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Wisdom of the Archangels
Wisdom of the Archangels
Wisdom of the Archangels
Ebook508 pages11 hours

Wisdom of the Archangels

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  • Karma

  • Spirituality

  • Past Lives & Reincarnation

  • Betrayal

  • Seekers

  • Chosen One

  • Mentorship

  • Wise Mentor

  • Past Life Regression

  • Angels as Guides

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Self-Discovery

  • Wounded Healer

  • Angels & Demons

  • Power of Love

  • Angels

  • Healing

  • Ascension

  • Wee People

  • Lightworkers

About this ebook

Challenging and insightful, “Wisdom of the Archangels” contains information honed from many hours of private channeling sessions. Through Margaret Doner the Archangels share their perspectives on such topics as: Individual Karma and Forgiveness, Tasks of the Starseeds, Working with the Divine Feminine, Pleiadian Perspectives and the role of the Seekers. The author says, “Through many private channeling sessions my clients and I have been pushed to awaken to our ‘other selves,’ to release the illusion of linear time, and to remember that we are multi-dimensional beings alive on many planes of existence. It is liberating. It is exhilarating. It is truly who we are.
Release dateDec 22, 2010
Wisdom of the Archangels

Margaret Doner

Margaret Doner received her BFA and MA in dance and choreography and served on the Brown University Theatre Arts faculty before a car accident led to a career change. She is the author of Infinite Darkness/Infinite Light (Vivisphere Press, 2001). She resides in New York with her husband Chris.

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    Wisdom of the Archangels - Margaret Doner

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    I wish to thank all my Lightworker friends for their support and love. You know who you are. The community we have created is astonishing—truly a vision for the New Earth. I am blessed to be surrounded by so many people who are not afraid to do the inner work necessary to clear the old karma and stories so that more Light can be received. We are all truly blessed. We stand together in service to the Light. It takes a community to create change; alone we can’t do it, but together we can. As we awaken to the truth of ourselves we awaken the world. I love you all.

    Table of Contents



    Chapter One:  Group Karma—Channeling For Five Women Group

    Chapter Two:  Individual Karma And Forgiveness—Meredith S.

    Chapter Three:  Individual Soul Karma—Brenda W

    Chapter Four:  Family Karma—Jody R.

    Chapter Five:  God And Free Will—Elizabeth F.

    Chapter Six:  Accessing Different Realms—Sara L.

    Chapter Seven:  A Soul’s Journey – Mother Earth And The Human Consciousness—Lea S.

    Chapter Eight:  Working With The Divine Feminine—Sondra F.



    Chapter Nine:  The Tasks Of The Starseeds—Sandy S.

    Chapter Ten:  The Wee People—Julie W.

    Chapter Eleven:  The Pleiadian Karma—Claudia M.

    Chapter Twelve:  Spiritual Triage—Rhonda R.

    Chapter Thirteen:  Pleiadian Perspectives And The Holographic God Self—Natalie J.

    Chapter Fourteen:  The Galactic Wars: Karma With The Reptilians—Victoria B.

    Chapter Fifteen:  The Seeker—John R.

    Chapter Sixteen:  Arcturian Seeker—Anne A.

    Chapter Seventeen:  The Archivist—Karley K.

    Chapter Eighteen:  A Seeker Questions The Existence Of Other—Harold P.


    Nothing has been more exciting and wonderful for me than to realize over the last few years that the realm known to most of us as angelic has become more and more accessible. It’s not available to just a few—it’s available to all equally. Rather than being relegated to fantasy it has now become a reflection of our Highest Selves. As more and more people awaken from the slumber of separation and despair and remember through personal experience and scientific discovery that Unity Consciousness is not merely a meaningless term but an actual provable reality, they also awaken to other realms. We are not alone gains new meaning on all planes of existence.

