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Possible: Think It, Believe It, Know It
Possible: Think It, Believe It, Know It
Possible: Think It, Believe It, Know It
Ebook57 pages44 minutes

Possible: Think It, Believe It, Know It

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About this ebook

How many times have you heard stories about close encounters, near death experiences and seemingly insurmountable needs met unexpectedly and from unfamiliar or unknown sources? You may have marveled and even wondered why you had not experienced such in your life. Well, you can! This book is about the miracles and phenomenon that remind you that all things are possible!
Release dateJan 5, 2012
Possible: Think It, Believe It, Know It

Veronique Dupree Chastain

Veronique Dupree Chastain, journeying wide and far, has experienced the unusual and fanciful. Through trial and error, Veronique pursued and realized her dream to be a human resources executive. Her yearning, however, has been to write and share about life's lessons that have convinced her that all things truly are possible. Veronique grew up in the United States and lives in the Canton Vaud, Switzerland.

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    Possible - Veronique Dupree Chastain

    © 2012 by Veronique Dupree Chastain. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    First published by AuthorHouse 12/29/2011

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-0104-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4670-0105-2 (ebk)

    Printed in the United States of America

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    I dedicate this book to the memory of my parents and grandparents, who encouraged me to explore my own possibilities and to define my own success.

    To my sisters, I express gratitude for your backing me up and helping me to stay clear-headed and focused.

    To my many friends and colleagues, especially Fede and Carole—you have enriched my life.


    It is a miracle! C’est pas vrai! Impossible! Incroyable! Amazing! It’s a lie, made up! But it is all true.

    How many times have you heard the stories—close encounters and near-death experiences, or seemingly insurmountable hardships overcome or met from unfamiliar or unknown sources? The Internet is full of such stories. You and I have read them, and we’ve marvelled and wondered why we haven’t experienced these in our lives. I was going through that why-not-me? syndrome when I realized that it has been me. I have lived many miracles and phenomena, which I am convinced were not chance or figments of my imagination.

    Over the years, I’ve shared my stories with many disheartened people who were looking for corroboration that situations do work out, calamities can be averted, and peace and calm can rule supreme… for a few hours. I think about the accounts of people who did not sail on the Titanic and the reasons they missed the ill-fated voyage, or people who staggered away from catastrophic crashes and subsequently found a new calling in life.

    This book is about possibilities—all kinds, at any time, for any reason. It is about having a resilient belief that options, if not instantly perceived, are indeed right there in front of you. It is about having the help you need when you need it. It is about success waiting at your door. It is biographical, yes, but it could just as easily be your life that I have chronicled in these pages.

    What do you want to believe? What realities do you wish to live—what vision, inspiration, and knowledge? These words could influence a young man’s choice when he is under fire at an enemy outpost while on a tour of military duty. They could spur the unemployed to be encouraged rather than demoralized during a long search for work. How about the middle-aged woman who finds herself alone, reinventing herself and her life without the partner she married many years earlier; or even the executive who faces tough decisions every day and tries to make them based solely on her own capability and personal drive? Maybe this book is for someone who simply thinks that the best of life has passed him by and all that remains is decay and death.

    This book is about your possibilities, and it is jam-packed with good fortune, brushes with kindness, and

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