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Meaningful Quotes: The Good Life
Meaningful Quotes: The Good Life
Meaningful Quotes: The Good Life
Ebook68 pages43 minutes

Meaningful Quotes: The Good Life

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About this ebook

'Meaningful Quotes' has over 500 awesome speaks from the famous and not so famous. There are witty quotes to make you smile, wise quotes - including a few from Albert Einstein :-) - positive and inspiring quotes, phrases and sayings that will bring a truly meaningful experience to your world.

*Funny quotes about the not-so-joyous moments with kids will comfort anyone who is juggling real life with parenting!

*Money quotes will absolutely help to up the income."

*The Power and Love section says it all with beautiful, amusing and inspirational quotes to bring joy to the mind, body and spirit.

Quotes categories include:

General Observations about life
Power and Love

and some! 500 quotable quotes to up the action in your day!

PublisherLinda Gray
Release dateJun 3, 2018
Meaningful Quotes: The Good Life

Linda Gray

Linda Gray lived off the land as a stay-at-home mum on a tiny budget for many years and, among other things, learned how to connect with nature and the simpler things in life. Her experiences led her to pursue her childhood dream of writing and she has been sharing her ideas via books and blogs for more than a decade.

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    Meaningful Quotes - Linda Gray


    Having indulged in lots of feel good books over the past decade or so, I've realised that a lot can be found in very few words. Not that the books are too wordy, it's just that words of wisdom often come in very neat little packages... quotes for example!

    I've been collecting and loving quotes for years, even using them for Facebook updates - as you do - I've sorted them out a little so you can choose a type of quote to suit your day, or moment.

    Some of the quotes are supposed to be amusing. I truly believe we should all be able to laugh at ourselves sometimes. It kind of brings you back to reality to know all of us make silly 'mistakes' from time to time.

    Although, if the philosophers had their way, these mistakes are not really 'mistakes' - they are in fact an opportunity for learning and the best way to learn is to enjoy the study. So why not laugh? - The message and lesson will get to your heart much quicker.

    Every day should be filled with love and appreciation. The more we can tip the balance from negative to positive, the better the world will be... sounds a bit hippy I know, but there is a fundamental truth in this. You know what it's like... you get ready to go out feeling great and you attract great people and things to you. Go out feeling miserable and, if you do end up chatting to someone, it'll likely be about the awful weather or the terrible mess the world's in. This does NOT make you feel good.

    Quotes can also be turned into affirmations. Affirmations really do help you feel good. Thinking (or saying out loud) I am worthy for example as many times a day as you can, will help you feel more confident and better about yourself more often, and will eventually help to convince you that you really are simply wonderful!

    I hope this book brings a smile into your world :-)

    P.S. I’ve sprinkled a few feel-good illustrations throughout the book to avoid it looking like the thousands of thousands of words it really is!

    General Advice & Observations

    Don’t worry about the world ending today – it’s already tomorrow in Australia. Steven Wright

    Talk to a man about himself and he will listen for hours.

    Benjamin Disraeli

    The speeches to be wary of are those that begin, ‘I’m just going to say a few words. Frank Muir

    The only way to be absolutely safe is never to try anything for the first time. Magnus Pyke

    Don’t tell your friends their faults. After they cure them, they’ll never forgive you. Logan Pearsall Smith

    Never buy a portable TV set from a man in the street who’s out of breath. Arnold Glasgow

    Speak when you’re angry and you will make the best speech you’ll ever regret. Ambrose Bierce

    It is not economical to go to bed early to save the candles if the result is twins. Chinese Proverb

    Never trust a man who, when he’s alone in a room with a tea cosy, doesn’t try it on. Billy Connolly

    Never invest your money in anything that eats. Billy Rose

    If you want the world to beat a path to your door, try taking a nap on a Sunday afternoon. George Brown

    In painting a ceiling a good rule of thumb is that there should be at least as much paint on the ceiling as there is in your hair.

    P J O’Rourke

    "Get your

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