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The Hidden Paw's First 20 Logical Puzzles
The Hidden Paw's First 20 Logical Puzzles
The Hidden Paw's First 20 Logical Puzzles
Ebook97 pages59 minutes

The Hidden Paw's First 20 Logical Puzzles

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About this ebook

This card trick eBook is different from the other Puzzle eBooks on this site. It contains a collection of 20 logical card tricks. The 20 tricks have been collected over the years, and when known, their originator is cited.

Why are they Called Logical Card Tricks? Most books, YouTube clips or websites refer to card tricks as Magic Card Tricks. Some even use the term Mathematical Card Tricks. Yet very often, magic and math include deception such as using stacked decks, marked cards, sleight of hand or pre-arranged communications with assistants. This eBook is supported by visual images of piles, decks or procedures. (Below is a sample you can download).

The Hidden Paw's card tricks are purely logical in that there is no deception of any kind. The tricks follow a procedure, usually carried out by Vic or Victoria, the Victims. The procedures seem random. But at heart, there is always an ingenious logical process that results in a marvelous result: cards are guessed, two randomly placed cards are matched or weird patterns arise. Very often extremely little communication is exchanged between you and your victims resulting in a marvelous effect at the end.

The intended age bracket is from early teens onwards.
Release dateJun 4, 2018
The Hidden Paw's First 20 Logical Puzzles

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    Book preview

    The Hidden Paw's First 20 Logical Puzzles - Akram Najjar

    The Hidden Paw’s First 20 Logical Card Tricks

    by Akram Najjar

    POB 113-5623, Beirut, Lebanon

    Visit the site for this book at:

    Email the author at: [email protected]

    Published by Gatekeeper Press

    2167 Stringtown Rd, Suite 109

    Columbus, OH 43123-2989

    All rights reserved

    Copyright © 2016

    Registration submitted to the US Copyright Office

    Registration TXu 2-038-347 (2016)

    eISBN: 9781642372144

    No part of this book may be reproduced except for printing the puzzles in order to solve them. Otherwise, the book may not be transmitted in any form, electronic or mechanical, in part or in full, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from the author.


    1) All line graphics in this book are by the author.

    2) All other graphics are purchased under license from The Art Box by Hemera Technologies Inc. at

    3) Playing card faces were downloaded from Google Code and are in the public domain.

    4) Cover photography by the author.

    5) Puzzles whose sources are known have been credit within the text.

    Table of Contents

    1.0 Introduction

    2.0 Who is the Hidden Paw?

    3.0 Conventions

    4.0 What about Explaining the Tricks?

    Trick 1: Spelling a Card’s Value and its Suit

    Trick 2: Count up to Ten on 3 Piles

    Trick 3: Matching 5 to 5 Cards

    Trick 4: Water and Wine

    Trick 5: The Probability Sequence

    Trick 6: A Card Trick with Pascal’s Triangle

    Trick 7: 5 Face up and 5 Face down Cards Match

    Trick 8: Invoking the Power of 3

    Trick 9: Locate a Card from 9 by Dealing the Deck into 4 Piles

    Trick 10: Insert 3 Cards into 3 Piles and Find them by Dealing

    Trick 11: The Bounty Hunter Finds the Killer

    Trick 12: Reduce the Count of 3 Piles of Cards

    Trick 13: Spell the 4 Aces and their Suites and Find them

    Trick 14: Two Piles of 26 with the 7th as a Predictor

    Trick 15: 3 Piles with 14 Cards Each. Select 1 Card and a Finder

    Trick 16: Three Piles that Count up to 10

    Trick 17: Three Victims Three Secret Numbers

    Trick 18: The 3 Selected Cards and their Complement

    Trick 19: The 27 Card Trick

    Trick 20: Red Card Magic

    Meet the Author

    1.0 Introduction

    Many of the tricks in this eBook are traditional tricks found in various puzzle books such as those by Martin Gardner and other puzzling heroes. They are also available in many YouTube clips under titles such as magic card tricks, magic tricks, card tricks and mathematical tricks. Such titles are common but can be misleading: mathematical tricks are grouped under magic. Magic tricks are not magical since they resort to ruses such as stacked decks, marked cards, sleight of hand, audience plants and other methods of fooling their victims.

    The card tricks in this eBook can best be categorized as logical tricks. I have moved away from the term mathematical which is a good description for some of them, but not all: those that use probability (only one) and some that use modular arithmetic. Many rely on dealing cards based on an organized procedure that leads to marvelous results. Logical as a description works better because all of these tricks rely on methodical ways of handling the deck.

    More importantly, all the tricks, except one (the wine and water trick), are transparent. Nothing is done behind the victim’s back. In fact, I have changed many of the tricks so that they can be completely conducted by the victim. Watching the face of some of them as they unfold the marvelous punch lines has been marvelous too.

    As for our mascot, the Hidden Paw is one of the names T. S. Eliot gave to Macavity the Mystery Cat in his book Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. Macavity was a puzzling cat. He drove Scotland Yard mad with puzzle solving frenzy. I hope you hear him purring as you solve these puzzles.

    The Hidden Paw has other eBooks:

    The Hidden Paw’s First 50 Puzzles

    The Hidden Paw’s Second 50 Puzzles

    The Hidden Paw’s Third 50 Puzzles

    There are more puzzles and puzzle books on

    You will find other technical by the author on and literary works on

    Akram Najjar

    October 2016

    2.0 Who is the Hidden Paw?

    T. S. Eliot wrote a wonderful book called Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats. Eliot showed his love and understanding of cats as no other writer had done before or since. This book became the basis of the successful musical, Cats.

    One of the poems in the book is entitled: Macavity, the Mystery Cat. The Hidden Paw is one of the names of Macavity. What better name for the mascot of a puzzle book than the ginger Hidden Paw?

    Macavity: The Mystery Cat

    Macavity’s a Mystery Cat: he’s called the Hidden Paw --

    For he’s the master criminal who can defy the Law.

    He’s the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad’s despair:

    For when they reach the scene of crime -- Macavity’s not there!

    Macavity, Macavity, there’s no on like Macavity,


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