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How Are You, Mother Earth?: We’Re Taking You to the Doctor!
How Are You, Mother Earth?: We’Re Taking You to the Doctor!
How Are You, Mother Earth?: We’Re Taking You to the Doctor!
Ebook55 pages30 minutes

How Are You, Mother Earth?: We’Re Taking You to the Doctor!

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About this ebook

Sitting in the waiting room of my family doctor, I started wondering about who doctors the Earth? Her health is of the utmost importance to us as she provides us with the basic requirements for life.
Release dateMay 23, 2013
How Are You, Mother Earth?: We’Re Taking You to the Doctor!

Marvin Alonso

R W Rhodes was born on a farm in Bladen County North Carolina. His fi rst memories of wildlife were that of a mother bird searching for food and feeding her baby birds, as his own mother prepared breakfast for her husband and the rest of the family. His love of wildlife in its natural habitat continued as he completed his studies and served in the military. He resides in The Washington DC Metropolitan Area with his wife and three children.

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    How Are You, Mother Earth? - Marvin Alonso

    Copyright 2013 Gordon Hunter.

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the written prior permission of the author.

    Illustrated by: Marvin Alonso .

    Created in the United States of America.

    isbn: 978-1-4669-9355-6 (sc)

    978-1-4669-9354-9 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2013908813

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    Age and Weight


    Respiration and Air Quality

    Circulation and Fluid Analysis



    To Gene Anne,

    Morris, Mark, and Steven


    When I was young, I had just two doctors, one for my teeth and one for the rest of me. As I grew older, I kept needing more doctors, specialists in systems and organs of my body that, for one reason or another, are not acting normally. Sometimes, I get sick, but with some doctoring, I return to normal or closer to normal.

    On a recent visit to a doctor for the rest of me, I was sitting in the waiting room and started wondering who doctors the earth. Can Mother Earth go to a family doctor to check on her health? Without question, her health is of the utmost importance to us. She provides us with the basic requirements of life: air, food, water, and an environment suitable for life.

    We often start a conversation with the question How are you? This is a conversation starter, regardless of the language used. This question reveals a basic nature of humans. We care about one another, especially friends and family, those we know best.

    If you stop to think about it, Mother Earth is a member of our family, or perhaps better said, we are members of Mother Earth’s family. How can that be?

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