    From Masaru Emoto’s, Hidden Messages in Water, and the revelations of the book, The Secret, we are learning that our thoughts literally create our reality: the Universe out prints our individual and collective consciousness. That is why ask and you shall receive is a real truth. But we also have come to realize that we are asking and creating from a place of unawareness. Our individual and collective consciousness has been programmed over time with belief systems of lack, greed, fear, hatred and judgment, and often we are creating from these old paradigms without even realizing it. We are asking from our lower selves instead of our Higher Selves. Such understanding has lead many of us to look at our past lives and at how these lives are carried forward to impact our current lives and to become aware of the frequency control that has been put over us like a veil to keep us asleep.

    If the 2012 experience is about anything it is about waking up. But like all wake up calls for many people this one is quite a rude awakening. We are being called to look in the mirror and rather than blaming others for the dark cloud around us, we are being called to realize that we must look at the part of ourselves that has called this dark cloud to us. Personal responsibility goes hand-in-hand with being a co-creator with God—no more blaming God when we don’t get what we want or when we don’t like what we have co-created. What the angels say is that our job is to lift our consciousness to the place where we too are Christed Beings—this is not about organized religion as we have defined it. Christ and all Enlightened Ones on Earth have shown us that we too can create miracles; we just have to release our doubt and fears and bring our Divine Self into union with our physical human self. Perhaps that is not as impossible as it sounds. Inside each and every one of us is the spark of Divinity—it’s up to us to awaken it.

    We have been imprisoned in ways that we are just beginning to realize—but it doesn’t mean that we have to accept this false imprisonment. If we unplug from the third dimensional matrix and plug in to our Higher Selves we are liberated from anything that anyone can throw at us. But, freedom does not mean denial. Before you can fix something you have to know what’s broken. That’s why I believe the healing is in the shadow—both the individual’s shadow and humanity’s collective shadow. Know Thyself. The symbol of the Yin/Yang includes both dark and light; within the dark is a dot of the light, within the light is a dot of the dark. You cannot be whole and only embrace knowledge from one side of the equation or another. Integration is the idea which runs throughout this entire book—your wisdom has been gained through a wide variety of experiences, through many lifetimes. If you embrace only some of your Selves you can never be enlightened. Enlightenment is to hold it all in the light of higher knowing.

    Through many private channeling sessions my clients and I have been pushed to awaken to our other selves, to release the illusion of linear time, and to remember that we are multi-dimensional beings alive on many planes of existence. It is liberating. It is exhilarating. This is truly who we are. As we move closer and closer to the 2012 End of Days (or as I like to think of it The Beginning of Days) it is up to each one of us to co-create a vision of Heaven on Earth and remember that the world is a reflection of our beliefs—if we want love and abundance for ourselves and others then we must live it day to day.

    Be sure to run over your inner victim on the way to inner Mastery, says Merlin.

    PART I


    I have divided this book into two main sections. This first section is entitled Human Karma Stories because it focuses on the human condition and the karmic stories which everyone carries within them, whether they are conscious of these stories or not. I have been doing past life regression since 1994—I studied and graduated from Roger Woolger’s, Ph.D. (author of Other Lives, Other Selves) program in 1996. There are main themes in the human stories or dramas: abandonment, responsibility for the safety of others, guilt, betrayal, poverty, disloyalty—the list is quite long. But, they are universal. Everyone has them and reacts from the accumulation of their past life stories and dramas whether they are aware of it or not. If the past life is unrecognized and unresolved the drama drives the present life. The person can try and try to be a Master in the Now Moment but it will elude them. To truly be in the Now one must be clear in the past and the present both.

    From the point of view of your Higher Self or Oversoul these lives are not linear and disconnected. They are all you and they just occur in different places. Integrating the human is a major theme of this entire book—the angels believe that it is essential to achieving wholeness and happiness. The idea of soul retrieval is just that: picking up the pieces of your selves that are scattered throughout time and space and re-owning them. Loving all of you is to love the dark, the light, and the abandoned pieces as God loves all of you.




