Adventures in Autism
About this ebook
Through the many adventures in the book you will meet such children as Ping Lian, a world class artist and a proven force in the global art community. You will be introduced to David and Terry, two children recovering from Autism through years of biomedical therapies. You will be in awe of the single mother of five boys that juggles her world with three children on the spectrum. Peter even opens the Autism window to his own family and shows us how wonderful life can be living with his son, Peter Jr. Numerous stories within will show you that any circumstance can be overcome.
The world is facing an Autism epidemic that is systematically altering the future of the human race. The statistics are staggering as children are being thrown into a vortex of darkness. Now is not the time to close your eyes in ignorance. Now is the time to embrace Autism and fuel the motivation to move forward. Come along for this amazing ride across the Autism universe.
Peter A. LaPorta is the highly acclaimed author of three best- selling titles. His first book, Ignite the Passion, A Guide to Motivational Leadership was named by to be one of the top 20 books on motivational leadership in print. A former DISNEY leader, Peter travels the globe spreading his messages of motivation and service. For more information on Peter and his incredible journey, visit
Peter A. LaPorta
Peter A. LaPorta is the International Best-Selling Author of eight previous titles of Fiction and Non-Fiction. A former leader at Walt Disney World and Universal Studios, he is an award-winning speaker and leader heralded all over the world for his excellence and achievement. Through various mediums including print, television, and radio, his words have resonated to audiences around the globe. His breakout non-fiction book, "Ignite the Passion, A Guide to Motivational Leadership" was named by Amazon to be in the top 20 motivational leadership books of all time. He burst into the Fiction scene with "Normandy Nights", a finalist for Best Historical Fiction by Author Academy Awards. His follow up blockbuster, "The Card" was nominated for Best Thriller Fiction by Author Elite Awards. His suspense thriller, Turtle Master, A Passage through Time, brought audiences to the edge of their seats as they traveled the world with a serial killer. His latest work, The Widow’s Box- A Test of Time takes a more poignant turn as you travel through time and generations, promising to entertain you from this Master in Entertainment himself. For more information on Peter and his incredible journey visit
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Adventures in Autism - Peter A. LaPorta
© 2011 Peter A. LaPorta. All rights reserved.
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Published by AuthorHouse 12/20/2011
ISBN: 978-1-4685-2815-2 (sc)
ISBN: 978-1-4685-2814-5 (e)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011962580
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David & Terry
Aaron, Logan, and Connor
Ping Lian
Autism Resources
About The Author
Also available from
Peter A. LaPorta
Ignite the Passion, A Guide to Motivational Leadership
Who Hired These People?
A Quote For Every Day
Peter, who taught me to be a father all over again, and allows me into his darkness every day;
Angel, the wind beneath my wings, who gave me the best gift in life…fatherhood;
Amber, Hope, and Sara, who wrap their loving arms around their brother and protect him from the world;
Every family in the world that has a child stricken by Autism.
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(according to Medical News Today)
is known as a complex developmental disability. Experts believe that Autism presents itself during the first three years of a person’s life. The condition is the result of a neurological disorder that has an effect on normal brain function, affecting development of the person’s communication and social interaction skills. People with Autism have issues with non-verbal communication, a wide range of social interactions, and activities that include an element of play and/or banter.
Autism (or Autism Spectrum Disorder) is a wide-spectrum disorder. No two people with Autism will have exactly the same symptoms. (see
FATHERHOOD is the greatest joy a man can hope to achieve in his lifetime. Through time, all else will perish, but your children will carry on your legacy forever. I still remember the first time that I held my oldest daughter, Amber, in my arms. Her beautiful eyes glimmered back at me as her smile filled the room. A feeling of overwhelming love and joy filled my heart and has never been empty since.
Through the years, the Lord has blessed with me two more daughters, Hope and Sara. They poured more joy into my aging heart and renewed me as if I swam in the fountain of youth. Together, the three daughters make up the charmed ones. Each of them has a magical hold over their mother and I, and together they explain every strand of grey hair in my head.
Tried and tested, the experience that my wife and I gained raising the charmed ones has turned us into old pros. We can raise girls any day of the week and twice on Sunday. We have seen and conquered every step in their development, although with each new female came a new set of tricks. My wife and I could have co-written many a tale about raising daughters and would put ourselves up against any parent in that arena. We thought we knew it all, until the day my son was born.
Peter Anthony LaPorta Jr. was born June 15th, 2004. On that day, God reached out his hands and placed that boy into the unknowing arms of Angel and I. We thought that since it was child number four it would be a walk in the park. It was old hat. How could a boy be that much different? He should bring similar experiences that we had already gone through, right? We could not have been more wrong.
