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Focus: Arrogance and Greed, America’S Cancer
Focus: Arrogance and Greed, America’S Cancer
Focus: Arrogance and Greed, America’S Cancer
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Focus: Arrogance and Greed, America’S Cancer

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Every expert in journalism and politics has jumped into the arena of thought with a multitude of books on their opinions

The Book `FOCUS' is a look at Arrogance and Greed as an American cancer, it applies analytical engineering skills to humanities problems in today's world from an engineer's stand point, that of an everyday citizen; a `Joe plumber', whose had all we can take of being told we are un-American by our politicians, it intends to speak out on behalf of the everyday citizen who may have serious doubts as to what is what.

It offers solutions which seem to be logical and somewhat easy to see. Though easy to see they require a major rethinking of the constitution to fit the modern society's situation. Simply tired of talk show host and media moguls pointing out the problems but shy of offering difficult solutions for which they could be held accountable.

Engineers or Plumbers just aren't satisfied with finding a cause of the problem, but are about fixing it. That sometimes requires redesign or fix, correcting design errors. But we do eventually FIX IT.

The Lawyer wants arbitration until either a compromise or settlement occurs.
Media Moguls want to have an endless supply of Sensational Stories.
Politics may be how it sounds, Poly (many) + Ticks (blood suckers).
Political (this or that occupation) well, draw your conclusion.
Release dateFeb 17, 2012
Focus: Arrogance and Greed, America’S Cancer

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    Focus - Jim Gray

    © 2012 by Jim Gray. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 03/09/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-3693-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-3692-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4685-3694-2 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2011963469

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    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen


    Dedicated to:

    My wife Debra,

    Who has loved and tolerated me for over 30 years.

    My family David, Donna, Christine and Derek.

    Including my UMC friends, who have accepted my eccentricities.

    With special thanks to Don H. Pace (an attorney) and his brother Robert A. Pace (retired PHD in Education) for providing encouragement and editorial critiques and assistance.


    Why am I writing a book? This is a question that I’ve asked myself over and over after all I am not famous, not a political figure, and in simple terms I am just a common person who is concerned about our current state of affairs in this country. It is not really a labor of love but rather a driving compulsion which occupies my spare time for the last two years, and there are many times when I question my own sanity. As an avid sports fan perhaps it may be best explained by sports. This book is my way of joining in the game of life. Not as a spectator but a player. FOCUSING on the traps, snakes and issues.

    Shakespeare wrote in, As You like It, Act 2, Scene 7.

    "All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players:

    They have their exits and their entrances;

    And one man in his time plays many parts,"

    In sports there are many games played on large rectangular fields or indoors with large rectangular playing surfaces some examples are:

    • European and International Football or Soccer (the oldest forms date back over 4000 years ago or around 2000 BC to early China) is currently played with a multicolored spherical ball which may not be touched by the hands except to put into play or be blocked by the goal tender. Each team has a large net at the center of one of the narrow sides of the field. Simply the goal is to kick, head butt, or body bump the ball into the oppositions net and score points for each time.

    • Rugby is a variation of Soccer developed at Rugby school around 1750 in the UK and uses an oval or egg shaped ball which may bounce oddly or have a random bounce or trajectory. In Rugby the ball may be carried by the hands to avoid losing control of it, but not to advance it toward the opposition’s goal. Tackling (knocking a player to the ground) or grabbing the opposition player is also permitted. Other than that, the rules are looser than in Soccer. In the UK and Ireland, an old saying goes Rugby is a game for barbarians played by gentlemen. Football (soccer) is a game for gentlemen played by barbarians.

    • North American Football (or gridiron, the field being define in a grid) is a variation of Rugby with an oval ball pointed at the ends to allow both a predictable and a random trajectory. Developed around 1869. American football is played between two teams. The objective of the game is to score points by advancing the ball into the opposition’s end zone. The ball can be advanced by running with it or throwing it to a teammate. Points can be scored by carrying the ball over the opponent’s goal line, catching a pass thrown over the goal line, kicking the ball through the opponent’s two upright goal posts (no net) or tackling an opponent ball carrier in his end zone. Due to the rough hits involved each time the ball is put into play or the player tackled, the uniform is padded and the players wear helmets to avoid serious injury. To all outside appearances it is a game played by barbarians for barbarians and the ball is often called the Pigskin. Set plays have evolved along with offensive and defensive strategies.