    ANGELS: It is with great delight that we have this opportunity to speak with you, to work with you in this way and to share with you. As always, we introduce ourselves as Ariel, Michael and Gabriel and remind each and every one of you that all of the angels are available to each and every one of you, as we are not exclusive but come when called.

    It is important that we begin today by stating and reminding each of you that you live in a benevolent universe. At this time in human history many of you are forgetting this, while simultaneously, many of you are also remembering the Truth of this statement. What we mean by the fact that you live in a benevolent universe is the idea that you create or co-create your own reality, and that you are not being given things to punish you, to harm you, or even, to harshly judge or teach you, but you are given things as a result of your own consciousness desiring and calling forth to you what it is that you believe you either need, want, desire or at times fear, on some level.

    Although it is hard to imagine that you call to you some of the events that you see around you or that you have experienced, you must understand that in order to step into a responsible or victimless attitude it is necessary to understand that many human beings, and that includes yourselves at times, are creating from past trauma. The human species is in fact a traumatized species. Once you have been traumatized and have awakened fear inside of your consciousness or your collective consciousness, it is easy to reawaken it, and in the reawakening of it, to re-attract the experiences that you fear most.

    It is for this reason that those of you who are choosing to move ahead as spiritual beings and choosing to co-create your reality must become aware of who you are on deeper and deeper levels. This awareness allows you to attract to you what you want and to be aware when you are attracting things to you which you don’t want. If you can root out and release old traumas or places of fear—whether from previous lives or the current lifetime—you are more likely to be manifesting from a cleared palette—a cleared energy field. Then you know that the magnet you are is creating and consciously drawing to you the experiences which support your soul’s growth and highest vision.

    We do not believe that it is necessary, in a sense, to always have what human beings think of as good or positive experiences to create growth, for humans have also been using experiences of pain and difficulty to bump themselves into a higher level of awareness or consciousness. Often times, however, you will find that your painful experiences, if they come too fast and too hard, become so overwhelming with darkness that you cannot release the pain or the darkness, you cannot transform or transmute the consciousness, and you become overwhelmed by the darkness. Thus, you create more darkness for the self and more experiences that are painful for you.

    This idea of moving into higher consciousness means increasing your own vibrational rate. Because your own vibrational rate is increasing, your ability to create and to draw and magnetize to you is also increasing. Because of that, it becomes even more important that you become conscious and that you create and understand and align with the Bigger You: The You who is divine and infinite, and is expansive and knowing. As you become aware, root out your smaller self and replace it with your Higher Self.

    This cannot always be done simply by saying, I will it away. Sometimes the wounding is so deep that it will take much time and many different methods of healing for you to release the wounding, to let it go, to clear out the puss, in a sense, from the wound, so that it becomes clean and you don’t attract places and things to you that are magnetized by that wounding. The first step is always to understand and to recognize it. It is for that reason that you must be very brave to take a journey to higher awareness, a spiritual journey, and you must be willing to look at yourself with a very fine microscope, and be willing to be honest with yourself about what you are creating, about who you are, about where in fact you pass judgment on yourself, where you pass judgment on others and to be willing to look at your fears. You must be willing to look at your limitations and to notice your self-conversation every day. Where is it that you say, I’m no good? Where is it that you say, I can’t do that; I can’t have that; the world is a very bad place; the world is a dangerous place; I must always protect myself? Where is it every day that you call those beliefs to you? You can be assured that if you are operating from those places that fear begins to arise. And where fear arises, energy is magnetized.

    At this time, as many of you are aware, there is this thing going on that humans call the ascension of the earth. There seems to be an awakening and an awareness and simultaneously many of you are seeing a microscope turned on to look into your own darkness and to the shadow part of the human race. We like to let you know that this is because those places must be looked at, those places must be recognized, must be admitted to and must be transformed consciously, with knowledge. Something outside of yourselves is not going to just come in and wash it all away so you don’t have to ever think about or deal with the things that are disturbing to you or that are blocking you.

