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Tears of the Drum: A Tears by the Gallon Collection
Tears of the Drum: A Tears by the Gallon Collection
Tears of the Drum: A Tears by the Gallon Collection
Ebook158 pages55 minutes

Tears of the Drum: A Tears by the Gallon Collection

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Ive become stagnated between the desire for progress and a longing toward regression. In a land of limbo, like a dangerous situation.
Rapsheets, the Deleted Exclusions, 2016

Grenadians [and Kayaks] need to know the truth about the past in order to be reconciled presently and for the future.
Truth & Reconciliation Commission Report, 2006

It is a bit ironic that the substantial potential of heritage assets on Carriacou remain unappreciated. Today, tourism has replaced cotton as Carriacous primary industrial product. Yet, there seems to be no credible plan for preserving and leveraging heritage asset for use in this new industrial base.
A Case for Saving Carriacou, 2011

This land that belongs to no one. Men believe that they have dominion, but they do not. The people here only borrow it, so that there would be somewhere to rest their bones when they die.
Gudruns Saga
Release dateApr 24, 2017
Tears of the Drum: A Tears by the Gallon Collection

Jeffrey B-Izzaak

Jeffrey Izzaak was born and lives in Carriacou.

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    Tears of the Drum - Jeffrey B-Izzaak


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    © 2017 Jeffrey B-Izzaak. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 09/06/2017

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8570-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8569-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5246-8568-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017904717

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The Island has a most beautyful appearance, and conveys the idea of one continued garden, finely diversified with hills and deep narrow Slacks, or Glens, interspersed with natural clumps of wood, whose soil has not been thought worthy of cultivation, which serve not only to ornament the face of the Country but likewise afford Shelter to the surrounding fields.

    Visitor to Carriacou Sept 25th 1787


    View toward Carriacou South from Belle Vue North, 2014.

    From wattle and daub to the erection of concrete balusters. My tears spread like sheeted rain over your acres.

    Tears by the Gallon


    Aerial view of Hillsborough town, bay and environs (undated)


    Hillsborough and its environs, 2017

    Other books by the author:

    Poetic Duty I- Coming From Carriacou (2013)

    Poetic Duty 1.5: Without Definition- A Kayak in Englan’ (2014)

    © Copyright, Jeffrey Brathwaite-Izzaak 2017

    The Drum Cry for CARRIACOU:

    The drum, cry out in sorrow. The drum, cry out yesterday, today, and tomorrow. The drum exalts our joys, soothes our desperation, and keeps alive our celebrations.

    How I crave your feeling, your every sense engaged, without reliance on these feeble efforts to depict, convey and transport you through. How I wish you could see the inhabitants and taste our emotions, pay attention to our conversations and appreciate the landscape in which this drama is cascading-unfolding. Take a glimpse of the invasion, the divisions.

    How I wish I was a painter, and every stroke was a revelation, telling you the story, that would touch you, evoke your spirits; make you see Carriacou as it was in my eyes, and that of others, in this year- just before and thereafter?

    ‘This is a place to be discovered

    This is the Last Frontier.

    All others conquered

    Soon, the last bastion would fall

    So we can hoist the flag

    To our ancestors;

    Intrepid explorers.

    As for the locals

    (We brought them here; to Aborigine and Maori there is no compare!)

    They’ll remain dazed


    Bearers of our umbrellas

    And carriers of our litters…’


    Copy of 1784 Map of Carriacou


    Drum 1.    Bula

    Drum 2.    Cut’

    Drum 3.    ‘Lacatan’

    Tears In America And From D’ Usa

    Carriacou Chiffone (Breakaway)

    DRUM 1



    © The Grenada Handbook


    SUNDAYS, CIRCA 1980’s


    There was Sunday mornings

    Fireside, wood fire smoking

    Yard fowl overnight in the pot cooking

    Sunday morning

    Cousin Veda dressing

    Pulling up her stockings

    The radio, Joseph Niles^ singing

    Gospel music people tuned in

    After the Revolution#

    Evolution slowly come in

    The faithful stop church-going

    Unfaithful, but still wanting a blessing

    Waiting, demanding

    Now the days are not the same again


    Can’t hear Cousin Dear Me*

    under the mango tree

    So much love, so many darlings

    The place overgrown

    Now cows on the loose are the ones camping

    Is a new- ism

    Wireless express

    Religion advertising

    Catch Jesus on the wire

    To wash away your sins

    Log on

    Log in

    Ride the board bus

    Or just walking

    Father Anglican giving confirmation lessons and communion

    New dispensation for the slave children

    Take up the practice in profusion in the West by adoption

    Not inheritance

    Too late now to take the opposite stance

    Sunday mornings are not the same


    ^ Barbadian

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