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Transcending Illness Through the Power of Belief
Transcending Illness Through the Power of Belief
Transcending Illness Through the Power of Belief
Ebook59 pages3 hours

Transcending Illness Through the Power of Belief

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Being diagnosed with a serious illness is shocking and can leave chaos, confusion, fear, and anxiety in its wake. But what if we looked at illness as a catalyst for deep healing of our whole selves? In his guidebook Transcending Illness through the Power of Belief, seasoned psychotherapist Adolfo Quezada reminds us of our essential wholeness as human beings and encourages us to live in that perspectiveeven when facing illness or death.

Quezada relies on his twenty-five years of experience providing counseling to thousands suffering from the effects of trauma and chronic illnesses to share a simple message: we heal from the inside out. For those who must travel the path of serious illness, Quezada offers ways to face sickness head-on and use it as an opportunity to awaken faith, remember holiness, and give purpose to burdens. Through touching personal anecdotes, Quezada also teaches that good can indeed come of illness by encouraging the unwell to become more compassionate, live with greater purpose, and touch the lives of others in profound ways.

Transcending Illness through the Power of Belief is an inspirational guidebook for anyone impacted by illness, end of life issues, and the important role of faith in these stages of life.

As we read these pages, we discover that our embrace of illness and death actually becomes the source of interior peace we may have not yet experienced.

from the foreword by Msgr. Robert D. Fuller, author of Adventures of a Collegial Parish and Homilies from the Heart

Release dateDec 6, 2011
Transcending Illness Through the Power of Belief

Adolfo Quezada

Adolfo Quezada is a retired psychotherapist and columnist who holds advanced degrees in both counseling and journalism from the University of Arizona. He has authored twelve books on psycho-spiritual issues and has conducted retreats and seminars for more than twenty-five years. He lives in Tucson, Arizona, with his wife.

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    Transcending Illness Through the Power of Belief - Adolfo Quezada

    Copyright © 2011 by Adolfo Quezada.

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    The information, ideas, and suggestions in this book are not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice. Before following any suggestions contained in this book, you should consult your personal physician. Neither the author nor the publisher shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising as a consequence of your use or application of any information or suggestions in this book.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4620-6971-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4620-6975-0 (e)

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    iUniverse rev. date: 11/30/2011





    Transcending Our Illness

    Remembering Our Holiness

    Accepting Our Pain

    Awakening Our Faith

    Evoking Our Power of Belief

    Obeying Natural Law

    Trusting Our Healers

    Healing Our Self

    Giving Purpose to Our Illness

    In the Wake of My Illness

    If Our Illness Becomes Terminal



    Transcending Illness

    through the

    Power of Belief

    Other Books by Adolfo Quezada

    Loving Yourself for God’s Sake

    Heart Peace: Embracing Life’s Adversities

    Rising from the Ashes: A Month of Prayer to Heal Our Wounds

    Sabbath Moments: Finding Rest for the Soul in the Midst of Daily Living

    Compassionate Awareness: Living Life to the Fullest

    Radical Love: Following the Way of Jesus

    For Joni, Alicia, Sharon, Dorothy, Alejandra, Ave, and Melanie

    The Beatitudes of Illness

    Blessed are the poor in health, for theirs is the realm of holiness.

    Blessed are those who mourn the loss of physical energy, for they will evoke the strength of their spirit.

    Blessed are those who are humbled by illness, for they will be lifted up on the wings of their soul.

    Blessed are those who hunger for deep healing and thirst for total wellness, for they will be filled with hope.

    Blessed are those who forgive the betrayal of their mind and body, for they will bring union to their divided self.

    Blessed are those whose heart is pure and true, for they will share the haleness of God.

    Blessed are those who make peace with their infirmities, for they will be called healers of God.

    Blessed are those whose well-being is persecuted by genetics, accidents, or other forces beyond their control, for they will discover purpose to their affliction.


    I have been blessed to know Adolfo Quezada for four decades. He has been a grace to me through all these years. I wish you too could know personally the author of this book.

    But you will have a good look into Adolfo’s soul as you read Transcending Illness through the Power of Belief. This book looks right into the eyes of two realities we do not like to think about: sickness and death. This book not only invites us to think about them, but also challenges us to embrace them in their reality and totality. Is this even possible?

    At first glance we may say no. But as we read these pages we discover that our embrace of illness and death actually becomes the source of an interior peace we may have not yet experienced in our lives.

    I recommend Transcending Illness through the Power of Belief to anyone who may prefer

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