    But because you are, from our perspective, Masters, it is not our job here in the angelic realm to tell you what to do. It is not our job to live your lives for you, but it is our job to help you know and understand and recognize your Higher Self and to wed your Higher Self, your Mastery, with your human self. It is our job to help you root out those places where you still believe in your limited self, your limitations, where you might be still calling to yourself fear-based thoughts of illness, fear-based thoughts of poverty or loneliness, and to help you to transmute and transform those places into something that makes you feel better, not to just paint over those places and whitewash them and pretend, by putting some sugar coating over your wounds and let the wounding seep down inside of you. That is not what we’re here to do and it is not what the energies of the ascension are here to do. The frequencies of the ascension are here to bring the wounding to the surface, to help transform it and transmute it, and then to call forth a higher frequency, which some of you have dubbed the fifth dimensional realm or fifth dimensional frequency.

    We explain to many people that when we speak of dimensions, we are speaking of levels of consciousness. This is very important for you all to understand, and perhaps you will ask a question about how to raise your consciousness and what consciousness is and how to live in a higher consciousness, so that you can be happy while on the earth and not feel fear or be frightened about those things which you consider to be impending or a danger.

    So, we welcome you here today and we understand that as each one of you transforms yourself and becomes your angelic self while in human body you also assist all others to come closer to their angelic selves. Rather than thinking of that as being a fantasy or something unattainable, we ask each of you to be willing to make the step and to leap into your angelic selves and look at and recognize where it is that you might be holding yourself back from believing that it is indeed possible to be a human angel.

    We invite your questions. We thank you so much because, as we like to explain to human beings, we also learn and there is a realm here that is real and a realm here that is conscious, a realm here that is growing. Just as we are given the opportunity here through our task, which is to assist and to learn from the human race, you also are given the opportunity and the task to assist and to learn from us. So we see it as a mutual sharing and growing, and we thank you for sharing and growing and believing in this realm and the possibility of this connection and in the co-creation between the angelic and the human race.

    DARLENE: My question is: the five of us friends—I probably can’t remember how each one of us came into each other’s lives. But my question is: are we karmically connected somehow? What keeps us together? What brings us together?

    ANGELS: Well, one of the things we first notice about all of you—and as you look around the room, you will notice it as well—is that there is not much overlapping in who you are. Each of you is holding a very distinct and separate point on the pentacle star. Do you see what we’re saying? Each of you has the responsibility to hold a point, to give you an image, if you would align yourselves as that star, you each are holding a different energetic point that when brought together, makes a geometrical formation which holds a consciousness greater than each of your individual parts. We’re going to just stop for a moment, pause, and ask if you understand that first image we gave you.

    DARLENE: I do.

    ANGELS: Okay. So in other words, what we’re saying is the whole is greater than each of your individual parts. Do you understand that?

    DARLENE: Yes.

    ANGELS: You feel that, yes? You understand how, when you’re brought together, you can see a different aspect that’s very distinct, that you’re each holding. You each have a strength and a gift and an energetic ability and also weaknesses that are very distinct. It’s not like—some groups get together and they all feel that they are similar, in a sense. In your case, the strength of this particular alignment or group is your differences. It is the differences in all of you that strengthens you and makes you greater than you are individually. That is one of the reasons that you have called one another together is to make this geometrical star, this five-pointed star.

    Now, the next thing that’s very important for you to understand about the vibrational energy of five is that the vibrational energy of five is the energy of change. It’s an unstable vibration. Do you see what we’re saying? Do you know that, that five is unstable? Four, for example, is very stable.

    DARLENE: Yes.

    ANGELS: Five is the energy of change. When you see a five or 555 somewhere it means change. It means something is changing and transforming. What we feel, with the energy of this five is that you all call each other together to bring a different frequency. You each carry very different frequencies that when brought together create the alchemy of great change for each of you. You stimulate each of you to grow, to move—at times it can bring disagreement or energy that’s not similar but that makes you think or look at something and to grow and to create and to make something bigger than who you are alone.

