The Chatter That Matters: Your Words Are Your Power
About this ebook
A small book with a powerful impact.
Dale Carnegie, the famous motivational speaker whose work has constructively changed the lives of many thousands of people, is often quoted as saying, You are what you think about, and with that phrase, he awakened us to realize the amount of control over our life experience that we give entirely to what we think. But knowing that our minds are often out of control, only poses the question, How do we begin to manage what we think?
The Chatter That Matters reveals the power of the endless Mind Chatter that consumes us all, and offers us tools to use to pick and choose our trains of thought constructively. You will find this book to be an easy-to-use guide that will help you to: reclaim control of your thoughts by getting rid of the negative mind chatter, improve the chatter you share with others and structure the all-important protective chatter - all components that make up the chatter that really matters.
This is a book that you will want to use over and over. As you peel away the layers of mental habit that have not been serving you, like peeling the onion layer by layer, you will continue to rid yourself of the negative chatter youve been creating and embrace the habit of creating only empowering chatter.
Margaret Martin
MARGARET MARTIN has been on a life long journey of personal and professional development; in this guidebook she pulls together some of the most impactful yet easy to use processes to help you keep your life focused on the positive. Her mission is to help people make a positive difference in their own lives so that they can experience a meaningful life of peace ~ joy ~ fulfillment. She is your Means to Positive Change. As a Speaker | Coach | Author | Facilitator, Margaret has been providing her clients and followers the gift of helping them look at their life situations from a different perspective for over 20 years. She lives in Clearwater, FL where she continues her work based on The Chatter that Matters and maintains her “Priority ‘ONE’ – Taking you to the Top of YOUR List” – coaching practice. Active in her community through various organizations, Margaret also provides coaching to MBA students at the University of Tampa. Known for her hospitality and love of entertaining, you wouldn’t be surprised to find her house filled with family and friends. Websites:
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The Chatter That Matters - Margaret Martin
Copyright © 2012 Margaret Martin
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ISBN: 978-1-4525-5208-8 (sc)
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2012908045
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Part One Mind Chatter
Part Two Other Chatter
Part Three Points to ponder …
Part Four What’s Your Love Chatter?
Part Five Protective Chatter Boundaries
Part Seven More thoughts on The Chatter that Matters … .
Other resources:
End Notes:
About the Author
"In her book, The Chatter That Matters, Margaret takes us on an important journey – between our ears, out of our mouths, and deep within our hearts. By realizing we have chatter
in our thoughts, our words, our actions and our values, we can positively control an outcome. She shows us that intentional awareness connected to intentional response can truly make a positive difference for ourselves, our families and our world."
Jolene Brown, CSP
Professional Speaker, Family Business Consultant and Author of Sometimes You Need More Than a 2x4! How-to-tips to successfully grow a family business.
The Chatter that Matters
is a how-to book for reclaiming control of your life. Margaret Martin offers both rules and tools for keeping your thoughts focused on only the things in your life that matter most, for the express purpose of creating more of them."
Lauren McLaughlin, author of Go to ELF
I love thought-provoking activities that bring about beneficial transformation. Mind Chatter provides just that. It´s filled with an abundance of thought-enhancing activities all specifically designed to bring its readers to a much higher level of awareness and a much deeper level of choice. The author brings deliberate Light upon thoughts that deplete life and shows how to neutralize them effectively. The depth of planning and experience the author provides for the reader is comprehensive yet concise. The additional actions and directions offered to readers are also inspiring! The author´s personal stories helped me relate firmly to my own challenges so much so that I believe other readers may find them equally as helpful. There are many suggested applications toward family, friends and business situations that add new dimension to activities one can engage in to expand one´s transforming influences. All together, Mind Chatter does indeed take the reader toward very beneficial transformation. It´s a great guidebook that you will want to reread regularly to help maintain the perfecting edge.
Dr. John S. Nagy, D. Min
Professional Coach, and Author of: Provoking Success, Emotional Awareness Made
Easy and 5 other transformational books.
Your words are very powerful indeed. Are you aware of how powerful your words are? Seriously! Truly it is Chatter Matters in all that you do, from your Mind Chatter to the Other Chatter and the Protection Chatter, what you say in your mind – that self-talk, what you say to others and how you protect yourself from the negativity of others will define your life.
Think about how you use your words with others and how they use their words with you. Take just a few moments and reflect on what you have said and how you have said it within the last few hours.
This little exercise can open your eyes and perhaps your mind to the impact of what you say can and will have on those around you, from your family members to your co-workers and all points in between.
Now, take a moment and think about what others have said to you within the last few hours or even the previous 24 hours. What came up first? Was it positive or was it negative?
This little book has several purposes:
1) Help you take control of your Mind Chatter (Self-Talk), to turn the negative thoughts to empowering thoughts, the ability to change the negative words into empowering words.
2) To increase your awareness of your Other Chatter - communication with others, to help you realize the impact of how and what you say can have on the lives of people around you.
3) It is also a guide to help you with Protection Chatter, learn how to protect yourself from the impact of hurtful, negative words of others.
4) It will assist you in understanding how you use your words in being responsible and define your integrity – Chatter Matters.
Wouldn’t you agree that when you experience positive words, hear a compliment or someone tells you that they really appreciate you, it does feel so good? It does make your heart soar doesn’t it? It certainly causes my heart to soar and I feel so good. There is such wonderful energy created when we hear good
words from others as well as from ourselves. It changes the energy flow in our bodies and brains to vibrate on a higher level.
I thank you for taking the time to go on The Chatter that Matters adventure and my hope is that it will give you the courage to use this information to help you become the person you want to be and to know that your words will create positive changes in your life.
Margaret Martin,
Clearwater, FL
Part One
Mind Chatter
You are what you think about whether
you like it or not.
What do you hear in your mind all day? What do you hear when you think about your job, your health, your family? Do beat yourself up for having made