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Love Cycles: Words Inspired by Wysobie
Love Cycles: Words Inspired by Wysobie
Love Cycles: Words Inspired by Wysobie
Ebook66 pages48 minutes

Love Cycles: Words Inspired by Wysobie

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About this ebook

After a failure in a relationship. The author starts all over in his entire way of thinking. This book walks us through Arlow's look on Spirituality, Life, Looking for Love, Finding Love, Lost Loves and then doing Positive Affirmations in order to find the strength to do it all again. Thus Love Cycles.

Look for his new book Creative Dating to be coming our soon. Creative Dating is the first attempt to change showing off to showing love.

It puts back the creative juices in dating instead of dinner and a movie.

Find out how.

Release dateJun 21, 2001
Love Cycles: Words Inspired by Wysobie

Arlow Bailey

What ever possesed me to write this book? I am from Iowa orginally. I live now in Florida. I am an Orthopeadic Physican Assistant by day. A writer poet by night. I love both parts of me. I am divorced. I understand your pain and pride. I hope you will understand mine.

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    Love Cycles - Arlow Bailey











    First of all I would like to thank my ex-wife for the courage to let go. She could sense that we were not right for each other. We did not grow apart so much as we just didn’t grow. We had stagnated in our love, our lives, and our goals. We did not have the tools to make it work. She had the courage to let go. I too will find the courage to try again.

    I would like to thank my son, Mark for his continued support dur- ing the most trying times of our lives. He chewed both of his parents out many times, but he has always supported us. When it seemed like no one in the world cared, he was always there to say I love you. The love between parents and their children is unconditional. It should be the same for adults, but I guess it’s not.

    There are several people that I would like to thank privately for their inspirations. It was through their inspirations that allowed me to learn how to express my feelings. I am sure that they wouldn’t want their names in every bookstore and newsstand in the country. My fans might say So you are one of the girls that broke Arlow’s heart. But they might say they would like to meet the people that inspired Arlow to such greatness. I will always have time to speak with an old inspira- tion of my life. If anyone is interested in becoming an inspiration to me, I would like to chat with them as well.

    I would like to thank someone for typing all this, but I had to do it myself. That is why there are so many errors in it. I hope you judge me on my feelings and not my spelling.


    I dedicate this book to my son, Mark. I hope he can understand a little bit of what we went through after his mother and I were divorced. I hope he never has any of life’s problems. If he does, I hope he can find the proper tools to help him cope with life’s disappointments. Mark, only you know what you went through after I had to leave. I share your pain.

    I miss not being there in the mornings when you would come down- stairs, and every afternoon when you would come home filthy with grass stains after playing a neighborhood football game in the mud. I miss helping you with your homework and tucking you into bed each night. You always liked it when I would scratch your back with a comb.

    The love between the two of us is still there but not the same. Your friends are where you live. I guess I didn’t play with my Dad when I was your age.

    Thank you for all the times you had to get up early so you could pack your clothes to come see me. Then you had to drag that extra bag to school with you so you would have something to wear the next day.

    Oh Mark, I know that you don’t like to take my advice, but you are always willing to listen when I have some of life’s experiences to share with you. Here are just a few:

    1. Always do your best in school. The harder you work now the easier that it will be in high school and college. You don’t want to be struggling in college with something you could have learned in high school.

    2.   keep your room clean. This gives you practice for when you get your own place. There is not a wife or girlfriend that will be willing to train you on how to keep the house clean. Save yourself a lot of hassles later by starting that good habit now.

    3.   Learn to cook and be self-sufficient. The guy who can take care of himself is

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