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The Resurrection of Humanity
The Resurrection of Humanity
The Resurrection of Humanity
Ebook112 pages2 hours

The Resurrection of Humanity

By Om

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This book is called "The Resurrection of Humanity" because the only way to stop the destruction of our world, and the decreasing consciousness of our Creator, is to wake us all up, and that includes both universes, the centre, magnetic universe in which we are all currently trapped holograms, and the peripheral, electric universe we need to return to. Our Creator developed amnesia the moment his/her creations forgot their true spiritual essence. We forgot our true, perfect self, the moment we experienced the lack of, and the idea of being inferior to others, preventing us from feeling Self love which is the energy that creates new life. Instead of living, by creating new thoughts and experiences, we started surviving off of memories, even to the point of stealing others. This book offers a unique outlook on creation, co-creation, and recreation, and the foundation of a new Holistic Governance, that has the power to bring health and prosperity to everyone. It's not a revolution, it's simply re-formatting our governments so that every job description, policies and procedures, and rules and regulations, are based on one common law, love. Love based decisions will always create solutions that will benefit the Whole. If we have enough courage to accept each other, despite our differences,and tell the Illuminati, "no more games", we could have everyone healed and nature stored in less than a year. Please take heed and share with everyone you know, so together we can do what no one else has been able to do, resurrect humanity out of this nightmare of disease and destruction, and create a true Garden of Eden" for everyone, where we can all remember true perfect self, and return to the Centre, where the Creator is depending on our arrival.
Release dateMar 17, 2011
The Resurrection of Humanity


During my darkest hours of contemplating suicide, I had a truly spiritual encounter where I connected with the universal truth and through fourteen years I have been guided to learn about this magnificent truth in magazine articles, movies, and internet sites. Everytime I learned something new, I gained a better understanding of the knowledge that was given to me during my encounter. Now that the book is complete, I have the duty to bring this truth and revelation to the world. I am a mother of four and grandmother of four who believes that everyone deserves the chance of living thier dream life which can be done throught the unity of the people. My dream in life is to see all life united as one so that we can bring our loving energy to the whole and resurrect our Creator out of darkness. I learned that Jesus Christ taught to pray alone in the wilderness because only through our union with ourselves and Mother Earth can we be resurrected. I have read alot of information from scientists, spiritual channels, and everyday people, but unfortunately they frequently contradict each other making it hard to decide what is truth and what is mind manipulation. What I do know as truth from my encounter is that every life form regardess of species or location, are all thought energy forms from the Creator and that our sole purpose is to unite together through forgiveness and unconditional love, regardless of race or species, and start creating new life, thus correcting our loop in time. I know it's hard to love when our environment is so volitile and stronger forces are manipulating our minds but the one thing they can't control is our capacity to love. If we can forgive others, especially ourselves, for harming us and our loved ones, because we understand that no one has asked for this darkness that governs us, we will always have love in our daily life, or even in our passing, and we will resurrect. Our resurrection will then give us the wisdom and loving energy to help others resurrect! Everyday I learn something that expands my understanding of things I've learned showing me that there is no absolute truth, except what you know through experience. I pray everyone reading this excerpt, and hopefully the book, will beleive in this life and will focus their loving energy on moving this spiritual information into the minds of every being in our world. It's time for the illuminati, also know as Annunacki, to resurrect us all out of this darkness through love, forgiveness and unity. Please, for the sake of your own life, develop the Holistic Governance and save our world! For those who enjoy videos, there is a video on You Tube titled, "2012 Love to Live" by peacealife that you might like. Please remember that I love you, the Cosmos loves, and more importantly, remember to love yourself everyday. Many blessings. Namaste.

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    The Resurrection of Humanity - Om

    © Copyright 2011 Om.

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    by Om

    This book is unlike any other because it offers not only the truth of our existence and purpose in life, which thousands of others have, but also the only plan of action that can save us from total destruction and the extinction of humanity, which is occurring regardless of what people believe, because of our decreasing levels of consciousness. The extinction of humanity will not come from physical destruction, it will come from memory loss of true self. We are literally on the verge of forgetting ourselves. Our lines of consciousness are so out of alignment that we can barely remember what we do day to day. Our brains are capable of photographic memory and instant recall of all stored memory but we’ve forgotten how to access it. Forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s, amnesia, and cancer are at epidemic levels. Cancer is also memory loss, just at the cellular level. Every disorder and aging is a result of separation from Self, causing memory loss. Even the Cosmos shows these horrifying disorganized patterns of energy. There’s not one visualization of supernovas or galaxies being perfectly spherical, having perfectly concentric circles, or linear lines of energy in the arms of galaxies. Supernovas should create perfect circles of colour as they expand out and all the particles of matter spiraling around a center point making galaxies, should be in perfectly spiraling lines as they are being pulled and pushed, creating perfectly geometrical patterns, but instead the colours are mixed through and the lines are jagged and missing. The only perfectly geometrical patterns being created are crop circles and nature which are made by the magnetic energy of Mother Earth’s love.