    • Basket ball is another game, which is played with a round soccer like ball, was invented in1891 by a Canadian Dr. James Naismith, a physical education instructor at the Young Men’s Christian Association Training School (YMCA) in Springfield, Massachusetts. In order to keep his gym class active on bad days, he wrote the basic rules and instead of a soccer style net, a net nailed a peach basket onto the gym balcony 10 feet from the floor. The playing space being limited to the size of the gym and unlike soccer the ball could not be kicked or carried but must be continuously bounced by hand on the floor (or dribbled) or thrown to advance it. The object of the game is to throw or shoot the ball (originally a soccer ball) into the opponents ‘basket’ amassing points either one, two, or three points each time. This ‘basket was eventually replaced by a metal hoop with a net attached but the name (basketball) has been retained. Unlike soccer, the ball is a single color.

    In all cases these sports developed as amateur and professional games played indoors or outdoors on rectangular areas with the goals placed centrally on opposing short sides of the playing area and then along the long sides or sidelines families, friends, and fans would gather to watch and cheer the players on. These games became an extremely entertaining to watch and the rivalry between opposing fans or spectators seems at times to rival that of the players, occasionally getting out of hand. Say what you like though, the players all benefit more than the fans; just ask them. In the case of professional players it is especially true on a monetarily scale.

    Likewise it has been said that life is a game, if true; then we are all either spectators or players. You may set on the sidelines and watch the game go by, without involvement or contribution, or you can get OFF THE SIDELINES and play in the game.

    If you do your very best then, win or lose, you will feel better about yourself for having played rather than just watching. ASK THE PLAYERS!! The real game is on the field of play or on the floor of the arena.

    If the game is life, don’t set on the sidelines watching life pass you by, get off the sidelines get on the field or the court, if you win or lose, you will have the joy in being able to contribute to the outcome. At first getting off the sidelines and into the game may be scary, it means among other things a willingness to sacrifice your comfortable existence and endure a little exercise, the ups and downs, maybe pain and joy, and certainly satisfaction and occasional disappointment.

    Once in the game of life it becomes extremely important to know the rules inside and out, to carefully select your team, and playmakers, the strategic plays, and to know what and where the goals are. By all means keep time with the clock, know what the score is, and know what will be the backup plan(s) or play(s).


    There is the rush of adrenalin to look forward to and something called Runners High, that comes after running for a while, the tiring feelings begin to fade when the endorphins kick in (that’s a substance that the brain releases to ease pain, it often has a narcotic effect) and you will began to feel a sense of enjoyment and enthusiasm kicks in. Those people around you who seem to enjoy life no matter what is happening, you may think of just aren’t aware, but in reality they may be the only ones who are in the game or in the race. They frequently appear to impervious to pain but really it’s just their endorphins are active.

    In this endeavor there are no endorphins kicking in to make me feel better, just the opportunity for me to become an active member of society. It is my way of getting off the sidelines and perhaps trying to help others do the same.

    Perhaps it is my one opportunity to be the Doctor, Lawyer, or Pastor, I always wanted to be.

    Chapter One

    The objective

    What is the objective thing in our lives? What are we trying to achieve in our lives? That state of being we continually grasp at. Even a simple word such as IS has implications and meanings to be determined.

    The meaning or definition of the word IS a verb (that can be used without objective) indicating a state of existence, being in the third person present of to be. The definition of is even became the defense that Bill Clinton used to excuse his affair with Monica Lowenski, or at lest, his lying about that affair to his wife, to his closest friends, to Congress, to the Courts, and to the American public. The lies would have continued to this day except for the fact that a concerned public investigation, worried about his ethics and clear evidence proved his involvement was more than casual or platonic.

