Spectre Gunner: The Ac-130 Gunship
About this ebook
This is the true story of Master Sergeant David M. Burns, an aerial gunner assigned to the deadliest squadron in air force history. Aboard the AC-130 Spectre gunship, he flew a total of 287 combat missions over Laos, South Vietnam, and Cambodia, in pursuit of the truck traffic coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail. His squadron destroyed more than fifteen thousand trucks loaded with war munitions destined for South Vietnam and Cambodia. Despite heavy and constant anti-aircraft and missile fire, the loss of six aircraft and the lives of fifty-two men, the crew never wavered in its dedication to the mission.
Master Sergeant Burns has a distinguished military career that began in 1951 at the age of fifteen. He served one tour of duty in Phan Rang, South Vietnam, in 1967, and four tours of duty in the 16th Special Operations Squadron in Southeast Asia as an aerial gunner, lead gunner, and instructor gunner. He served in both the United States Navy and Air Force, earning three Distinguished Flying Crosses for heroism, twenty-seven Air Medals, as well as a Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Presidential Unit Citation, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Vietnam Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Vietnam Service Medal with nine battle stars, and other decorations from the Korean War. He was wounded twice and is credited with saving the lives of fourteen crewmembers.
This is his story.
Msgt. David M. Burns
David M. Burns joined the US Navy in 1951, at the age of fifteen. He retired in 1978 as a master sergeant after a distinguished career in both the navy and air force. He flew 287 combat missions in Vietnam and is a heavily decorated veteran. He has three children and now lives in Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand, with his wife.
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Spectre Gunner - Msgt. David M. Burns
The AC-130 Gunship
iUniverse, Inc.
Spectre Gunner
The AC-130 Gunship
Copyright © 2013 by Msgt. David M. Burns.
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Spectre Gunner
1. The Squadron
2. First Flight
3. Oley Arrives
4. The Men Of Spectre
5. Ubon Nightlife
6. Dry Season
7. The Warlord
8. My 100
9. Tchepone
10. Sockey Game
11. Ladies Of The Nco Club
12. Gunners’ Hooch
13. Missions
14. Going Home
15. Grand Forks Air Force Base
16. Return To Spectre
17. Spectre Maintenance
18. One-In-A-Million Shot
19. Near-Death Experience
20. The Big Gun
21. Aircraft 044
22. The Easter Offensive
23. The Gunners
24. Aircraft 043
25. Leaving
26. Arriving In Okinawa
27. Another Loss
28. Return To Ubon
29. Korea
30. Korat
31. Fall Of Saigon/Phnom Penh
32. The Mayaguez
33. Don F. (DC)
34. Leaving Spectre/Thailand
This book is dedicated to the Spectre crewmembers who lost their lives in defense of their country. Each and every one of them was a very special airman whom the nation can be very proud of. It is also dedicated to all the Spectre men—past, present, and future—who are still living up to the standards of duty, honor, and country in their everyday lives. And to the Spectre airmen who are now involved in another war.
Special dedication to Senior Master Sergeant Brian P. Morrison, who took care of me in the worst of times and always kept his word; to Chief Master Sergeant P. J. Cook, a gunner who helped me with parts of this book; and to all the Spectre men who have passed away since the end of the Vietnam War. I love them and miss them all very much, and I look forward to seeing them again someday—but not too soon, I hope. They actually lived the code: duty, honor, country.
AAA (Triple A): anti-aircraft artillery
ABCCC: Airborne Command and Control Center
AC: aircraft commander
ACM: additional crew member
AP: air police
ARRS: air rescue and recovery service
ARVN: Army of the Republic of Vietnam
BC: Black Crow
BDA: battle-damage assessment
Charlie: vietcong
DMZ: demilitarized zone
E&E: escape and evade
Fence: border between Thailand and Laos
fire base: army artillery base
FIS: fighter intercepter squadron
fragged: assigned to a specific area of operations
TFS: tactical fighter squadron
Gomer: NVA Vietcong, and communist troops
ground-pounder: a non-flying airman
IO: illuminator operator
IR: infrared operator
Jolly Green: air force rescue personnel flying HH-53 helicopters
LLTV: low-light-level TV
mm: millimeter
Moonbeam: nighttime call sign for ABCCC
NKP: nakhon phanom
NOD: night-observation device
Palace Gun: special air force volunteer program, aerial gunner
PJ: Para rescueman
SAM: surface-to-air missile
sparkle: firing tracers into the target so the F-4 can see where to bomb
TDY: temporary duty
TIC: troops in contact
winchester: out of ammunition
Prior to joining the US Air Force in 1967, I joined the US Navy when I was fifteen years old. I spent sixteen years in the US Navy as an aviation ordnance man (airborne weapons). My last duty station was at the US Navy Recruit Training Command in San Diego, California, where I trained new recruits for three years. In 1969, I was assigned to the Sixteenth Special Operations Squadron as an aerial gunner. After retiring in 1978, I wanted to write a book about my experiences in the squadron, but I kept putting it off. In 2012, I decided to tell the story of the most outstanding men I have ever had the privilege to know. It is a story of a select group of men who chose to fly very hazardous nightly combat missions over uncharted mountainous terrain deep in enemy territory called the Ho Chi Minh Trail. These men were shot at nightly; in six cases, they were shot down. Bravery, honor, and heartbreak were nightly occurrences.