    This book of divine inspiration, is a gift, a message, and a blessing, but also a cry for help and a warning. It is being sent by the unconsciousness of every living entity, through our subconscious mind that has been plagued with generations of denial and memory loss, to our conscious mind. People all over the world are feeling an uneasiness, like a gut feeling, which is our inner self trying to tell us that there is a purpose in life that we have not yet accomplished, and we are running out of time. People all over the world are also feeling the need to find spiritual enlightenment, and have at least once in their life, felt a connection to their higher inner self, which is often experienced as a premonition, deja vu, vision, dream or enlightenment. Unfortunately, when people experience this truly divine connection, they frequently perceive it as a force outside of themselves like God, Allah, guardian angels and others. The moment they think that it is not their own force or center being, they return to the reality they’ve been taught to believe in.

    They fail to understand it’s meaning, so they ignore the message and eventually forget about it, or they put all their faith into a religion that supports the idea that the power of the experience came from a force greater than their own. The truth is, we are the power. Our Self is the Creator of our own reality. Any separate consciousness, like God, Brahma, or Allah, would have their own perception, their own illusion of life, unless of course you are the consciousness of God, Brahma, or Allah, in which case you are God, Brahma, and Allah, and is the only thing that makes sense. This is the message being sent to all of us. We are the consciousness of the Whole, and the creator of our own reality. We share our reality with others by accepting theirs as part of our expansion creating a consensus reality. However, as long as we believe in this consensus reality of death and total destruction, we will manifest this horrifying extinction of humanity and Gaia.

    If the destruction of humanity and Gaia, our Earth mother, does occur, there would be no one to blame except ourselves because the original descent of humanity was a horrible, but unintentional mistake. If we choose not to accept the knowledge being given to us, and ignore our responsibility to bring salvation to humanity and the Cosmos through unity, we, the descendants of humanity, who have been given Divine intervention to be here at this particular time, and are the only ones with the power to correct this horrible descent, will have deliberately brought an end to our existence. A nuclear annihilation will prevent Gaia from ascension, causing her and all life in, on and around her to fragment, and if she does ascend, the cells of every life form that is not resonating at a high enough level will spontaneously combust, creating fire and destruction all around the globe, known as Hell, as predicted in the Bible and many other books that predict the future. The Bible predicts this time of horrifying destruction to also be the resurrection of some. However, the resurrection is not of those who believe that the power is from Christ, but those who believe that the power is from within themselves. Only you can increase your vibration to a higher level. Others like Christ, can only remind us that we are alive, and show us ways to increase our levels of consciousness. Fragmenting is when your thoughts of being become separated and lost from each other, bringing total darkness to your mind. Without the memory of thought, you’re unable to create a synergistic thought, allowing for the process of forming an idea. If you can’t create ideas, you’ll never form any intentions, including the intention to sustain your own physical life, like Alzheimer’s. If people with Alzheimer’s didn’t have others providing the essentials of life to them, they would die, and when they passed on, they would have no memories to remind them of who they are, causing their consciousness to become completely fragmented. Alzheimer’s and cancer are the most feared of all diseases, because cancer is memory loss at the cellular level, and Alzheimer’s is memory loss of the mind!! Remember, the physical destruction of our physical world is not what we should fear the most, it is the massive memory loss of humanity, known as extinction. If by the time of transformation, December 2012, we don’t have the awareness of our true inner self, we will become fragmented, because only through our love for ourselves, will we be able to hold our thoughts and memories together. Becoming lost from yourself is referred to as being removed from the Book of Life, because life is creation, the expansion of self, and if you lose the memory of self, you lose the ability to create, to live. Once you’re fragmented, you will remain in total darkness until someone else touches you and gives you enough loving energy to remind you that you are alive, but have become lost, and only by returning to your inner self, will you ever become your true self. The only way to return to your inner self is by having a perfectly healthy body and mind, and remembering your life through focused thought.

    Unfortunately, the governments around the world are doing all they can to keep us from finding ourselves. As long as they keep people in a state of fear, like losing their job and not being able to pay their bills or get food, contracting a deadly disease, being tortured by a criminal, losing their loved ones, or worse of all, developing Alzheimer’s, they can continue to control them. Their only purpose is to dominate us by keeping us separated from our inner soul, our Self. All the toxins in our foods, water and air, and mental anguish of being poor, sick, or ridiculed for expressing ourselves, are preventing us from connecting to our higher inner self. Even people who are currently reviving their physical body to crystalline patterns of energy and increasing their level of consciousness, giving them the ability to teach us how to, are frequently pulled into darkness because of the severity of evil that is governing our world. By bringing perfect health and vitality to our bodies, we’ll feel the joy and happiness that will allow us to love each other, and respect all our differences, giving us resurrection, not destruction. We have all become bound to each other in this physical system, referred to as the Cosmos, and are dependent on each other’s love to reunite us so that we may evolve to the next level of life.

    This book was written purely as a gift to all of humanity, nature, and the Cosmos. The information contained within is the truth about all life, past, present, and future, how evil was created and obtained dominion over humanity, and most importantly, how every single person and life form can be cured of all ailments, including aging, and together can save our world from destruction. We have all been chosen to be alive on Gaia at this time because we have the love, courage and understanding, to make the greatest changes in all of human history. To rejoin together in love and harmony, and regain our ability to manifest our own realities, and not be trapped in others. Each and every one of us has evolved from the thought of not

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