    I used to think how dumb can a lawyer be; to use the definition of IS as an explanation for anything, but in retrospect it appears to be a touch of genius worthy of his Oxford education. To other people, Lawyers seems to be masters in doublespeak, legalese, generalities, or the art of being ‘not too specific’ in what they write or say and in court room litigation. If they can, they may successfully try to divert the attention of the listener, jury, or reader from reality with massive irrelevance and/or skillful choice of words; then to all appearances, win or lose, some doubt (reasonable or not) is cast on the issues and they have won the argument.

    Consider the following play on words; Perhaps Bill’s religious background might have been the inspiration for his targeting use of the word ‘IS’, Imagine, if Moses approached the burning bush and when talking with God about his name was told I is who I is or I be who I be or even I are who I are, then English teachers everywhere would cringe and surely the Pharaoh would have let the Hebrew people go at the first request and theologians everywhere would be confused. Bill however chose the objective form of the verb ‘to be’ since it elevated his stature to that of an individual who is not responsible instead of one who personally takes responsibility. (I am—you are—he, she, or it ‘is’—we are—they are etc.) IS always directs the attention to others and not to one’s self.

    As a plain or ordinary person that, for over 46 years, has worked as a mechanical engineer or engineering manager, my training included technical writing and being specific please therefore, allow me some tolerances in what follows. It is an attempt to focus on history in defining the responsibility for where we are, how did we get here, and where are we going. It is not a novel, hopefully it is just an easy read which, mixed with some historical data and I hope a reasonably logical opinion.

    Enough of the ‘tongue in cheek’ comments concerning our objectives, let us get back to who we are what is the intended definition, statement, or question that must follow view points.

    If we strip all the ‘fluff’ in life aside and get back to basics, humanity has been totally occupied with survival. This extremely bold statement is contrary to what some leading psychiatrists would say and then point to the acts of a suicide bomber or the hero who gives up his life as an unselfish act of salvation for another, or as in the case of Freud or Masters and Johnson who say the sexual drive or dysfunction of sexual drives is the preoccupation, or perhaps some childhood trauma. They focus on a tree not the forest but the simple truth is probably best illustrated in the reaction of dogs or other animals.

    As an example;

    My family once had a female dog we kept in a fenced backyard for the most part, during the time she was in heat; all of the neighbor dogs were attracted to our backyard and on one occasion one of the dogs managed to jump over the lowest part of our fence. By chance, I stepped out into the yard as he was beginning to do what was natural. After several attempts to intervene without getting bit, I picked up a small chain and begin to rattle it. WOW what a big change in the male dog’s attitude, apparently it triggered an unpleasant memory, sensing danger he quit what he was doing, forgot how he entered the yard, and ran in circles of fear until he finally found a way out.

    On the other hand consider that the suicide bomber and the hero have this in common; both overcome that fear with a commitment to that which they believe noble and in the spirit of what the creator would believe worthy of his creation. Both are committed to principles and ideas beyond themselves. They have replaced that need to survive with love of their ideals and others such as themselves.

    The bomber and the hero, however, are also significantly different in that:

    The bomber is not only fully committed to ideals but is thoroughly afraid of those who have differing ideals even when those other ideals allow the bombers to believe what they want to believe and to be who they are. The bomber will not accept (or may be afraid) that they may be wrong or that they erred in their beliefs or decisions and many times feeling hopelessness in mutual understanding. Their love is inwardly directed to an ideal and toward destroying those who have ideals or beliefs that are different or they simply may have lost their love of life and are seeking glory and ultimate reward instead of survival. They typically have lead a life in a harsh or been raised in an unforgiving environment and carefully taught to HATE those who are not like themselves or have differing ideas or ideals.

    The hero is not only fully committed to ideals but is thoroughly accepting of those with differing ideals, often acting without knowing what the other person’s beliefs or ideals are. Their intent is to preserve life, not to destroy. Their love is directed outwardly based on ideals. It is not that they have NO FEAR of survival. They simply do not let fear be the motivational issues in life. They generally have been raised in a loving or nurturing environment and have been taught to love others as they would themselves. They believe simply that life is worth preserving.

