Voiceless Whispers: Tuning into Nature’S Messages
By M.J. Domet
About this ebook
From animal companions to animal teachers to the power of animal totems, prepare to identify with the antics of Ole Blue Eyes (a cat whose adventures rival those of the infamous Garfield), rejoice as people receive messages on the wings of birds from their deceased loved ones, and be amazed at selfless acts of courage. Celebrate transformations and teachings as animal messengers such as bears, hawks, squirrels, owls, grasshoppers, ravens, and many more bring their wisdom to those in need.
These and other true tales of animal encounters bring amazing lessons and experiences with them, inspiring you to better understand and appreciate the connection we all have to the animal kingdom and to nature in general. Becoming more attuned to natures messages empowers you to hear your own voiceless whispers.
M.J. Domet
M.J. Domet is the best-selling, multi-award-winning author of Waves of Blue Light: Heal the Heart and Free the Soul. She is a Reiki master in three disciplines, a workshop facilitator, and an inspirational speaker. M.J has always loved animals and can’t remember a time in her life without an animal in it. She lives in the beautiful Peace Country area of Alberta, Canada. For a list of the workshops and presentations she facilitates, please visit M.J’s website at www.expecttobeempowered.com.
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Voiceless Whispers - M.J. Domet
Copyright © 2015 M.J. Domet.
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Library of Congress Control Number: 2014921910
Balboa Press rev. date: 2/5/2015
Embracing The Connection
Animals As Companions
Animals As Messengers
Animals As Teachers
Animals As Connectors
Beyond Explanation
Totems And Guides
Animal Groupings
Establishing A Connection
Your Questions Answered
To all the animals in my life: those I have known and loved and also those who have impacted my life in some way, however small, but always with the intent of sharing profound knowledge with me.
Lots of people talk to animals …
Not very many listen, though.
That’s the problem.
—Benjamin Hoff
The purity of a person’s heart can be quickly measured by how they regard animals.
I have always had animals in my life. I can remember living on the farm near Valhalla Centre, Alberta, when I was just a toddler and being surrounded by dogs, cats, chickens, cows, and horses. I am pretty sure there were a few mice around as well. I can recall my dad finding a mouse nest and those tiny pink babies, resembling shrimp, squirming on the ground. At that time, I didn’t realize there were special energy meanings associated with the animals—they were just family (well, most of them!) Of course, there were a few pets that were so special I can recall their names to this day. There was Ring, a black collie dog with a white ring around his neck. Ring was trained to pull me and my sisters around on a sled in the winter. We all loved that dog!
Then there was Clucky—my own special hen. She was my constant companion, as I was the oldest child, and my sisters were too small to be any fun. Clucky and I were the best of friends. We spent a good deal of our time swinging on a home fashioned swing in the barn, and she followed me all around the yard whenever I was outside. That is—whenever she wasn’t being packed in my arms. I can still remember how slighted I felt when Clucky became a mother. I had been looking all over for her for days, and she was nowhere to be seen. Finally, Dad found her outside beside a huge boulder just on the edge of the hayfield. I was so excited to know she was okay and thought she would be just as happy to see me. My heart broke when she nipped my fingers as I reached across her newly-hatched chicks to pet her. We did make up, but somehow it was never the same.
I won’t ever forget the horses—King and Queen. They were large working horses, but—oh—how I loved them! I learned to ride when I was four or five years old, and it is something that I still love to do. For quite a few years, once we moved to town and other interests gained my attention, I didn’t ride much. It wasn’t until we moved to the farm where I now reside that horseback riding became a passion again. The first thing we bought for our new farm was a riding horse, and I have had from one to five of them here at various times since then.
Of course, we moved to the country with a dog and a cat and have had up to four dogs and countless cats at any one time. We also have numerous birds and wildlife and the occasional visit from the neighbors’ animals. Right now, we are also blessed with a snake and fish who live with us.
Although I have always loved animals of any kind, the energetic meanings associated with them weren’t evident to me until I began working with energy modalities and strengthening my relationship to life of all forms.
When Reiki¹ became a part of my existence several years ago, my concept of life changed, and I realized the sacredness of connection to all. While giving Reiki treatments, I began receiving messages from animals for my clients, which were in alignment with the clients’ experiences at the time. During this period, I also received the information from a very wise friend that my totem animal was a raven. Something about this information resonated deep within my core, and when I read about the meaning of raven medicine in Ted Andrews’ book, Animal Speak,² I had to laugh. The part about hoarding and being a tease about it was so right on. I remember, while growing up, I used to hold on to all my Easter candy while my sisters gobbled theirs right up. I would then take mine out and eat it slowly and tantalizingly while they watched, empty handed, because their treats were all gone. This only worked for so long until my parents realized what was happening, and then I had to share my sweets with my siblings.
Many other traits of the raven resonated with me, while some were, as I was to find out, a vision of things to come. At that time, I didn’t see myself as a spiritual healer or animal communicator at all.
