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Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam
Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam
Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam
Ebook62 pages1 hour

Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam

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Islam provides a basis and guideline for living one's life. Within this, there is a very detailed concept of ethical and social behavior which allows us to deduce that the concept of social responsibility automatically has a role in Islam. The aim of this study is to review the Islamic principles of CSR, and the definition of a structured social corporate responsibility (CSR), and based on this responsibility. And provide a practical through the international financial institutions that can implement CSR policies framework. This study provides the basis of social responsibilities that apply to those derived from divine sources of international financial institutions.
Release dateFeb 8, 2018
Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam

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    Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility in Islam - Hussein Elasrag


    Islam provides a basis and guideline for living one’s life. Within this, there is a very detailed concept of ethical and social behavior which allows us to deduce that the concept of social responsibility automatically has a role in Islam. This is a critical point that must be firstly understood as the role of moral ethics has been underpinned in Islam for over 1440 years whilst the concept of CSR remains relatively new for businesses today.

    The concept of social responsibility in Islam is discussed considering Islamic religious values and beliefs according to Shari’ah, the sacred law of Islam derived from the holy Qur’an (book of divine revelation), Hadith (sayings and deeds of the holy Prophet Mohammed [PBUH]), Ijma (consensus), Qiyas (reasoning by analogy), and Maslaha (public interest). The purpose of the Islamic system (maqasid al Shari’ah) is material as well as spiritual. The goal of an Islamic social system is based on falah (human well-being) and hayat tayyibah (good life), both of which stress brotherhood and socio-economic justice, as well as a balance between the material and spiritual requirements of all human being that is necessary to preserve and enrich faith, life intellect, posterity and wealth. The concept of social responsibility and justice in Islam considering the holy Qur’an and Hadith suggests that there seems to be congruence between the ideals of social responsibility and justice and business transactions in Islam that has a resonance with prevailing notions of corporate social responsibility (CSR). This perspective on social justice and responsibility lays the foundation for the study of Islamic understandings and practice of corporate social responsibility. From this viewpoint, within Islam, as it is practiced amongst Muslims, the relationship between commercial activity and civil society is taken as natural and the rules of practice are embedded in the Islamic precepts. The value of social responsibility, either individually or collectively, has been recognized throughout history, and more structured programs for endowments and zakat were introduced by Islam in the 7th century. Major organizations throughout the world now realize that corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an important part of a company's operations, because of its positive impact on society, which in turn impacts positively on staff members and the public.

    The scope of this book is to briefly outline some of the major aspects of Islam which give consideration for businesses and their push towards Corporate  Social  Responsibility.  It considers the belief system of Islam and how this belief has a significant underpinning of social behavior.


    Islam provides a basis and guideline for living one’s life. Within this, there is a very detailed concept of ethical and social behavior which allows us to deduce that the concept of social responsibility automatically has a role in Islam. This is a critical point that must be firstly understood as the role of moral ethics has been underpinned in Islam for over 1400 years whilst the concept of CSR remains relatively new for businesses today.

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been associated with related terms like business ethics, corporate performance, corporate accountability, corporate responsibility and stake holder involvement. In recent years CSR has grown into a well-known collective expression. The growth of CSR has been a result of organizations realizing their responsibility toward their stake holders in the context of business scandals (e.g. Enron) and a growing concern for environmental changes (e.g. global warming).

    The European Union defines CSR as a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interactions with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis (European Commission, 2002). According to Vernon and Mackenzie (2007), the question of whether companies should seek to do good by exercising CSR, rather than concentrate solely on wealth creation, is no longer interesting and in fact the focus today is on how well companies do good. Increasingly stake holders expect

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