfortable with a choice.

    Time is a creation of yours that gives the advantage of slowly refining your final choice. You wonder if your choice will be the correct one for you in this moment. Playing with ideas is like trying on clothes in front of a mirror. You want to see which set of clothes appeals to you the most before making your final choice.

    Your final choice is a decision you are then determined to create. However, your final choice may not be in line with your root thought on that topic.

    Your root thought is a core belief of Who You Are in relation to that thought. Your core belief is a belief that is a fulcrum for all subsequent beliefs. All subsequent beliefs related to that core belief are held in balance with the core belief.

    Your core belief is a filter for all thoughts related to that core belief. All final decisions go through your core beliefs and usually align with them.

    Your core beliefs are your true understanding of Who You Are and as such, are pivotal in determining what you think, say and do. Every thought, word and deed is passed by your core belief, which makes this a most important topic to fully understand. If your desire is to create something that does not align with your core belief, it will become a source of frustration as you endeavor to create that which a deeper part of you does not align with.

    Your conscious mind is not always aware of your core beliefs. Your core belief is often kept well protected from your conscious mind. This is because, in this case, the conscious mind has chosen to bury this belief.

    The conscious mind will choose to bury any belief it does not feel comfortable with. This is the way it chooses to deal with an issue from your past that it does not choose to confront.

    Your conscious mind does receive signals that the root thought is there and calling for attention. The conscious mind recognizes many of these signals and will continue to disregard them to avoid having to confront an issue that the conscious mind perceives as painful.

    A core belief is just a belief based on an experience, which has now become a truth for you. You have judged the experience as positive or negative. The belief is just a belief and is not judged as positive or negative. However, at times, your conscious mind wants to protect itself and avoid what it perceives as a possible painful event by examining the core belief and its related experiences. The core belief you don’t want to examine could be a thought that opposes your belief about yourself.

    The conscious mind may develop layers of beliefs on top of this core belief to protect itself from needing to examine the core belief. The layers of beliefs were developed over time and supported by other experiences that it perceives to be true. The conscious mind is now protected from a possible painful belief about itself by layers of other beliefs that it created to support and protect its core belief.

    This is where the conflict is created when you choose to create a new desire that does not align with your core belief. You are not consciously aware of a conflict between your core belief and your newly chosen desire. So your subconscious sends you signals to warn you of the conflict, the non-alignment of the two thoughts.

    The signals of a misalignment are received in the form of emotions. Your emotions are electronic manifestations of messages your spirit and subconscious are sending your conscious mind through your body. Your emotions tell you which thoughts are in alignment and which thoughts are not.

    Remember the times you were about to do or say something and you felt funny before, during or after the event? Remember the tingling in your body around your abdomen. This is an electronic message sent from your soul though your subconscious to your body to reach your conscious mind.

    This message is in the form of emotion. An emotion is the vibration of a message that is manifested into a stronger, slower vibration that your body can feel. You have felt this as joy, sadness, anxiety, tension, stress and many other feelings. You feel these emotions in your body, not just your mind. These are received differently than just thoughts. Emotions are given more weight when considering their meaning. They impact your awareness with greater validity. You listen to your emotions more than your thoughts.

    Your thoughts about your emotions are the interpretation you place on the meaning of the emotion. This event, the receiving of the emotion, is the message you are sending yourself about your alignment with a thought. The more you are aligned with your thoughts, the more joy you will feel.

    Your emotions are a barometer to your connection with Source. Your thoughts of Who You Are, are your connection with Source. The thoughts that most align with and represent Who You Are, are the thoughts that give you the greatest feeling of joy and connection to Source. This is often a knowing of being in the moment. This is where your greatest manifestations occur.

    Being in the moment, having thoughts that are in alignment with Who You Are and feeling connected to Source is when you create your grandest joys, your most memorable events.

    Think back to these moments. Remember when you were most happy and everything seemed to be going your way. Remember the feeling coursing through your body. Place yourself in that moment and relive the joy.