    From a karmic perspective, from a past life perspective, your energies, when combined, always have been involved in situations or times where there has been change or stress or debate or shifting. When you come together as a fivesome no matter where it is in time or space, the energy combination always is involved at times of great shifting and change.

    For example, one of the times you all came together was in a small town, a small village. One of the things happening in that town at the time was that there was what many of the men felt was a female uprising—the energy of the women was becoming unstable in that town and dissatisfied. One of the things that you had karmically agreed to do energetically was to reincarnate in that town again as that fivesome and use the energies that you all carry to stimulate change in the town for the betterment of the women who lived in the town. The idea of a suffragette movement would be similar. The five of you brought the idea that, We’re not going to be the slaves of the men anymore; we deserve to have a say; we deserve to be real people and not to be the slaves of men. Your energies combined in that experience to be radical and revolutionary; but that is the energy of your fivesome, from our perspective. We’re going to ask you how you resonate with that concept.

    DARLENE: I’m thinking Witches of Eastwick.

    ANGELS: Right, because that was the energy. What is thought of as witch energy.

    DARLENE: The revolt.

    ANGELS: Right. And that is why we mentioned the pentagram, you see. That is a very nice way to simply put it. We always like to find simple human ways to express complicated things. So we’re going to say okay, we’ll go with you there. We like that.

    DARLENE: Knowing each of us, I can see—

    RHONDA: We’re five strong, different personalities.

    LAUREN: Yes.

    JENNA: All leadership, right, every one of us.

    ANGELS: So, there’s always—when you’re together, there’s always some kind of conflict or resolution or searching. It’s a sense that when you come together and make a greater part of a whole you’re going to be stirring the brew. Perhaps that is the best way for us to again simplify it. You have the potential to stir things up but for better. You all want, in your own way, to change the world and to create something better.

    Each of you holds a different energy and you can see the one who is very down to earth and more practical and you can see the one who is a little more fiery and angry, you know? And you can see one who tries to keep the peace and so forth. You can see that you combine and it helps to not only stir things up but also, if one of you acted out of an extreme pull, it wouldn’t be as successful. With all of you, you balance each other out. You make the stirring up possible without destroying any of you individually.

    Do you see what we’re saying by that?

    DARLENE: Yes.

    ANGELS: We mean if you tried to do it alone, you’d be destroyed. So, you stir, you balance, and you create change. That’s the best way for us to summarize it.

    RHONDA: Could you explain the energies of each of us?

    ANGELS: Well, all of you know your energies. No one, of course, perhaps wants to admit to where their place is necessarily, but we’re going to—perhaps we’ll just start with you. Do you want to start with you?

    DARLENE: Absolutely. Sure.

    ANGELS: Okay, so let’s just talk about what your energy is like and where you hold your energy and how you hold your energy. You’re capable of getting riled up and you’re capable of feeling strongly. Let’s see, what is the word we’re trying to find? Just give us a second to get the human word. You have a strong sense of right and wrong and you’re capable—there is one human word we’re struggling for. We will get it—of having—indignation is the word that we’re looking for. You’re capable of holding the indignation.

    Do you understand that? Do you understand that word?

    DARLENE: Well, you could explain a little bit more, please?

    ANGELS: Okay. Well, how do you see indignation? We see it as you have a strong sense of what’s right and wrong, and when something wrong is being done, you hold that is not right! Do you see what we’re saying? That is not right! You shouldn’t do that! You shouldn’t do that! That is what we see is your point in the star. Do you understand that?

    DARLENE: Yes.

    ANGELS: Does that resonate for you?

    DARLENE: Yes.

    ANGELS: Okay. So, that’s your point. So, go ahead, whoever wants—perhaps you don’t all want to know your point on the star. But if you do want to know your point on the star, please speak so that we—

    RHONDA: Yes. We’ll go around the table, so I’ll be next. We’ll take my point on the star.

    ANGELS: Well, you are one who tries to calm and to pacify. So, when the indignation, which is good, comes up, you’re the one who says, But wait, let’s see if we can work this out. That would be your point in the star. Would you understand that?

