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A Victim of Boards of Directors: Based on a True Story
A Victim of Boards of Directors: Based on a True Story
A Victim of Boards of Directors: Based on a True Story
Ebook49 pages36 minutes

A Victim of Boards of Directors: Based on a True Story

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This book is based on a true story. The Boards of Directors of four organizations have ignored the evidence of wrong doings by a CEO. They could redeem themselves by supporting the creation of a Board Review Committee.
Release dateOct 27, 2011
A Victim of Boards of Directors: Based on a True Story

Noie James

This is the author's first book. The goal is to get justice without resorting to litigation. The author has over ten years experience in project management as a Senior Executive. Her projects include a building renovation project budgeted at $200,000.00, which came in on budget.

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    A Victim of Boards of Directors - Noie James

    Copyright © 2011 by Noie James.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-6145-7 (sc)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 10/21/2011



    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten


    For sixteen years, I have pursued every opportunity available to me to restore my reputation and good name. They mean everything to me.

    I wrote this book in the hope of settling my dispute with two non-profit organizations and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO).

    The Board of Directors manages one of the organizations through a Policy Governance Structure that allows the CEO to work with a great deal of autonomy.

    According to a past Chair of the first organization, The principles and boundaries of policy governance allow the Board to take a futuristic strategic direction and not get caught up in the detail… of operations. This is not necessarily a good thing if the management team is dishonest.

    It has been my experience that the CEO is free to inform the Boards of Directors whatever she wants to communicate without question. She chooses what to tell the directors and what not to tell them. This works well for the directors, who are able to claim ignorance when serious problems arise. The CEO is also a member of the second organization’s Board of Directors.

    When the CEO committed crimes of fraud and lying under oath, the Boards of Directors ignored the evidence of her wrongdoings. Instead, they decided to support her no matter what the cost.

    It is appropriate to say that the directors don’t want to know what the CEO has done wrong. They have been sent an enormous amount of proof; yet, they have chosen to remain silent.

    Chapter One

    The CEO’s white collar crimes of fraud and lying under oath (during the Examination for Discovery) have been supported by the Boards of Directors of both organizations and two sponsors without question.

    The details of the crimes committed by the CEO have been repeatedly reported to the respective Boards of Directors. To date, all of the directors have

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