    With survival being the motivational issue then what are the other issues in our lives we focus on?

    Are our lives focused on a moral philosophy?

    Are our lives focused on a political philosophy?

    Are our lives focused on an economic philosophy?

    Are our lives focused on a scientific philosophy?

    Are our lives focused on a religious philosophy?

    Are our lives focused on an artistic philosophy?

    On what do you FOCUS most of your attention?

    If you guessed all six, you were probably right, it probably is all six. It is these six topics that on most occasions can be taboo at the dinner table, in polite conversation, in public, and in general, why? Is it simply that they are interconnected or linked together and there is no way to separate them? Even simple concepts such as truth and beauty that some say are definable and others say only exist in the mind of the observer? It is certain that everyone has a different opinion on each topic.

    The word ‘Philosophy’ comes from the Greek ‘ 44639.jpg ’ [philosophia], which literally translates to love of wisdom or could be the love of knowledge.

    Life’s big question: Can’t we all just get along?

    Answer: No, probably not as long as people assume they have a right to determine what is right or knows what is right for someone other than themselves. After survival humans enjoy most the freedom to do other activities or enjoy each other. Really it’s that simple if you think about it. It is really a matter of relationships.

    The very nature of humans to think that some they have all wisdom and knowledge and therefore the rights to determine how others should live is to highlight the fact that they probably have it all terribly wrong. This work is developed along the lines that if we can remove the fluff around all of what may be our arrogance and greed; we may just get closer to the truth that is summed up in the phrases:

    You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.

    If we ignore history we are doomed to repeat it

    Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results

    • Keep the main thing, the main thing.

    In engineering the best solution to a problem is generally the simplest solution. One popular acronym for this is KISS (Keep it simple stupid)

    Using a rather simplified illustrative approach to the six main issues, let us treat as them as randomly spaced points on a closed loop. If all the points are equal-distant from a central point within the area then they can define a circle it can be said to be round and the person has a full and happy and well rounded life style. The arc distances each point is from the other may vary from person to person which would account for different but still well rounded personalities.

    Now let one or more of the points move closer to the center than the others and the space within the resulting oval or other irregular shape will result in a smaller area. That person is overly focused and may not experience life’s fullness.

    The last extreme, flatten the closed loop aligning, all the points on the straight paths through the center. The resulting area would be zero and should the points move along this path, as life would have it, there would result collisions and chaos, because there is no area it follows that the person has no life outside of chaos and conflict. Without a positive direction the result could easily be the person who would believe in nothing and be falling for anything. It is easy to see that for this individual, life may feel empty and their self-image could be summarized as having the latest fad or popularity poll dictate the next direction of their life style or the extreme, suicidal. All of us probably know of a person or even a group like that.

    Another example is to use the basket ball as representing our life with us the air in the center of the ball and each of those six important issues as points located on the outside surface and your heart as the being located in the center of the space inside.

    The ball can be rolled in straight lines or thrown very easily into a basket or goal. Now just let the heart pull any of those six issues closer to the heart and the ball becomes distorted like a rugby ball or football and more difficult to direct toward the goal. As those favored issues become closer the others move further away or the air (you) becomes smaller and your life will be smaller than it could be. Let it become flat in order to get as close as possible to treasured issue(s) and you life is empty of air and everything else will not matter. The greed you had for your treasured issues has emptied your life.

    If on the other hand and you try to add more air to fill or expand air inside i.e. make yourself bigger or more important; then arrogance is your only achievement and you will only move all the other issues that were or may be important further from your heart until at last your over-inflated personality will burst your ball (balloon).


    Generally people are known by the way they express themselves whither by art form or by speaking, and the words they use. Many times misunderstandings are created by the unusual use of words or the use of sophisticated words, which have more than one meaning, for that reason they will be avoided as much as possible. American English has developed as a mix of many cultures and therefore uses words with more than one implied meaning. Combine that with a fairly moderate education or not having read many of the great works, writing in simple terms (even on complex issues) is really my only chosen option.


