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Creative Power of the Tongue: Creating New Possibilities
Creative Power of the Tongue: Creating New Possibilities
Creative Power of the Tongue: Creating New Possibilities
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Creative Power of the Tongue: Creating New Possibilities

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About this ebook

The Creative Power of the Tongue is like taking a journey and picking up things in life that were lost during the growth process. It has much truth in it, as well as life-changing revelations that causes one to see and live by the understanding and applying of these gems. This book has insight into growing up and taking full responsibility over ones thoughts, words, behavior, and associations. I believe that many who pick up this book will be truly blessed and impacted as they apply these truths to their lives. It can profoundly help self-evaluate and correct what is missing in your life. It reveals that ideas are meant to live and innovation is the vehicle that sets the stage for ideas to manifest in ones life.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 12, 2013
Creative Power of the Tongue: Creating New Possibilities

Dr. Samuel A. Appiah

DR. SAMUEL A. APPIAH is the founder, and senior pastor of Hill of The Lord Ministries in Brooklyn, New York, an international teacher and a motivational speaker. He holds a bachelor’s degree in religious studies and an honorary doctorate degree from St. Thomas Christian College, Jacksonville, Florida. Dr. Appiah and his wife, Ruth, reside in Long Island, New York with their three children, Priscilla, Brielle, and Ariel.

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    Creative Power of the Tongue - Dr. Samuel A. Appiah

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    Chapter 1    The Tongue

    Chapter 2    The Power of Vision and Imagination

    Chapter 3    Discovering Your Identity

    Chapter 4    Unlocking Your Potential

    Chapter 5    The Realms of Declaration

    Chapter 6    The Power of Integrity

    Chapter 7    Faith against Fear

    Chapter 8    Creating and Innovating Your Future

    Chapter 9    The Benefit of Creating a New Possibility

    Chapter 10  Words of Affirmation


    To Ruth, my wife.

    In honor of your love, care, and inspiration that motivates me to reach my goal and make the right decisions at all times.

    Thank you for being there as a tower of strength to remind me always that all things are possible, so keep on keeping on, don’t quit doing what you have been called to do, even when it does not look like it’s going to be.

    Thanks for your motivation, dedication, and unwavering effort every step you take beside me.

    With much love …

    To God Almighty, the source of my life.

    To my three beautiful children, Priscilla, Brielle, and Ariel.

    To my parents and siblings.

    To HOLM family.

    To all who are willing to create new possibilities in their lives.


    I t is truly an honor to write the foreword for this mighty man of God—Dr. Samuel Appiah’s—first book, Creative Power of the Tongue. This is the beginning of many books to come out of his spirit, and I’m happy to be in on the foundation of it. There have been many people who have come across his path and been blessed in many ways because of the wisdom of God that lives in and through his life.

    When I first met Dr. Appiah a year ago at Pastor Benny Hinn’s meeting, his demeanor was one of a very quiet yet confident person. He carried himself in a very unique manner, with a high standard of excellence and humility. On first impression, I saw that there was a grace, joy, and peace all over his countenance, which is one of the characteristics of a person of integrity. The Lord told me at that time to bless him with a word of the Lord, not that he needed it, but He wanted me to meet this giant of His in the kingdom of God. Knowing the kind of person Dr. Appiah is, the Lord set me up for a covenant relationship, which is not easy to find these days. So from my very first impression ’til now, his words are true and straight to the point. If he says it, he means it and will stand by it. It is this straightforward truth that he brings to his first book.

    Creative Power of the Tongue is like taking a journey and picking up things in life that were lost during the growth process. It has much truth in it as well as life-changing revelations that cause one to see and live by the understanding and applying of these gems. God has truly made Dr. Appiah a teacher who causes his students to do a self-evaluation and correct what is missing. This book has such profound insight into growing up and taking full responsibility over one’s thoughts, words, behavior, and associations. I believe many who pick up this book will be truly blessed and impacted as they apply these truths to their lives.

    Apostle Dr. Alexander Gray

    Living Love Ministries International, Inc. Bronx New York


    T he greatest misfortune in life is ignorance. Ignorance is a disease and can kill. Many people find themselves in this situation yet have no clue or understanding that they are walking in ignorance. The opposite of ignorance is knowledge. The Bible says, "My people perish because of, ‘ lack of knowledge ’" (Hosea 4:6).The majority of people in our world today perish because they walk and function in ignorance. Once a person functions in ignorance, that person is relegated from life.

    Ignorance is like someone driving into another lane without checking the blind spot and then being surprised when there’s an accident. When asked about it, the driver replies, I didn’t see the car coming. In life, a lot of people are driving their dreams and potentials without checking their blind spots, thus wrecking their lives without knowing it because they are engrossed in ignorance.

    Hypothetically, psychologists believe what we know that we know (information knowledge) constitutes about 10 percent; and what we know that we don’t know constitutes about 15-20 percent. This is what we call information knowledge. The remaining 70 percent is categorized as "what we don’t know that we don’t know. This is the blind spot of life. If you are ignorant about what you already have and are not making use of it, you fall within the category of what you don’t know that you don’t.

    This book allows you to realize your blind spot so you can live a 100 percent life as ordained by God from the beginning. Through the experiences I have had through the power of the Holy Spirit, I now realize everyone has been endowed by God to make things happen in his or her life regardless of geographical location or circumstances. But because people walk in ignorance, they are not able to actualize their dreams and potentials or create new possibilities in their lives. Many people have lost their identities and accepted situations and circumstances as part of their destinies. The Spirit of the Lord has guided me to remind you of the knowledge you possess. As we know, knowledge is power.

    Creative Power of the Tongue will help you discover your true identity and unlock your potential. It is based on the practical application of the Bible’s creation story from Genesis 1-31. You will come to know everything came into existence, or being, by the spoken word, which is by the tongue. It is the tongue that creates things. The fact that you don’t know what you don’t know does not mean those things do not exist. They exist in

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