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A Joyful Noise: Poems of Praise & Thanksgiving
A Joyful Noise: Poems of Praise & Thanksgiving
A Joyful Noise: Poems of Praise & Thanksgiving
Ebook118 pages1 hour

A Joyful Noise: Poems of Praise & Thanksgiving

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About this ebook

When troubles arise the first thing we do is pray. We ask the Lord to quickly relieve the pain and suffering of the situation. But how often do we send up prayers of praise and thanksgiving? Let Amy Santi Bulls forty-five poems in this collection lead you on the path to showing the Lord how grateful you are for all He has done in your life.

As in her other books, Believe and My Inner Strength, each poem in A Joyful Noise has five Bible verses that coincide with the meaning of the poem. These verses are listed in the Reference section following the poetry and show that praise and thanksgiving were offered to the Lord throughout time.

So now, do you have a reason to be thankful? Do you have answered prayers? Then give the Lord the praises He deserves and let Amys poetry guide you along the way.
Release dateJan 3, 2013
A Joyful Noise: Poems of Praise & Thanksgiving

Amy Santi Bull

This is Amy’s third book of inspirational poetry. As in her other two books, Believe and My Inner Strength, Amy draws on her experiences and her faith to create her poetry. Besides her writing, Amy spends time sharing her uplifting story at speaking engagements. She is a paraplegic from an automobile accident in 1999 that damaged her spinal cord and she has had other complications since, but you will never find her feeling sorry for herself. Instead she shows others how to stay strong through faith and hope in the Lord. Amy has been writing since her childhood. She has an aunt who says she remembers stories Amy would write while the other kids were playing outside. Amy’s first publication was a poem in a national anthology of high school poets when she was sixteen years old. After high school she earned a degree from The Institute of Children’s Literature. Amy lives in North Tonawanda, New York with her husband of thirty-seven years. They have three children and eight grandchildren.

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    A Joyful Noise - Amy Santi Bull

    A Joyful Noise


    Poems of Praise & Thanksgiving

    Amy Santi Bull


    1663 Liberty Drive

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    © 2013 Amy Santi Bull. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 12/29/2012

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9838-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9840-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4772-9839-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2012923409

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,

    and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Table of Contents



    A Joyful Noise

    A Song Of Praise

    I’m So Grateful

    A Cup Of Kindness

    Rekindle My Heart

    A Security Blanket

    You Found Me


    In My Corner

    Always Near

    Diamonds In The Rough

    The Little Things

    Thank You Lord

    Lift Up Your Hands

    We Can All Take Part

    A Helping Hand

    Yours Forever

    Always Do Your Best

    The Faith Of A Child

    Give Thanks

    A Charitable Heart


    Keep Shining

    My Glorious Lord

    Praise And Thanksgiving

    Give Him Your All

    Shout For Joy

    All For Him

    In One Voice

    Above All Things

    Nobody Deserves More

    Lord Of All

    Glory All Around

    Keep God In Your Heart

    I’ve Been Blessed

    In His Name

    He’ll Walk You Through

    The Glory Is Yours

    I’m Somebody

    A New Start

    We Are Blessed

    In Him

    Let Your Light Shine

    A Son Was Born

    Singing Out Praise


    "Enter His gates with thanksgiving,

    And into His courts with praise.

    Be thankful to Him, and bless His name."

    Psalm 100:4


    First, as always, I dedicate this book to the Lord. He has filled me with the inspiration and the talent to create the poetry I have written. This is now my third book of poetry. What a blessing.

    Next, I dedicate this book to all those who have purchased my other books. Without your support I wouldn’t be able to continue.

    Then, to my husband, Bill, the love of my life, and my best friend.

    Finally, to my family and friends who have all believed in me and encouraged me to go on despite the odds. Thank you.


    I wrote the poems for this book after realizing that I am quick to ask for help in prayer, but often forget to give the Lord the praise and thanks that He deserves. My prayers start with a quick thank you for the day and my family, but then I focus on my needs and the needs of my church family and friends. When I talked to family and friends I found that I was not alone. Many of them prayed the same way. I hope you will join me in offering the Lord the praise and thanksgiving He deserves.

    Amy Santi Bull

    August 17, 2012

    A Joyful Noise

    Let’s all make a joyful noise unto the Lord,

    We’ll just shout out our praises in one accord.

    For He has blessed us each in different ways,

    And He listens closely when anyone prays.

    After all we brag when we do the right thing,

    So knowing it’s from God should make our hearts sing.

    Whenever a pitfall comes into your life,

    The Lord is there to relieve you from your strife.

    We couldn’t succeed without Him in our lives,

    He even leads us to our husbands and wives.

    Our children are a blessing from Him alone,

    Just look in the Bible for this to be shown.

    Faithful women had children in their late years,

    By trusting in God and putting away fears.

    All that we have comes according to His will,

    He gives and takes until we have had our fill.

    So let’s send our thanks to the Lord up above,

    The One who blesses us with all of His love.

    Let’s lift our voices with the sound He enjoys,

    And come together to make a joyful noise.

    1 Samuel 1:24-28

    Nehemiah 12:43

    Job 8:19-21

    Psalm 33:1-5

    Isaiah 51:11

    A Song Of Praise

    I’ll sing a song of praise to You, Lord,

    And have others join in one accord.

    Together we’ll offer You our praise,

    As You have blessed us in many ways.

    For we who have already been saved,

    The road to heaven will have been paved.

    But our work on earth is never done,

    As we show people You are the One.

    The One to pray to and believe in,

    And the One to forgive every sin.

    We must work to bring others to You,

    This is the job that we all should do.

    We need to teach them the way to pray,

    So they’re confident in what they say.

    We should show all the glory You bring,

    And lead them to worship You, our King.

    For this is a blessing we all share,

    Living our lives in Your holy care.

    Then in one voice we can shout for joy,

    With the strength of Your Word that we employ.

    Together in one voice we will raise

    Worship to You with a song of praise.

    Psalm 104:33-34

    Psalm 126

    Psalm 134

    Psalm 138:1-3

    Isaiah 43:10-13

    I’m So Grateful

    Lord, You are the greatest in each and every way,

    And I will sing Your praises every time I pray.

    You give each of us more than we’ll ever know,

    And so many chances for our faith to grow.

    For me, You opened doors I never knew were there,

    And now I give my testimony everywhere.

    Who could imagine where an accident would lead,

    And the hungry souls You would give me to feed.

    I have a new life in You to hold so dear,

    Because when I cried You chose to draw me near.

    You answered my prayers and ended all of my pain,

    Now with You in my life, I can only gain.

    To live my life for You can only bring rewards,

    Because You give me the best that life affords.

    You have given us a world with so much to see,

    Its picturesque beauty all set in place by Thee.

    I can never thank you enough for all You do,

    For there aren’t any words that aptly describe You.

    So all of my life I will remain faithful,

    Because I want You to know that I’m so grateful.

    Psalm 16:8-11

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