    RHONDA: Yes.

    LAUREN: How about me?

    ANGELS: Well, you laugh at yourself, yes? Yes, you do. And it’s an interesting energy. You have a very interesting energy because in some ways, it’s contradictory in you. You carry two kinds of contradictory states at the same time. One of the things that you have tended to do… We’re going to use old stories—an action, in other words, to explain.

    In the past life we mentioned, when a woman was being abused—you’re down to earth, you’re practical, and you see the problem. You would see when there was something happening. You would want to go in and you would want to change it, but you had a belief system that there was a way to do it—in other words, you would say, Let’s do it behind the man’s back. You wouldn’t go to his face because you’d say, That’s not going to get us anywhere. You have that practicality. You told the others, Listen, if we go right in there, we’re going to stir up things so badly that we may not succeed, we may not be able to help her. So, you were practical.

    This is how you dealt with the situation in the past life. You said, I’m going to go in there, I’m going to help the woman, with the idea of being a midwife. I’m going to help her, but I’m going to have to help her behind the back of the man. You would figure out a way to do it anyway. You’ll do it anyway. You’ll always do it, but you’re going to figure out how to get it done. Even if it means diversion, if it means using humor or something like that, you will use it to get the job done that you need to get done. That would be how you would approach the problem.

    Do you understand what we’re saying?

    LAUREN: Yes.

    ANGELS: It’s not that you don’t experience indignation, certainly you do. Not that you don’t find peaceful means at times, certainly you do. Not that you’re not capable of using humor, certainly you do. But you will use and figure out what to do that will get what you want done at the time, utilizing and trying to bring everything together, in a sense almost acting or assisting the synthesis by using the perfect method. You’re more grounded than some of the others. Do you see what we’re saying?

    LAUREN: Uh-huh.

    ANGELS: Okay. So there’s no one word but it’s more of an action. If anyone else would like to ask, that would be fine.

    JENNA: That would be me.

    ANGELS: Well, we’re going to put it this way. It’s kind of funny. You’re the brains of the operation. Sometimes that gets in your way, and you know that, yes? Do you understand what we mean by that? Because you come at things from a place of—well, you’re going to look at the other side. You’re not going to take something at face value. That is why we call you the brains. Whereas the peacekeeper would want to operate perhaps sometimes from a place of idealism, it would be your job to bring in points that would perhaps not be seen by the others. Do you understand what we mean?

    JENNA: Yes.

    ANGELS: We’re going to put it this way. It’s a silly way to put it but it’s your job to remind the others at all times of the shadow ever lurking, you know? Don’t forget to look at that, be wary and know and think, don’t leap. The brains. So, we’re going to ask if there is another that wishes to speak.

    RITA: Yes, I wanted to know about my part.

    ANGELS: Well, it’s interesting because you have held what is essentially the purity in the point. By that, it’s very interesting because in the life we spoke about where you were all together; you are like the conventional woman. You were the woman of the town that everyone looked up to as being the good housewife and being the good one. You struggled with joining forces with the rabble rousers. But at the same time you are the conduit or the link between the townsfolk and the rabble rousers. They needed to have someone who understood the town folk. Do you see what we’re saying? Who understood? And everyone looked at you in the town as being so pure and the good one, that no one suspected that you were part of this group. That is what we mean by kind of holding what was thought of as the pure point. Do you see what we’re saying?

    RITA: We see.

    ANGELS: So, each of you has these abilities but when you combine them, they create this beautiful star, and the star perpetuates change and creates a much greater energy. We salute you for doing this.




    ANGELS: We are so delighted to have this opportunity to speak with you and to work with you in this way. This is the Archangel Ariel who is speaking with you. As you are aware, the angels Gabriel and Michael are also with this conduit. However, any angel is available to you if you wish to call upon an angelic energy specifically.