As I progressed along my spiritual path and healed from many of my experiences as I have recalled in my first book, the multi-award winning memoir, Waves of Blue Light: Heal the Heart and Free the Soul,³ I found myself opening up more and more to the energy of the animals attempting to channel through me. I began to give readings using Steven Farmer’s amazing Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides card decks⁴ and found that I was able to also see or perceive the animal totem or spirit guide of the person sitting across from me. The response of clients when their guide reveals itself is very positive and reaffirming. A few people who may have their heart set on a supposed romantic or strong animal as a totem, and find out it is not as they expected, are usually quickly satisfied once the traits of their particular guide are revealed. All animal energies from the ant to the zebra, and everyone in between, are strong, positive, and revealing of the character of their human counterpart. None are to be dismissed as weak or nonessential, just as no human is more relevant than another. The sense of power we often tend to exhibit over our animal friends is a result of our own limited thinking and distorted view of the world.
It is interesting to note, as well, that every workshop I teach has its own spirit animal guide coming in to help.⁵ Once identified, it is amazing how much each person in that particular class relates to the characteristics of the animal that reveals itself.
Within the pages of this book are stories that have come from the heart of the experiences of the authors. I hope you will laugh with them, cry with them, and above all, fall in love with the creatures that have made a difference in their lives and in the lives of others. I have kept the stories as authentic as possible, only making the occasional change to capture the flow of the tale. You will notice the various styles of writing and get a sense of the individual personality of each author as you read their story. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the fabulous story and image authors who have contributed to the making of this book!
And, whenever you encounter any one of our animal kingdom friends, remember how very special you must be to warrant their time and attention, so they can deliver the messages you need to hear.
Are you listening?
There are several books you can access in order to interpret any messages from nature’s animal kingdom. Here are a few of our favorites:
Animal Spirit Guides by Steven Farmer, Published by Hay House
Animal Speak by Ted Andrews, Published by Llewellyn
Animal Activities by Narayan Singh, Published by Lynne R Henderson Publications
I am available at [email protected] if you are interested in having an Animal Spirit Guide Reading and Channeling.
Please visit my website at www.expecttobeempowered.com for a free download of Twelve Enlightening Ways to Live an Empowered Life and other inspirational messages.
Blessings for an enriched life filled with meaningful connections.
—M. J.
dreamstimemedium29878530.jpgAffirmation: My body, mind, and soul connect with the divine essence of nature, empowering me with knowledge beyond the five senses.
Voiceless Whispers
Whispering wings beat when it is quiet—
A definite hush precedes the relayed message,
Fearful that noise will disguise communication so freely sent.
The receiver’s occupied mind, so immersed in his daily routine,
Misses the opportunity that reaches for his attention.
Silent feet pad along with just a glimpse of the furred body housing the soul—
The desire to relay a message only ignored by virtue of a day rushed.
Moving in a circle of trust, hoping to make contact,
The crier’s profound message unnoticed as thoughts are lost in a focus,
Not ending at the sun’s demise, but rising up again with a new day.
Whispering wings beat when it is quiet—
A definite hush precedes the relayed message,
Fearful that noise will disguise communication so freely sent.
The receiver’s occupied mind, so immersed in his daily routine,
Misses the opportunity that reaches for his attention.
Insects crawl through the grainy soil; cross the path of the unwary—
Slipping in and out of the way of booted feet intent on making their destination,
Hoping to be noticed before being trampled beneath rubbery soles—
Unsuccessful, as urgent matters are at hand, and there is no time to slow down.
Crushed and broken, the message lost in the ensuing burden of fighting time.
Whispering wings beat when it is quiet—
A definite hush precedes the relayed message,
Fearful that noise will disguise communication so freely sent.
The receiver’s occupied mind, so immersed in his daily routine,
Misses the opportunity that reaches for his attention.
Sea life wavering through endless waves of cold, determined to beat them—
Fighting the weeds, manmade pollution, and endless lines of plastic
To carry on tradition and unyielding demands to mark the distance yet to go—
Pausing to let man know what life burdens he need not carry.
Communication halted as, once again, message trounced.
Whispering wings beat when it is quiet—
A definite hush precedes the relayed message,
Fearful that noise will disguise communication so freely sent.
The receiver’s occupied mind, so immersed in his daily routine,
Misses the opportunity that reaches for his attention.
Will we slow and stop to listen to the voiceless whispers
That come our way?
An attempt at communication that is unheard,
Lost in the sounds of a rushed life.
Pain, fear, and anguish can be uncovered by the messages
If we choose to hear whispering wings, silent feet, crawling,
Slithering bodies of nature’s messengers
And realize their sacrifices allow them to align
With the souls of angels.
To me, there is nothing more peaceful or empowering than being in the gentle, balanced energy of nature. Whether it is walking through the trees with the sun sending sparkles of light filtering through the green, upturned leaves on a beautiful summer day, or with the cold of winter seeping through my many layers of clothing and my lined boots, which