In his early days, Peter Jr. had many natural behaviors that can be chalked up to the differences between boys and girls. Although all of those occurrences will be discussed later in the book, it is important to take the proper viewpoint from the beginning. Peter was a normal functioning, playful, infant that was full of life. Even though he was different than raising our daughters, he was still a child that had the same developmental needs as any other baby brought into this world. We had no idea how short the time was going to be before we lost him into a great abyss.
At eighteen months, Peter Jr., was given a series of vaccinations including his MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) shot. Like a light switch that became jammed in the off position, Pete shut down. His words were gone. His focus was gone. Pete was gone. At first, we thought that he was having a reaction to the pain medication he was given to ease the vaccination period. We were sadly mistaken. Years later, Peter has still not returned to us.
The whole story of my son will unfold later in the book as well as many other children. From a parent’s perspective, the most critical day in our life came when Peter Jr. was diagnosed with Autism. He instantly became one of God’s special children and we became the chosen ones to care for him.
As parents of a special needs child, we exist in a world that can only be truly understood if you experience it. All the training in the world cannot prepare you for the changes in your life. As veteran parents, we thought that we had seen and done it all in regards to our children. We quickly came to understand that most of the daily activities we had with our other kids were taken for granted.
Any parent of a special needs child has a plethora of stories that would both horrify you and fill you with joy and delight for the human spirit. What they cannot share with you are the every day activities that never come to pass. If your child is special needs, you may or may not ever get to see them in a school play. You will probably never get the opportunity to see your child as the star quarterback or the pitcher that throws a perfect game. Simple pleasures such as watching a quiet movie in a theater or taking your child to see the ballet always seem beyond possibility. For some, even the primary functions of reading, writing or conversing will never come to reality.
What all parents of children within the Autism Spectrum can share with you is their heightened appreciation for human emotion. The reason for this lies in the fact that there is nothing simple, basic, or normal in the life of an Autistic child. Like scenes from a science fiction or fantasy book, each action or reaction has an alternate reality in the Autistic world.
You think you are self conscious until you walk into the grocery store or a shopping mall with your non-verbal child and every eye is upon you because he uses moans and screams to communicate.
You think you have experienced fear until the day when your child with Autism escapes the confines of your house; you spend the next 45 minutes in absolute horror until a police helicopter finds him many blocks away.
You think you have experienced joy and euphoria until the day when your special needs child can actually tell you I love you
and you can see comprehension in their eyes.
You think you understand helplessness until the day when your child with Autism appears before you with their finger cut off and you have no idea where the rest of it is, how the tragedy occurred, or what you can do to sooth his pain and shock.
You think you know embarrassment until your special needs child throws food at another table in a crowded restaurant.
You think you are humble until your child with Autism greets a house full of people buck naked and runs laughing through the crowd.
You think you understand frustration until your special needs child bangs their head against the wall because they can’t tell you what they want to eat or drink.
You think you appreciate the sound of silence until the moment your child with Autism falls asleep.
You think you understand anger until you pick up your non-verbal child from school and there are bruises all over him, which he cannot tell you how they got there.
You think you have seen ignorance until you hear a stranger whisper about your misbehaving child with Autism that needs a good spanking.
You think you have seen courage until you see the family with not one, but multiple children on the Autism Spectrum.
You think you have faith in God until the day you wake up and realize He has trusted you to care for one of His special children.
As the father of a child with Autism, I have experienced all of these emotions and many more. With every parent comes a different experience, a different viewpoint, a different story to share. In the pages ahead, you will read about many children and their families. Some of the stories will delight and amaze you. Others will captivate your heart. All of them should open your eyes to a world that is unknown to most, but one that is rapidly exploding.
At the current time, the statistics are staggering. 1 percent of the United States population ages 3-17 are on the autism spectrum. The birth rate, once believed to be 1 in 10,000 children being affected has grown to an alarming 1 in 91 births worldwide (1 in 110 in the United States). Some countries are estimating that the annual cost to their economy due to Autism is over $100 billion a year. It is said that in ten years, that annual cost will rise to $200-400 billion.
For every 58 boys that are born, one of them will be afflicted with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. For girls, that number is 1 in every 200. What that means for you, the average reader, is a guarantee that someone in your family, your extended family or your friendship circle will be affected with Autism. The luxury of walking through life with blinders on while Autism occurs in dark corners has long past. Autism has infiltrated our lives, our schools, the playgrounds and parks, and every corner of life in America. Once you take off your rose colored glasses it becomes all too clear to see.
In the pages that follow, we will try to take those glasses off together. This book is filled with stories of wonderful families that