    We wish to begin today by speaking to you a little bit about some of the wounded places that you have. It’s not that we wish you to live there, it’s not that we wish to in any way hurt you or harm you, but it is our belief system that if we can expose for you and help you to remember some of the places that you’re still wounded, some of the pain that you still hold, that you can release it, that you can move past it. It’s difficult, particularly for an individual to see some of the more wounded places because it is the natural instinct of a human to run away from what hurts and to want pleasure.

    Often times, in running away from the pain or the hurt, the part of the self that is wounded begins to feel quite orphaned. It gets lonely; it gets sad, its pain increases. So, it’s the idea that if you embrace those wounded or painful parts of the self and are able to address them and look at them, then they become unified with you and they are no longer an irritant. They can be healed, they can be forgiven, they can be integrated, and they can ultimately become your teachers. And it is the idea that these places can help teach you that frees you from holding them as wounding and helps you to embrace these places as something positive, as a blessing.

    We’re going to go right to what we see as one of the most painful woundings which is still carried deep within you; and it is from what humans call a past life. We will talk to you today about the idea of past lives and help you to understand that from the perspective of your soul, since there is no past, or future, since the soul is out of linear time, the wounding and the experiences and the knowledge and the teachings that you receive from what appear to be past lives are very present life as well.

    The deepest wounding comes from a life as a small child. In that life, you were a boy, and your family was living in a very simple house, what you would think of today as a cottage or a cabin, that kind of simplicity. You were not wealthy. You lived simply in your cottage. And for the earliest part of your life, it was actually quite a good life, an innocent and sublime life, and you enjoyed very much how you spent your earliest years.

    There came a time in that life where attackers, invaders if you will, came and they slaughtered your family. But what happened to you that made it even worse for you was that you hid. You were able to hide and they did not find you. You crouched down and you hid. As you crouched down and hid in the corner behind things, quietly, unfortunately, you were also witnessing and experiencing through your ears the sounds of the brutality, and it paralyzed you. You never recovered emotionally, as you can imagine, although you lived. You were so traumatized that you were the living dead.

    That imprinted upon your soul the belief system, which had already been set up through other lives, but sealed for you the belief system of how unsafe the world is and how painful it is to be alive. It sealed in your soul the idea to protect yourself and to hide and to stay small. When you are not incarnate, when you are what humans would call between your lifetimes or in a spiritual body, you resist incarnating, embodying. It’s not what you look forward to. Again, it’s the idea that it makes you feel unsafe and you want to just hide where it’s safe.

    So, we begin with what we see is that deepest wounding; everything else that you experience or that you go through comes from that most deepest wounding that you still contain within you—that emotionally paralyzed child. You want to learn to overcome it. You’ve tried to overcome it with your intelligence, with your mind, with your mental prowess. But, no matter how much you learn or you study or you try to understand, there’s still that wounded child that wounded self part of you that doesn’t know how to be safe on this planet.

    Now that is a universal, we understand. It is a universal. From our perspective, every human being is doing what they do because they think that they are going to be safe if they do it. Whether it is to be aggressive and to fight or whether it is to hide, it is the individual’s reaction to the events of their lives that cause them to react in a certain way, to create the situations that they believe will make them safe in an unsafe world.

    Your way of coping, your method of coping is your own. It is your particular signature, and that signature at times is an overcompensation of the mental body trying to hold on when the emotional body starts to shake or feel unsafe. The mental body tries to convince it that it’s safe and figure out ways to be safe. But from our perspective, if we were just to jump into a life, if you will, an experience that your soul has had that has deeply wounded you, we would point to the one we just mentioned.

    We’re going to just pause for a moment and ask if you’re with us so far, if you understand why we might have chosen to begin in this manner.

    MEREDITH: Yes, it makes sense based on how I feel about life. I think it makes a lot of sense.

    ANGELS: Okay. So what we want you to understand is that as painful and difficult—and we’re going to ask you to close your eyes for a moment and go ahead and imagine an image for yourself of what that life might have been like for you, that small boy, that experience—where would you have been crouching? What position would your body have been in? See an

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