    In this book will be defined as that which is based on facts that are provable by evidence, NOT supposition, assumption, or imagination. Truths are generally short in nature, clear and simple, and easily understandable.


    Are those statements that are disprovable by evidence and are generally supposition, assumptions, or imagination, they also have other purposes, to HIDE the truth and to advance a selfish agenda. Lies must, by nature, be longer as they must not only cover up the truth, they must carry with them those statements of supposition, assumptions, or imagination. They also must divert the attention of the recipient or hearer away from the selfish agenda of the liar and the obvious truth. It is then by nature a very complex and long statement. It has often been noted that the longer the story or explanation, the bigger is the lie. Also the more you lie, the more you must lie again to cover it up.


    Between Truth and Lies there exists Faith, a state of belief in something neither provable nor disprovable, but evidenced by circumstances and often not humanly controlled. It appears to be observable evidence of an event that was witnessed and felt at the same time. The single most remarkable thing is the total lack of credible or logical scientific explanation to cover what occurs or is observed when miracles happen. Feelings can at times be an example of faith or a belief without evidence.


    Will be defined as: Our assuming a God like power of judgment over others and then becoming in affect our own idol or our assigning to other humans the same role; and then our becoming their followers or worshipers.


    Will be defined as: being self-centered and wanting everything for yourself, that which you have or would have denied others.


    In fact if you look to all cultures there is a creation myth, an explanation of where, or how we all originated, and an explanation of how we developed as we have, and what is the purpose of our lives. These questions that all cultures have are those we all have developed our FAITH around.

    One of the really interesting things that can be done is to Google the subject creation myths and read them. Some are simple and some are very complex and it seems that the smaller, simpler, and Spartan the community the simpler is the myth, the converse is also true. I suspect that it has already been done, but if not, a man could develop a PhD thesis and write many books based on the similarities and differences in the creation myths and develop an explanation of why they occur.

    An engineer would try to develop a spreadsheet or statistical analysis and a practical design. The scientist would look at the periodic table and develop a theory in an effort to explain how we can put it to use. The astronomer peers into the universe and by extrapolation (some reasoned extension of data) develops the Big Bang theory. The paleontologists and biologist would say that life is simply evolution or natural changes. The mathematician would say that it is all predictable and based on chaos mathematics. Etc. etc. It becomes painfully evident that in the areas of a creation faith, no single theory works beyond the next new credible challenge.

    In the course of writing this book others are quoted, sometimes accurately and other times (most) in paraphrase, since it has been said that there is nothing new under the sun, much of this material will be cited without credit to the originator. If you think you have been quoted (not to your satisfaction) I want to sincerely apologize. My aim is simply to keep it simple or at least brief. I am, after all, only an ordinary person.

    Many of the sources for this book come from open sources and from the Internet such as Google search, Wikopedia/Wikipanion etc. and for the most part, I will not copy but simply note the source or book and leave the reading to you.

    Unless you are an avowed atheist, you believe in creation by a creative being or force, if however you are an atheist you may have to admit that you may be only a dream of all that is around you or a figment of someone’s or something’s imagination. I am sorry, but I neither can, nor will address that supposition. I will address the creationist position in the light of my experience, engineering training and my Judeo-Christian background, I feel much more comfortable in that arena.

    I am impressed by the simple beauty of the poem the creation from the book God’s Trombones, Seven Negro Sermons in Verse by James Weldon Johnson, 1871-1938; last published in 1930 by the Viking press. In this single poem he relates God and Man as being created and linked together in relationship. I like that as a philosophy and have adopted it as my own.

    I am, at the same time, amused by the words of the hard-shell bible thumping preacher who points to the original King James Version in ‘English’ of the Bible as the only original and in-errant version of God’s word to us and not open to any interpretation. Clearly the Bible is full of oral and recorded historical traditions written in various languages of the day.

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