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Memories of My Parents
Memories of My Parents
Memories of My Parents
Ebook72 pages1 hour

Memories of My Parents

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Like everyone else, John and Lorraine Madge had ups and downs in life. They loved and respected each other for sixty-three years, motivated by the idea that the hard times only made them stronger. Theirs is a simple yet inspiring story, told here by their sixth child, Amy, who faithfully cared for them in the final years of their lives, ultimately helping them cross over to the other side to meet God.

Beginning with her parents childhoods, Amy chronicles John and Lorraines journeys through life as they grew up and eventually joined their lives in marriage. As they brought seven children into the world and enjoyed all that life had to offer, the couple also endured struggles, including illness and the loss of a child. While sharing applicable Scripture, Amy details their final years on Earth, not only providing an inspirational glimpse into her role as their caregiver, but also into the loneliness that accompanied her personal journey as she grieved the loss of the most important people in the world to her.

Memories of My Parents is a faith-filled story of love shared with the hope that compassionate caregivers will always know they are not on this path alone.

Release dateNov 5, 2012
Memories of My Parents

Amy E. Madge

Amy E. Madge works as a medical secretary and is the author of The Adventures of Kwungee and Uba Dooba Boy. She lovingly cared for her parents in the final years of their lives. Amy currently lives in Westwood, Massachusetts.

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    Memories of My Parents - Amy E. Madge

    Copyright © 2012 Amy E. Madge

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    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0402-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4624-0401-8 (e)

    Inspiring Voices rev. date: 10/31/2012




    Parents’ Childhoods

    As a Couple

    Creating a Family

    My Brother’s Passing

    My Mother’s Passing

    My Father’s Passing

    The Aftermath



    About the Author


    Hyde park 1944


    Lorraine and John 1949

    Memories of My Parents is dedicated to my late parents, John and Lorraine Madge, the best parents anyone could ask for.

    I would also like to dedicate this book to my late brother, Bradley John Madge; to my brothers Kirk, Randall, and Craig Madge; to my sisters, Heather Hansen and Johanna Madge; to my nieces and nephews; and to the generations of Madges yet to come.


    All photos in this book are from the photo library of the Madge family and were taken by John or Lorraine Madge or another Madge family member.


    After the loss of my brother and parents, with the encouragement of friends and a grief counselor, I started writing my folks’ story. I found it therapeutic to express what I was feeling and to write my parents’ story. I remember spending many nights in caregiver mode after working a full day. After getting my parents settled, I used to sit down and wish I had someone to talk to or material to read written by someone in my shoes. I still feel that way today.

    Exodus 20:12 says, Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land that the Lord God is giving you. This verse is very powerful to me. Our parents are a gift from God. They should be honored and cherished. They are our teachers.


    Lorraine and John 1958


    Parents’ Childhoods

    My parents’ story is simple. They were not rich or famous and did not dine with presidents or senators, but they were my parents—the most important people in the world to me.

    I wrote down my memories of my parents because I believe their story needs to be told. What they endured in their marriage, the loss of a child, illness, and the longevity of their marriage are only parts of the story. I want their life here on earth to be written down and passed down for generations to come.

    My parents were the best. I feel like I was the luckiest girl in the world to have had them for parents. I have always said, I hope everyone feels the way I feel about my parents. They loved each of us unconditionally. Through them, I learned that love is not just a word; it means that sometimes you have to say no and stand up for what you believe is right even if that means standing alone. And most of all, through them I learned the importance

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