David M. Burns
Master Sergeant, US Air Force, Retired
My story begins in December 1969. I had just completed aerial gunners’ school in Lockbourne, Ohio. I attended survival school at Fairchild Air Force Base in Washington and finished at the Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) Jungle Survival School in the Philippines.
I was assigned to the Sixteenth Special Operations Squadron as an aerial gunner in the Palace Gun
program. I was part of a twenty-six-man replacement (both officers and enlisted) crew that was replacing squadron members who had finished their one-year tours.
I knew the first sergeant of the combat wing at Clark Air Base since I had served a previous Vietnam tour in 1967–1968. I had met him at the NCO club, and he asked me where I was going. I told him I was assigned to Ubon Royal Thai Air Force Base in Thailand for duty with the Sixteenth Special Operations Squadron.
He looked at me like I was crazy and said, Those birds are sitting ducks! One was just shot down this year!
I told him it was what I wanted, and he told me to contact him when I finished snake school (jungle survival). He would arrange a direct flight to Ubon from Clark since they had a daily scatback (T-37) flight going. He said I could take a friend with me if I wished. If I took the regular klong
flight (a C-130 trash hauler), I would have to stay in Bangkok for a few days. The upcountry shuttle would take all day.
I told him I would let him know, and we went to town. During our training, I made two friends that I especially got along with. Jerry Olson (Oley) was a staff sergeant who was a motorcycle nut. The other was Dwight, a young airman who was just starting out in the air force. I got along with the rest of the people okay, but Oley, Dwight, and I hung out together.
The senior student was kind of a dunderhead, and I didn’t get along with him at all. The day finally came when we were set to leave. We were scheduled for the klong in two days. I contacted my buddy and told him I was ready to go. I asked Oley and Dwight if they wanted to come along, but they wanted to spend a couple of days in Bangkok.
I made my arrangements with the first sergeant and was scheduled to leave the next day. I told Oley to tell the student leader when he called my name for roll call to say, I heard that Dave went AWOL with a Filipino broad.
The next morning at 0730, I got on the scatback and hauled ass!
The Squadron
After three hours, we arrived in Ubon Air Base. The scatback had radioed ahead and told the tower to tell the Sixteenth that they had an incoming crewmember. As I went into the small terminal I was greeted by a tall, sharp-looking technical sergeant with a marine haircut. He looked like a marine NCO. He introduced himself as Technical Sergeant Jack (his call sign was Gunner Jack) and put me in the back of a jeep.
We arrived at the squadron; the first thing I noticed when I entered the building was the emblem right above the entrance door. It was a ghost coming out of a full moon with a blue hood and two 20mm guns blazing. To the right of the front door, a sign said, Spectre: The Fabulous Four Engine Fighter! I saw Spectre on all the office doors.
I was introduced around. Everyone from officer to enlisted was very friendly and did their best to make me feel at home. I met the first sergeant, and he indoctrinated me into the squadron. He told me about the outfit’s history, its nightly missions, and its outstanding, all-for-one-and-one-for-all mentality. The squadron’s theme song was Ghost Riders in the Sky.
It did seem most appropriate.
The Sixteenth SOS call sign Spectre flew modified C-130 aircraft which became the AC-130. The aircraft were painted black and had four turboprop engines. For armament, they had four 20mm guns and four mini guns in portals on the left side of the aircraft. This was the most deadly gunship in the world!
When in the attack mode, the aircraft flew in a 30-degree left bank and circled the target. It went round and round the target so it was not hard for the communist (Gomer) gunners to figure out our position. The pilot varied his altitude and circle width to throw them off, but things got dicey after a few orbits! They flew secret missions into Laos, North Vietnam, South Vietnam, up by the Chinese border, Cambodia, and all over Southeast Asia, interdicting the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The squadron had six aircraft assigned with a normal eleven- or twelve-man crew. There was the pilot, aircraft commander (AC), copilot, flight engineer (FE), table navigator, night-observation device operator, the right scanner, a forward gunner, an aft gunner, two sensor operators, an illuminator operator (IO), and a combat camera man. Each man had a specific job and they all depended on each other for their very survival!
The first sergeant did not mince any words. He said they had lost a gunship that was trying to land at Ubon after being hit by anti-aircraft fire. Everyone bailed out but the pilot, copilot, flight engineer, and IO. The FE and the IO were killed when the plane crashed. The aircraft flew at a maximum of 5,000 feet and was a sitting duck! It depended on the night and the skill of the crew to survive. Most nights, at least one aircraft was hit by anti-aircraft artillery (AAA).
When he asked if I still wanted to spend a year here, I said, Of course! Where did the name of that fabulous four-engine fighter came from?
He told me that in early 1969, a Spectre gunship was on an armed recon mission in north Laos. They spotted what appeared to be a communist helicopter flying from North Vietnam into Laos with no lights. They received permission to fire on it and shot it down!
He said, Then we were off to see the commander and the rest of the crews. The squadron commander was a major. He seemed to be a very professional, friendly man who always looked after his troops. During the dry season (October to April), we will be flying every night full bore. During the wet season, we will still be flying, but the Ho Chi Minh Trail will be flooded out. We will be looking for targets of opportunity!
There were seven engineers, six IOs, and twenty-something gunners. The majority of them were scheduled to leave as soon