    Remember being fully involved in the moment without distractions? Remember your focus on the moment, what was happening right then. Think of how right it felt to be there at that moment. Notice how good it felt to be you, then.

    This is a moment of alignment with Source. This is a moment of connection with Who You Are. This is a moment you can duplicate at will. There is no need to wait for certain circumstances to create themselves by happenstance. It is not serendipity that creates these moments for you. You create these moments by being in the moment. You also create for yourself the illusion of not being able to create those joyous moments at will.

    You are at the center of creation. You are at the head of creation. You are on the leading edge, first in creating. You are first because all that you create starts with your thought.

    Your thought is the first creation. As you think, so shall you be. You become your thought because you are the same vibration as your thought.

    Your thought is a vibration of energy. Each thought is a unique vibration of energy. Each thought is different, viewed differently, experienced differently.

    The uniqueness of each thought, each moment experienced by each perspective, is a small sample of the creative power held by you, the creator.

    You are the creator of your reality. You are the creator of each moment in your life.

    Look at your life. Look back on the choices you’ve made. See your life as a chain of events, a series of choices made. See how each choice created an experience. Notice how each thought was the origin, and led to your choice. See yourself as the designer and creator of your life.

    Use this new information in your daily life, moment to moment. See how you can create at will that which you desire. See and recognize the time delay, how it differs in exact relationship to the level of your belief in your ability to create it. Notice how that time delay will shorten as you go through this material, practice the exercises and increase your ability to create your desires at will.

    Let’s look at your present moment. Notice your thoughts as you read these words. See yourself thinking about each word as you read it. There were a multitude of individual thoughts that you created just during the time it took you to read that last sentence.

    Understand that you created each thought. Each thought does not just appear on its own, you create them. This is a crucial distinction. Knowing this distinction is the difference between allowing your life to flow with the tide and making your desires a reality.

    Knowing that you created each thought means you can learn to control them. Since thoughts create your reality and you can learn how to control your thoughts. You can learn how to create your reality faster by creating thoughts you choose.

    No longer will you feel like your life is happening to you.

    Now that you understand you can control your thoughts, let’s look at how you can apply it starting now.

    Choose a state of being. Choose a state of being that pleases you. Some examples are: love, kindness, forgiveness, joyous, and peaceful. Choose a state of being that is right for you. Go ahead. We’ll wait.

    Imagine you are that state of being. Be that. It is that simple. It is all in thought. You are creating your reality through thought, consciously.

    Now to understand how to maintain that state of being… It is easy for everyone to think of himself or herself as something. The challenge arises when you attempt to hold that view throughout your day.

    This is where old habits creep back in. Going through your day is a normal routine that triggers normal routine responses. These normal routine responses come first as thought then the action of doing.

    As you encounter a routine situation, the thought of what your belief is in that moment creates your reality. Your thought of your newly chosen state of being was not in the equation, did not enter into the picture. This is because you have not placed enough belief into it yet to create a new self-image. Your self-image is developed over time relative to the amount of thought energy you place into that belief.

    Start by placing thought energy into your new belief of your newly chosen state of being. Your belief in your new state of being, Who You Are is directly proportional to the level of energy placed into it. The more you think about your new state of being and believe it to be true, the faster you create it into your reality.

    Your previous belief of Who You Are has been given much energy over a long time and thus is well engrained in your psyche. It will take much energy to supplant this thought with a new one.

    The longest journey begins with your first step. A change in your belief of Who You Are started with your new thought of your new state of being. You are on your way to creating this. Continue pouring thought energy into this belief. Follow the steps We outlined before: thought, word and deed.

    Think that you are it. Repeat that thought over and over. You are working on making it the primary thought of Who You Are. Continue to think of yourself as that new state of being.

    See it. Visualize yourself in that state. Visualize yourself being in that state, doing what people do

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